| English | German | |
| insensitive {adj} [lacking feeling] | 745 gefühllos [unempfindlich, hartherzig] | |
| stuffy {adj} [lacking fresh air or ventilation] | 603 muffig [stickig, ungelüftet] | |
| vulgar {adj} [lacking good taste] | 403 geschmacklos [stillos] | |
| insipid {adj} [lacking flavour] | 387 geschmacklos [ohne Geschmack, fade] | |
| poor {adj} [lacking money] | 308 unbemittelt [geh.] | |
| crude {adj} [lacking tact or sophistication] | 230 plump [fig.] [dreist, unbeholfen] | |
| sloppy {adj} [lacking care or effort] | 172 schludrig [ugs.] | |
| gauche {adj} [lacking ease of manner] | 164 linkisch [im Verhalten] | |
| vacant {adj} [lacking expression] | 158 ausdruckslos | |
| wanting {adj} {pres-p} [absent, lacking] | 127 fehlend | |
| sloppy {adj} [lacking care or effort] | 105 schluderig [ugs.] | |
| brittle {adj} [lacking warmth, aloof] | 103 kühl [Person] | |
| incontinent {adj} [lacking self-restraint] | 76 hemmungslos | |
| impious {adj} [lacking respect] | 67 pietätlos [geh.] | |
| flabby {adj} [lacking strength, vitality, or effectiveness] | 53 weichlich [pej.] [schlapp] | |
| lightweight {adj} [lacking intellectual depth] | 53 seicht [fig.] | |
| generic {adj} [pej.] [lacking individuality, originality, common: e.g. way of saying farewell] | 40 gewöhnlich [herkömmlich, üblich, formelhaft: z. B. Verabschiedung] | |
| static {adj} [lacking movement] | 36 bewegungslos | |
| timid {adj} [lacking conviction, assurance] | 34 kleinmütig [geh.] | |
| film lit. theatre cardboard {adj} [attr.] [of a fictional character: lacking depth] | 32 flach [pej.] [Roman- oder Filmfigur: oberflächlich (gezeichnet)] | |
| med. anorectic {adj} [lacking appetite] | 26 appetitlos | |
| incontinent {adj} [lacking self-restraint] | 21 zügellos | |
| photo. flat {adj} [lacking contrast] | 19 kontrastlos | |
| meagre {adj} [Br.] [lacking in quantity or quality] | 18 schmal [geh.] [knapp, unzureichend, karg] | |
| raw {adj} [lacking experience or understanding] | 18 grün [oft pej.] [unerfahren] | |
| shoddy {adj} [lacking moral principle] | 18 schofel [ugs.] [pej.] [schäbig, niederträchtig] | |
| minus {prep} [coll.] [lacking] | 11 ohne [+Akk.] | |
| unmannered {adj} [lacking good manners, rude] | 10 unhöflich [ungehobelt] | |
| unhandy {adj} [lacking dexterity] | 7 ungeschickt | |
| timidly {adj} [lacking courage and self-confidence] | 5 verzagt [geh.] | |
| [lacking in newsworthy excitement] {adj} | sensationsarm | |
| beige {adj} [fig.] [lacking distinction: e.g. politicians] | farblos [fig.] [z. B. Politiker] | |
| characterless {adj} [lacking originality] | nichts sagend | |
| fortuneless {adj} [literary] [lacking wealth] | vermögenslos | |
| incontinent {adj} [lacking self-restraint] | unenthaltsam | |
| incontinent {adj} [lacking self-restraint] | unkeusch | |
| incontinent {adj} [lacking self-restraint] | unmäßig | |
| manless {adj} [rare] [lacking in manhood] | unmännlich | |
| rayless {adj} [lacking rays] | ohne Strahlen [nachgestellt] | |
| trustless {adj} [lacking trust] | vertrauenslos | |
| unmannered {adj} [lacking good manners; rude] | ungehobelt [grobschlächtig, unhöflich] | |
| woolly {adj} [lacking in clearness or sharpness of outline] | unscharf | |
Verbs |
| to lack sth. [e.g. money is lacking, he lacks money] | an etw.Dat. hapern [unpersönlich gebildet (z. B. es hapert am Geld, bei ihm hapert es am Geld)] | |
Nouns |
| nothingburger [Am.] [coll.] [also: nothing burger] [sth. that is lacking in substance] | 7 Nothingburger {m} [auch: Nothing-Burger] [Neol.] | |
| placelessness [without a place of refuge or lacking the customary human relation to a country, area, etc] | Ortlosigkeit {f} | |
2 Words: Others |
| dead (to) {adj} [lacking sensitivity, unresponsive] | unempfänglich (für) | |
| smooth-faced {adj} [lacking hair on the face] | bartlos | |
| socially awkward {adj} [lacking communicative and social competence] | sozial inkompetent | |
| time-poor {adj} [lacking free time] | mit wenig Freizeit [nachgestellt] | |
| weak-minded {adj} [lacking conviction] | wankelmütig | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| audio med. deaf-muteness [lacking the sense of hearing and the ability to speak] | Taubstummheit {f} [ugs.; fachspr. veraltet für: Gehörlosigkeit] | |
| incontinent person [lacking self-restraint] | unbeherrschte Person {f} | |
| pod person [coll.] [lacking individuality] | farblose Person {f} [fig.] | |
3 Words: Others |
| rough-and-ready {adj} [lacking polished manners] | unkultiviert | |
| sb. is a cheeseball [Am.] [coll.] [pej.] [is lacking taste, style] | jd. leidet an Geschmacksverirrung [ugs.] [pej.] | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| to be running on empty [fig.] [lacking energy] | ausgepowert sein [ugs.] | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| audio med. deaf-mutism / deaf mutism [lacking the sense of hearing and the ability to speak] | Taubstummheit {f} [ugs.; fachspr. veraltet für: Gehörlosigkeit] | |
| stick-in-the-mud [coll.] [pej.] [person lacking initiative or enthusiasm] | Schlaftablette {f} [fig.] [ugs.] [pej.] [jd., dem es an Schwung fehlt] | |
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