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Dictionary English German: [literally ]

Translation 1 - 75 of 75

storm-free {adj} [literally]sturmfrei
to work magic [literally]zaubern
to work magic [literally]hexen [zaubern]
memorable {adj} [literally: rich in experiences]erfahrungsreich
mil. section [literally: half-platoon] <sect.>Halbzug {m}
mil. naut. hydrophone room [literally: listening room]Horchraum {m}
relig. sacred history [literally "salvation history"]Heilsgeschichte {f}
feeble {adj} [literally: feeble-chested]dünnbrüstig [meist fig.]
Partial Matches
to literalize sth. [interpret literally]etw. wörtlich auslegen
mus. African drum [literally negro drum]Negertrommel {f} [veraltend]
relig. Biblicist [sb. who interprets the Bible literally]Bibeltreuer {m}
geogr. geol. sink hole [in karst limestone; literally crater]Karsttrichter {m}
relig. Biblicist [female] [sb. who interprets the Bible literally]Bibeltreue {f}
to rub shoulders [literally]einander / sich mit den Schultern berühren
electr. tech. tools phase tester [literally: lying pen]Lügenstift {m} [ugs.] [hum.] [Phasenprüfer]
sociol. the nouveaux pauvres [literally: new poor]die neuen Armen {pl}
heavy {adj} [literally: weighing a kilo or so]kiloschwer [auch fig.]
anarchist [literally: one who is contemptuous of the state]Staatsverächter {m}
(the) Swiss confederates [literally: oath comrades](die) Eidgenossen {pl} [die Schweizer]
ling. (very) long compound words [German literally "tapeworm words"]Bandwurmwörter {pl} [ugs.]
pink {adj} [literally the color of an Austrian rose wine]schilcherfarben [österr.]
[poetic German for lightning or fireworks; literally: heavenly torches]Himmelsfackeln {pl} [geh.]
rat [literally transl.: sewer trout]Kanalforelle {f} [österr.] [ugs.] [pej.] [bes. wienerisch]
hard-nosed {adj} [person] [tough-minded] [literally: hard boiled]hartgesotten [fig.] [ugs.]
ling. simple language [literally: easy language]Leichte Sprache {f} [für kognitiv eingeschränkte Personen]
A votre santé! [literally: to your health] [used as a toast]Zum Wohl!
ling. minced oath [German term literally "euphemistic expletive"]verhüllendes Schimpfwort {n} [z. B. Scheibenkleister]
FoodInd. gastr. Allgäu cow's milk cheese [literally herdsman's cheese] [Germany](Allgäuer) Hirtenkäse {m} [Kuhmilchkäse]
gastr. [vegetarian spread, typically based on carrots, celeriac, and mayonnaise; literally »farmer's salad«]Farmersalat {m}
gastr. garlic [literally: vanilla of the poor man]Vanille {f} des kleinen Mannes [veraltet] [hum.] [Knoblauch]
journ. neol. [Name for a column in the online version of Der Spiegel. Literally: Data Harvest.]Datenlese {f}
mil. [Name given to base defense unit of JV44; literally means "butcher-bird squadron"]Würger-Staffel {f} [Luftwaffe]
comm. milk round [literally: tour to deliver milk to households]Milchrunde {f} [Weg beim Ausliefern von Milch an Haushalte]
mus. theatre [literally a 'stage-consecrating festival play'; Wagner's description of his last dramatic work "Parsifal"]Bühnenweihfestspiel {n}
RadioTV F [popular German TV show, literally: pronto pronto]Dalli Dalli [Fernsehshow]
hist. jobs [literally "grit years", "courage years"]Mutjahre {pl} [Zunft; Gesellenjahre vor der Meisterschaft]
[literally 'earthworm'; human being as transitory and insignificant]Erdenwurm {m} [poet.] [Mensch als vergänglicher, unbedeutender Teil der Natur]
to be at eye level with sb. [only literally]mit jdm. auf Augenhöhe sein [nur wörtl., nicht fig.]
expense account fiddler [literally: knight of the expense account] [pej.]Spesenritter {m} [pej.]
jobs [employee earning less than they would under new pay agreements, literally undershooter]Unterschreiter {m} [Beschäftigter im tariflichen Entgelt-Rahmenabkommen]
jobs [employee earning more than they would under new pay agreements, literally overshooter]Überschreiter {m} [Beschäftigter im tariflichen Entgelt-Rahmenabkommen]
hist. lit. Trümmerliteratur [literally transl.: rubble literature, i.e. German literature immediately after WW II]Kahlschlagliteratur {f}
hist. [literally: perpetrator generation. Generation of Germans who theoretically was able to participate in Nazi crimes]Tätergeneration {f}
to work one's hands raw [literally, not fig.]sichDat. die Hände wund arbeiten [nicht fig.]
