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English-German translation for: [lit.]
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Dictionary English German: [lit]

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Unverified andabatarian {adj} [fig.] [lit.]mit Scheuklappen [fig.]
endarkened {adj} [chiefly lit.] [rare]verfinstert
to axe sth. [lit.]
etw. niederschlagen [mit einer Axt etc.]
to edify sb. [lit.]
jdn.Akk. edifizieren [geh.]
to monkeyfuck [lighting a cigarette from an already lit bud] [vulg.]
löten [Zigarette]
to creakknirren [veraltet] [lit.] [knarren mit hellerem Ton]
pleasance [dated] [pleasure or a source of pleasure]
Wonne {f} [geh.] [lit.]
agony [death throes, lit. and fig.]
Agonie {f}
myth. [South German and Austrian legendary creature, lit. Night Raven]Nachtkrabb {m}
myth. [South German and Austrian legendary creature, lit. Night Raven]Nachtkrapp {m}
pol. anarch [lit.]Anarch {m} [veraltet]
gastr. dejeuner [also: dejeune] [lit.: morning / small midday meal]Dejeuner {n} [veraltet] [Frühstück, kleines Mittagessen]
hist. law Deutschenspiegel [usually not translated; lit.: mirror of the German people] [legal code, Germany]Deutschenspiegel {m}
helicopter [lit.: sky tractor]Himmeltraktor {m} [österr.] [regional] [hum.] [Helikopter]
philandererHurenhengst {m} [lit.] [veraltet]
relig. professor [archaic] [of a faith] [esp. in puritanical lit.]Bekenner {m} [selten] [eines Glaubens, z. B. bekennender Christ]
2 Words: Others
blue-shaven {adj} [lit.] [clean-shaven]glattrasiert
world-worn {adj} [lit.]lebensmüde [erschöpft vom Leben, des Lebens überdrüssig]
2 Words: Verbs
to blow sth. off [lit.]etw. wegblasen
2 Words: Nouns
candlelit vigil [also candle-lit]Kerzenmahnwache {f}
close shave [lit.]gründliche Rasur {f}
hist. journ. Der Stürmer [lit.: The Attacker; a weekly tabloid-format Nazi newspaper]Der Stürmer {m} [antisemitische Wochenzeitung, 1923-1945]
paternoster elevator [Am.] [lit.: civil servant excavator]Beamtenbagger {m} [hum.] [fig.]
meteo. storm cloud [lit. and fig.]Gewitterwolke {f}
stuffed poodle [toy]Pudelhund {m} [veraltet] [lit.] [als Plüschtier]
3 Words: Others
radiant with happiness {adj}glückleuchtend [bes. lit.] [strahlend vor Glück]
3 Words: Verbs
to begin to rockins Wanken geraten [lit.]
to begin to swayins Wanken geraten [lit.]
to overcome all obstacles [fig. and lit.]alle Hindernisse überwinden [fig. und wörtlich: kletternd, springend, reitend etc.]
3 Words: Nouns
St. John's fire [fire lit on the eve of the feast of St. John Baptist]Johannisfeuer {n}
4 Words: Nouns
vault of the skyHimmelsglocke {f} [lit.]
5+ Words: Nouns
where data goes to die [lit. data cemetery, a mountain of undigested figures]Zahlenfriedhof {m}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film lit. F Bomba the Jungle Boy [a series of American boy's adventure books / films, lit.: Roy Rockwood, film: Ford L. Beebe]Bomba, der Dschungelboy [Serie von Jugendbüchern und Filmen]
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