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English-German translation for: [knee]
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Dictionary English German: [knee]

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gashed {adj} {past-p} [knee etc.]
aufgeschnitten [Schnittwunde]
med. lacerated {adj} {past-p} [knee, ankle, etc.]
aufgeschlagen [Knie, Knöchel usw.]
bot. zool. geniculate {adj} [bent like a knee]knieförmig (umgebogen)
to sit [sb. on one's knee etc.]
setzen [jdn. auf etw.]
to gash sth. [one's knee, one's head]sichDat. etw. aufschlagen [das Knie, den Kopf]
med. to scrape sth. [one's knee, skin]sichDat. aufschürfen [das Knie, die Haut]
med. to scrape sth. [one's skin, knee, etc.]sichDat. etw.Akk. schürfen [die Haut, das Knie, etc.]
anat. genu [knee]
Genu {n} [Knie]
traffic transp. TrVocab. jeepney [portmanteau of 'jeep' and 'jitney' (or 'knee')]
Jeepney {m} {n} [philippinischer Autobus]
cloth. [knee-high stockings, worn with the national / traditional costume, e.g. in Bavaria, Austria, Switzerland]Trachtenstrümpfe {pl}
med. arthroscopy [e.g. of the shoulder, knee joint]Spiegelung {f} [eines Gelenkes]
VetMed. zool. hamstring [in quadrupeds: the single large tendon found behind the knee or comparable area]langer Sitzbeinmuskel {m} [z. B. beim Pferd]
cloth. hist. smallclothes [knee breeches] [archaic]Kniehosen {pl}
2 Words: Verbs
med. to bruise one's sth. [e.g. one's knee]sichDat. etw. prellen [z. B. das Knie]
to give way [knee]einknicken [Knie]
to give way [legs, knee joint, etc.]wegsacken [ugs.] [wegknicken] [Beine, Gelenk usw.]
2 Words: Nouns
geogr. hydro. (sharp) bend [river knee]Knie {n} [markante Flussbiegung]
med. genu valgum [knock-knee]Genu valgum {n} [X-Bein]
med. giving way [of a joint, esp. of the knee joint]Weggleiten {n} [eines Gelenks, bes. des Kniegelenks]
med. giving way [of a joint, esp. of the knee joint]Wegknicken {n} [eines Gelenks, bes. des Kniegelenks]
med. internal derangement <ID> [knee joint, temporomandibular joint]Binnenschädigung {f} [Kniegelenk, Kiefergelenk]
anat. joint line [knee]Gelenklinie {f} [Knie]
med. knee phenomenon [knee jerk]Kniephänomen {n}
med. lift-off [e.g. knee joint]Aufklappbarkeit {f} [z. B. Kniegelenk]
med. nun's knee [coll.] [knee bursitis]Nonnenknie {n} [ugs.] [Kniescheibenschleimbeutelentzündung]
VetMed. offset knee [bench knee]verschobenes Knie {n} [Stellungsanomalie bei Pferden]
med. prepatellar bursitis [knee bursitis]Bursitis präpatellaris {f}
med. quadriceps reflex [knee-jerk reflex]Quadrizepsdehnungsreflex {m} [Patellarsehnenreflex]
geogr. Rhine knee [also: Rhine's knee]Rheinknie {n}
geogr. Rhone knee [Rhône knee]Rhoneknie {n}
med. runner's knee [coll.] [kneecap pain or anterior knee pain]Läuferknie {n} [ugs.]
med. runners knee <RK> [spv.] [runner's knee]Läuferknie {n}
MedTech. thigh orthosis [knee-ankle-foot-orthosis]Ganzbeinorthese {f} [Knie-Knöchel-Fuß-Orthese]
med. transfemoral amputation <TFA> [above-knee amputation]Oberschenkelamputation {f} <OSA, OS-Amputation>
med. MedTech. transfemoral prosthesis <TFP> [above-knee prosthesis]Oberschenkelprothese {f} <OS-Prothese>
med. transtibial amputation <TTA> [below-knee amputation]Unterschenkelamputation {f} <USA, US-Amputation>
med. MedTech. transtibial prosthesis [below-knee prosthesis]Unterschenkelprothese {f} <US-Prothese>
med. unhappy triad [damage to the knee joint or elbow joint]Unhappy Triad {f} [Unhappy-Triad-Verletzung des Knie- bzw. Ellenbogengelenks]
3 Words: Others
med. non-weight bearing {adj} [e. g. knee]unbelastet [z. B. Knie]
3 Words: Nouns
med. Apley knee test [also: Apley's knee test] [rare] [Apley grind test]Apley-Test {m}
med. collateral ligament injury [knee]Seitenbandverletzung {f}
med. full-leg orthosis [knee-ankle-foot orthosis]Ganzbeinorthese {f} [Knie-Knöchel-Fuß-Orthese]
med. iliotibial band syndrome <ITBS, ITB syndrome> [runner's knee]Iliotibialbandsyndrom {n} <ITBS, ITB-Syndrom> [Läuferknie]
med. iliotibial band syndrome <ITBS, ITB syndrome> [runner's knee]ilio-tibiales Bandsyndrom {n} <ITBS, ITB-Syndrom> [Läuferknie]
med. O'Donoghue's (unhappy) triad [knee injury involving multiple ligaments and cartilage]Unhappy Triad {f} des Kniegelenks
hist. Wounded Knee Massacre [1890]Massaker {n} von Wounded Knee [auch: Wounded-Knee-Massaker]
4 Words: Nouns
cloth. (a pair of) knickers {pl} [Am.] [short for: knickerbockers] [loose-fitting short pants gathered at the knee]Kniebundhose {f}
med. lateral collateral ligament injury [knee]Außenbandschaden {m} [Knie]
med. locking of the knee [locked knee]Kniesperre {f}
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