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| strait {adj} [archaic] [narrow; also: affording little space; fitting tightly (clothes)] | 640 eng [auch: beengt; eng anliegend (Kleidung)] | |
| lil {adj} {adv} [coll.] [little] | 321 klein | |
| med. indolent {adj} [causing little or no pain] | 313 schmerzunempfindlich [Organismus, Körperteil] | |
| ickle {adj} [Br.] [coll.] [also: lickle] [little] | 65 klein | |
| vile {adj} [archaic] [of little worth or value] | 57 wertlos | |
| adobe {adj} [cowboy slang] [pej.] [Mexican / of little worth] | 49 [Attribut für schlecht gebaute Häuser oder schlampig produzierte Billigware] | |
| lubricated {adj} [coll.] [a little drunk] | 16 angeheitert | |
| proverb [»Every little bean will make its own little sound.« - referring to flatulence related to consumption of legumes] | Jedes Böhnchen gibt ein Tönchen. [hum.] | |
| littlemeal {adv} [obs.] [also fig.] [little by little] | Stück für Stück [auch fig.] | |
| some {adv} [coll.] [a little, to some degree] | ein bisschen | |
| some {adv} [coll.] [a little, to some degree] | ein wenig | |
| underslept {adj} [having slept too little] | unterschlafen [zu wenig geschlafen] | |
Verbs |
| to tinkle [e.g. little bell] | 106 klingeln [hell klingen, bimmeln] [z. B. Glöckchen] | |
| to bathe sth. [moisten with little water] | 26 etw. benetzen [geh.] [befeuchten] | |
| oenol. [to rinse a wine glass with a little wine] | etw.Akk. avinieren | |
| to disvalue sth. [esp. Am.] [consider to be of little value] | etw.Akk. gering schätzen [auch: geringschätzen] | |
Nouns |
| trinkets {pl} [small objects of little value] | 799 Nippes {m} [Nippesfiguren] | |
| yahoo [coll.] [rude and violent person, esp. one with little education] | 82 Saukerl {m} | |
| tad [mainly Br.] [coll.] [a little bit, slightly] | 56 Tick {m} [ugs.] [ein wenig] | |
| runt [frail and puny little animal (of a litter), child, etc.] | 27 Kümmerer {m} [Kümmerling, schwächliches Jungtier (eines Wurfs), Kind etc.] | |
| junk {sg} [coll.] [old or discarded articles that are considered useless or of little value] | 26 Klamotten {pl} [Kram, Plunder] | |
| lamp [which gives very little light] | 18 Funzel {f} [ugs.] | |
| wisp [wispy (little) fellow ] [a wisp of a person] | 14 Krischperl {n} [Grischperl {n}] [dial.] [bayer.] [österr.] [auch pej.] | |
| kid [coll.] [little boy] | 13 Pimpf {m} [ugs.] [kleiner Junge] | |
| zoggy [Am.] [sweet little dog] | 12 Moppel {m} [herziger kleiner Hund] | |
| geogr. ["little country"; local nickname for the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg] | 7 Ländle {n} [südd.] [ugs.] [Baden-Württemberg] | |
| kids [coll.] [little boys] | 7 Pimpfe {pl} [ugs.] [kleine Jungen] | |
| gastr. [pasta in the shape of little squares] | 5 Fleckerln {pl} [österr.] | |
| junk [coll.] [old or discarded articles that are considered useless or of little value] | 5 Kruscht {m} [ugs.] [regional] | |
| [(little) girls, women] | Schlitzbrunzer {pl} [österr.] [südd.] [schweiz.] [vulg.] | |
| gastr. [little flat cake, esp. gingerbread] | Zelte {m} [österr.: {f}] [südd.] | |
| [little gifts, ladies are given at a ball] | Damenspende {f} | |
| comm. [little shop / store, grocery] | Fragnerei {f} [österr.] [bayer.] [veraltet] [kleiner Laden, Krämerei] | |
| bot. T | | |
| orn. T | | |
| dearie [coll.] [little child] | Kleines {n} [ugs.] | |
| junk [coll.] [old or discarded articles that are considered useless or of little value] | Krusch {m} [ugs.] [regional] | |
| geogr. Kleinwalsertal ["Little Walser Valley"] [Vorarlberg, Austria] | Kleinwalsertal {n} | |
| pikkie [S. Afr.] [coll.: little one] | Kleiner {m} [ugs.] | |
| zool. rattail [a horse's tail with little or no hair] | Rattenschweif {m} [Pferd] | |
| Ruthene [female] [Little Russian] | Ruthenin {f} [Kleinrussin] | |
| Ruthene [Little Russian] | Ruthene {m} [Kleinrusse] | |
| splish [little splash] | kleiner Spritzer {m} | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to give sb. change [coins for a banknote, a little money for a certain purpose, to a beggar, etc.] | jdm. Kleingeld geben [Münzen für einen Geldschein, etwas Geld für einen bestimmten Zweck, einem Bettler etc.] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| a bit [little while, short time] | ein Weilchen {n} | |
| zool. ankle chomper [little (savage) dog, such as a dachshund] | Wadenbeißer {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [kleiner, bissiger Hund] | |
| anat. auricular finger [Digitus auricularis, Digitus minimus (manus), Digitus quintus] [little finger] | kleiner Finger {m} | |
| anat. baby finger [coll.] [little finger] | kleiner Finger {m} | |
| bot. hist. med. Unverified Badianus Manuscript [also: Little Book of the Medicinal Herbs of the Indians] | Libellus Libellus de Medicinalibus Indorum Herbis [auch: Codex Badianus, Codex de la Cruz-Badiano oder Codex Barberini] | |
| biol. dead zone [zones in seas or lakes with too little oxygen to support life] | Totwasserzone {f} | |
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