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English-German translation for: [loop]
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Dictionary English German: [loop]

Translation 1 - 26 of 26


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aural {adj} [e.g. forceps, haematoma, loop, surgery, vertigo]
Ohr- [z. B. Pinzette, Hämatom, Schlinge, Chirurgie, Schwindel]
bight [bay; but also loop of a rope]
Bucht {f} [geograph.; aber auch Schleife eines Taus]
sling [loop of strap, rope, or chain used to carry, raise, or lower]
Riemen {m} [zum Ziehen, Schleppen, Hängen etc.]
scallop [loop]
Bogen {m}
eye [metal loop]
Öse {f}
med. MedTech. loop [intrauterine device]
Spirale {f} [Schleife, Loop (Verhütungsmittel)]
biochem. biol. lariat [loop shaped]
Schleife {f} [Lariat]
electr. turn [a conductor or group of conductors formed in a single conducting loop] [IEC 60050]
Windung {f} [IEC 60050]
eye [loop of a rope]Auge {n} [Seilschlinge z. B. beim Schlagen eines Knotens]
biochem. biol. spec. lariat [loop shaped]Lariat {n}
comp. pass [an iteration through a software loop]Schleifendurchgang {m}
2 Words
cloth. bridal gauntlets [secured by a ring or loop of cloth about one finger]Brauthandschuhe {pl} [hier: Stulpen mit Fingerschlaufen]
electr. Edison bulb [with a loop filament]Edison-Glühlampe {f}
naut. eye splice [permanent loop in the end of a rope]Augspleiß {m} [in das Ende einer Leine gespleißte Schlinge]
tech. frame aerial [loop antenna]Rahmenantenne {f}
audio hearing loops {pl} [audio induction loop system]Ringschleifenanlage {f}
honda knot [loop knot commonly used in a lasso]Hondaknoten {m} [Auge für die Lassoschlinge]
telecom. last mile [local loop]letzte Meile {f} [Teilnehmeranschlussleitung]
climbing lineman's loopknot [also: lineman's loop knot]Schmetterlingsknoten {m}
cloth. loop scarfSchlupfschal {m} [Loop-Schal]
sports mazurka (jump) [toe loop variant in figure skating][Toeloop-Variante im Eiskunstlauf]
automot. geogr. sports North Loop [also: North loop] [Nurburgring]Nordschleife {f} [Nürburgring]
comp. Internet while loop [also: WHILE loop]While-Schleife {f} [auch: WHILE-Schleife]
3 Words
aviat. to loop the loopeinen Looping drehen
to Velcro-fasten sth. (to sth.) [coll.] [to hook-and-loop-fasten] [Velcro®]etw.Akk. (an etw.Akk.) kletten [Flauschband]
MedTech. (Velcro®) buddy strap [fingers or toes are strapped together by hook and loop material]Haken- und Flauschband {n} [als Finger- bzw. Zehenschiene]
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