mus. F [literally: A Hunter from the Palatinate; a well-known German folk song]Ein Jäger aus Kurpfalz [bekanntes Volkslied]
[one of a physician's fingers as an issue of insurance; literally: goldfinger]Goldfinger {m} [ugs.] [hum.] [Arztfinger in Versicherungsfällen]
ecol. [pejorative phrase used to criticize the impact of wind farms on the landscape; literally "transformation into asparagus"]Verspargelung {f} (der Landschaft)
weapons Unverified AK [coll.] [officially known as the Avtomat Kalashnikova] [literally translated: Kalashnikov's automatic (rifle)]AK {f} [kurz für: Automat Kalaschnikow]
hist. lit. Trümmerliteratur [literally transl.: rubble literature, i.e. German literature immediately after WW II]Trümmerliteratur {f}
agr. hist. jobs [Nazi title for leader of German farmers. Literally: Reich Farmers Leader]Reichsbauernführer {m}
to checkmate sb. [fig.: thwart; defeat completely; literally: chess]jdn. mattsetzen [fig.: jdm. jede Handlungsmöglichkeit nehmen; jdn. als Gegner ausschalten; wörtl.: Schach]
hist. law relig. May Laws [literally "cultral struggle laws"] [German Empire 1873-1875]Maigesetze {pl} [Kulturkampfgesetze] [Deutsches Reich 1873-1875]
gastr. [popular rhyme in German; literally: noshing [Br.] / chowing [Am.] like (one does / did) at Mum's / Mom's]Futtern {n} wie bei Muttern
proverb Do what you are told and keep quiet! [literally: Clasp your hands and shut your trap!]Hände falten, Goschen halten! [österr.] [Redewendung]
[literally, sb. swallowed a clown for breakfast, meaning sb. is too funny]jd. hat einen Clown verschluckt / gefrühstückt [ugs.] [Redewendung] [Jemand ist übermäßig zum Spaßen aufgelegt]
mil. [senior non-commissioned officer in German armed forces, literally "sword knot non-commissioned officer"]Portepeeunteroffizier {m}
pol. Unverified Junge Tat [literally: Young Action]Junge Tat {f}
hist. pol. Deutsches Jungvolk [literally: German Young People, i.e. the section of the Hitler Youth for boys aged 10 to 14]Deutsches Jungvolk {n} <DJ>
mus. F An unstained mind [also: An unstained character / An open mind / An undisguised intention; literally: An undyed mind]Ein ungefärbt Gemüte [J. S. Bach, BWV 24]
hist. [euphemism for the invasion of Austria by the German army in 1938, literally "flower campaign"]Blumenfeldzug {m} [Euphemismus für den Einmarsch der Wehrmacht in Österreich 1938]
lit. F Fly Away Home [literally transl.: Fly, Ladybird, Fly!: my father, the end of the war, Cohn and I]Maikäfer, flieg! Mein Vater, das Kriegsende, Cohn und ich [Christine Nöstlinger]
caeteris / ceteris paribus {adv} [literally translated as "with other things the same," or "all other things being equal or held constant"]unter sonst gleichen Bedingungen <c.p., cet. par.>
hist. mil. [literally: "chain-dogs", pejorative nickname of uniformed military police units of German forces of the 19th and 20th century]Kettenhunde {pl} [fig.] [ugs.] [Bezeichnung der Feldgendarmerie in dt. Streitkräften des 19. und 20. Jh.]
proverb [The bigger the choice, the harder it is to choose. Or, literally transl.: Whoever has (the) choice has (the) torment.]Wer die Wahl hat, hat die Qual.
proverb [German hum. proverb, meaning "One has to be brave." or "One mustn't be oversensitive to pain.", literally: "An Indian knows no pain."]Ein Indianer kennt keinen Schmerz. [hum.]
proverb [German pun, may be literally translated as: When flies fly behind flies, flies are flying after flies (to follow them).]Wenn hinter Fliegen Fliegen fliegen, fliegen Fliegen Fliegen nach.
[Doppel-Wumms / Doppelwumms: newly coined word by the German chancellor Olaf Scholz in 2022; literally: double bang]Doppel-Wumms {m} [auch: Doppelwumms] [Begriff geprägt von Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz, 2022]
gastr. [traditional German sweet pastry similar to a gingerbread man, often with a clay pipe, baked for St. Nicholas' Day or St. Martin's Day; literally "bread roll man"]Weckmann {m} [bes. südd.]
mus. Vorkriegsjugend [literally: pre-war youth] [influential 1980s cult Deutschpunk/hardcore punk band from West Berlin]Vorkriegsjugend {f} [deutsche Hardcore-Punk-Band der 1980er Jahre aus Berlin-Kreuzberg]
hist. [colloquial name of Henry (VII) German King 1220-1235, literally: "bracket henry", also called "bracket seventh"]Klammerheinrich {m} [ugs.] [auch: Klammersiebter, Heinrich (VII.) dt. König von 1220-1235]
[to press one's thumbs / thumb (for sb.)] [literally] [hand gesture in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, etc., meaning to keep one's fingers crossed (for sb.)](jdm.) die / den Daumen halten [ugs.] [Redensart]
mus. Neue Deutsche Welle <NDW> [literally: New German Wave]Neue Deutsche Welle {f} <NDW>
gastr. [traditional German sweet pastry similar to a gingerbread man, often with a clay pipe, baked for St. Nicholas' Day or St. Martin's Day; literally "bread roll man"]Stutenkerl {m} [Weckmann, Hefemann, Klausenmann, Grättimaa, Grittibänz, Dambedei, Weckbobbe, Krampus]
quote [I belong rather to the "old iron" (literally: the scrap heap / here also: the good old stuff) than to the "new sheet iron" (here: the new piffle).]Ich gehöre lieber zum alten Eisen als zum neuen Blech. [u. a. dem Schauspieler Max „Maxi“ Böhm zugeschrieben]
quote [quote from a popular German TV sketch, used to express that everything was better in the past; literally: "There was more lametta (on the Christmas tree) in the old days."]Früher war mehr Lametta. [Loriot, aus „Weihnachten bei Hoppenstedts“; verallgemeinert verwendet im Sinne von „Früher war alles besser.“]
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