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| relig. Habemus Papam. [Lat.] [We have a pope.] | Habemus Papam. [lat.] [Wir haben einen Papst.] | |
| law spec. Unverified fault in choice [Lat. culpa in eligendo] | Auswahlverschulden {n} [lat. culpa in eligendo] | |
| law Unverified fault in selecting [Lat. culpa in eligendo] | Auswahlverschulden {n} [lat. culpa in eligendo] | |
| Maecenas | Mäcen {m} [lat. Name] | |
| spec. gyrate {adj} | gyratus [nachgestellt] [lat.] [gewunden] | |
| hist. Vandals | Vandilier {pl} [Vandalen] [Lat. vandilii] | |
| zool. craniate {adj} | mit Schädel [lat. cranium] | |
| mus. plain chant | Cantus {m} Planus [Lat.] | |
| math. senary {adj} | senär [lat.: je sechs enthaltend] | |
| relig. preface [liturgy] | Präfation {f} [lat. praefatio - "Vorgebet"] | |
| astron. Hunting Dogs [constellation] | Jagdhunde {pl} [lat. Canes Venatici] <CVn> [Sternbild] | |
| quote Et Tu Brute? [lat.] [William Shakespeare] | Brutus, auch du? | |
| relig. abbot president [as title: Abbot President] | Abtpräses {m} [lat. abbas praeses] | |
| law for one's own {adv} | pro domo [lat.] [in eigener Sache] | |
| to say sth. sub rosa [Lat., educated usage] | etw. im Vertrauen sagen | |
| relig. Rule of Saint Benedict | Regel des Heiligen Benedikt {f} [lat. Rula Benedicti] | |
| law pol. case for the alliance [lat. Casus foederis, according to article 5 of Nato] | Nato-Bündnisfall {m} | |
| proverb After the storm comes the calm. [Lat.: post nubila Phoebus] | Nach dem Regen kommt Sonnenschein. | |
| proverb A word to the wise is enough. [Lat.: sapienti sat (est)] | Dem Weisen genügt ein Wort. | |
| delineavit | delineavit <del., delin.> [lat.: hat (es) gezeichnet] | |
| astron. Aquila <Aql> [constellation] | Adler {m} [lat. Aquila] <Aql> [Sternbild] | |
| astron. Crater <Crt> [constellation] | Becher {m} [lat. Crater] <Crt> [Sternbild] | |
| astron. Lacerta <Lac> [constellation] | Eidechse {f} [lat. Lacerta] <Lac> [Sternbild] | |
| astron. Musca <Mus> [constellation] | Fliege {f} [lat. Musca] <Mus> [Sternbild] | |
| astron. Vulpecula <Vul> [constellation] | Fuchs {m} [lat. Vulpecula] <Vul> [Sternbild] | |
| astron. Auriga <Aur> [constellation] | Fuhrmann {m} [lat. Auriga] <Aur> [Sternbild] | |
| astron. Equuleus <Equ> [constellation] | Füllen {n} [lat. Equuleus] <Equ> [Sternbild] | |
| astron. Caelum <Cae> [constellation] | Grabstichel {m} [lat. Caelum] <Cae> [Sternbild] | |
| astron. Lepus <Lep> [constellation] | Hase {m} [lat. Lepus] <Lep> [Sternbild] | |
| astron. Grus <Gru> [constellation] | Kranich {m} [lat. Grus] <Gru> [Sternbild] | |
| astron. Lyra <Lyr> [constellation] | Leier {f} [lat. Lyra] <Lyr> [Sternbild] | |
| astron. Lynx <Lyn> [constellation] | Luchs {m} [lat. Lynx] <Lyn> [Sternbild] | |
| astron. Antlia <Ant> [constellation] | Luftpumpe {f} [lat. Antlia] <Ant> [Sternbild] | |
| astron. Pictor <Pic> [constellation] | Maler {m} [lat. Pictor] <Pic> [Sternbild] | |
| astron. Reticulum <Ret> [constellation] | Netz {n} [lat. Reticulum] <Ret> [Sternbild] | |
| astron. Apus <Aps> [constellation] | Paradiesvogel {m} [lat. Apus] <Aps> [Sternbild] | |
| astron. Horologium <Hor> [constellation] | Pendeluhr {f} [lat. Horologium] <Hor> [Sternbild] | |
| astron. Pavo <Pav> [constellation] | Pfau {m} [lat. Pavo] <Pav> [Sternbild] | |
| astron. Corvus <Crv> [constellation] | Rabe {m} [lat. Corvus] <Crv> [Sternbild] | |
| astron. Scutum <Sct> [constellation] | Schild {m} [lat. Scutum] <Sct> [Sternbild] | |
| astron. Ophiuchus <Oph> [constellation] | Schlangenträger {m} [lat. Ophiuchus] <Oph> [Sternbild] | |
| astron. Serpentarius [dated] [Ophiuchus] | Schlangenträger {m} [lat. Ophiuchus] <Oph> [Sternbild] | |
| astron. Cygnus <Cyg> [constellation] | Schwan {m} [lat. Cygnus] <Cyg> [Sternbild] | |
| astron. Dorado <Dor> [constellation] | Schwertfisch {m} [lat. Dorado] <Dor> [Sternbild] | |
| astron. Mensa <Men> [constellation] | Tafelberg {m} [lat. Mensa] <Men> [Sternbild] | |
| astron. Columba <Col> [constellation] | Taube {f} [lat. Columba] <Col> [Sternbild] | |
| astron. Tucana <Tuc> [constellation] | Tukan {m} [lat. Tucana] <Tuc> [Sternbild] | |
| astron. Cetus <Cet> [constellation] | Walfisch {m} [lat. Cetus] <Cet> [Sternbild] | |
| astron. Hydra <Hya> [constellation] | Wasserschlange {f} [lat. Hydra] <Hya> [Sternbild] | |
| astron. Norma <Nor> [constellation] | Winkelmaß {n} [lat. Norma] <Nor> [Sternbild] | |
| astron. Circinus <Cir> [constellation] | Zirkel {m} [lat. Circinus] <Cir> [Sternbild] | |
| educ. rite {adj} [Am.] [level of academic distinction] | rite [lat.: genügend, befriedigend] | |
| astron. Bootes [also: Boötes] <Boo> [constellation] | Bärenhüter {m} [lat. Bootes] <Boo> [Sternbild] | |
| astron. Sculptor <Scl> [southern sky constellation] | Bildhauer {m} [lat. Sculptor] <Scl> [Sternbild] | |
| astron. Draco <Dra> [northern sky constellation] | Drache {m} [lat. Draco] <Dra> [Sternbild] | |
| astron. Triangulum <Tri> [northern sky constellation] | Dreieck {n} [lat. Triangulum] <Tri> [Sternbild] | |
Partial Matches |
| curr. santim [hundredth of the Latvian Lat] | Santim {m} [Hundertstel des lettischen Lats] | |
| astron. Triangulum Australe <TrA> [constellation] | Südliches Dreieck {n} [lat. Triangulum Australe] <TrA> [Sternbild] | |
| astron. Ara <Ara> [southern sky constellation] | Altar {m} [lat. Ara] <Ara> [Sternbild] | |
| at one's discretion {adv} [ad bene placitum] [also: ad beneplacitum] | ad bene placitum [geh.] [veraltet] [lat.] [nach Belieben, Gutdünken] | |
| casus belli [Lat.: whatever involves or justifies war] | Casus Belli {m} [Kriegsgrund] | |
| argentum | Argentum {n} [lat.: Silber] | |
| med. quote first, do no harm [i.e., take care that the remedy is not worse than the disease] | erstens nicht schaden [lat. primum non nocere] | |
| law obiter dictum | Obiter Dictum {n} [lat.: nebenbei Gesagtes] | |
| lit. velociferian {adj} [with devilish velocity] [portmanteau by Goethe, merging "velocity" and "Luciferian"] | veloziferisch [mit teuflischer Geschwindigkeit] [Kofferwort von J. W. v. Goethe aus „Velocitas“ (lat. „Eile“) und „luziferisch“ (teuflisch)] | |
| i.e. [id est] | i. e. [lat. id est, veraltend: d. h., das heißt] | |
| law spec. Unverified actio libera in causa <a.l.i.c.> [Latin for: action free in its cause] | actio {f} libera in causa <a. l. i. c.> [lat.: in der Ursache freie Handlung] | |
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