| English | German | |
| tight {adj} [not loose] | 1075 fest [nicht locker] | |
| cloth. sloppy {adj} [of clothes: casual, loose-fitting] | 160 salopp [von Kleidung: lässig, locker sitzend] | |
Verbs |
| to snap [break loose, chip] | 450 abbrechen | |
| to tarnish [loose lustre; silver, metals] | 96 beschlagen [Glanz verlieren, anlaufen; Silber, Metall] | |
| hist. mil. to skirmish [fight in loose formation] | 27 tiraillieren | |
Nouns |
| bimbo [sl.] [pej.] [attractive but stupid young woman with loose morals] | 724 Flittchen {n} [ugs.] [pej.] [jung und attraktiv, aber dumm] | |
| cloth. muumuu [loose dress of Hawaiian origin] | 265 Muumuu {n} | |
| tart [Br.] [sl.] [loose woman] | 166 Flittchen {n} [ugs.] [pej.] | |
| portfolio [case for loose papers, drawings, etc.] | 137 Mappe {f} | |
| dirt [soil or earth, especially when loose] | 130 Erde {f} [bes. lockere Erde] | |
| cloth. boxers {pl} [one or more pairs] [men's loose underpants] | 52 Boxershorts {pl} [eine oder mehrere] [Shorts als Unterbekleidung für Männer] | |
| shrapnel [Br.] [coll.] [loose change] | 48 Kleingeld {n} | |
| med. flab [coll.] [loose body flesh] | 42 Speck {m} [ugs.] [hum.] | |
| cloth. sports bib [a loose-fitting sleeveless garment worn on the upper body for identification] | 40 Leibchen {n} | |
| cloth. bags [Br.] [dated] [one pair of loose-fitting trousers] | 36 Hose {f} [weit geschnittene Hose] | |
| portfolios [cases for loose papers, drawings, etc.] | 21 Mappen {pl} | |
| binder [loose-leaf binder] | 10 Hefter {m} [Heftmappe, Schnellhefter] | |
| tart [Br.] [sl.] [loose woman] | 9 Flitscherl {n} [österr.] [bayer.] [ugs.] [pej.] [Flittchen] | |
| math. collection [loose term for set, class, family or multiset] | 8 Collection {f} | |
| geogr. hamlet [loose settlement of a few houses] | 6 Rotte {f} [österr.] | |
| cloth. baggies [more than one pair] [Am.] [coll.] [loose, wide-legged trousers] | Baggy Pants {pl} [Schlabberhosen] | |
| bimbo [sl.] [attractive but stupid young woman with loose morals, dumb blonde] | (blondes) Sexpüppchen {n} | |
| med. looseness [loose bowels] | (sehr) lockerer Stuhlgang {m} | |
2 Words: Others |
| comm. in bulk {adv} [unpackaged, loose] | in loser Schüttung | |
| in intensity {adv} [grow, loose, gain] | an Intensität [zunehmen, verlieren, gewinnen] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to break free [break loose] | losbrechen [sich lösen / ablösen] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| cloth. baggy pants [more than one pair] [Am.] [loose, wide-legged trousers] | Baggypants {pl} | |
| cloth. baggy pants [more than one pair] [Am.] [loose, wide-legged trousers] | Baggy Pants {pl} | |
| cloth. baggy pants {pl} [one pair] [Am.] [loose, wide-legged trousers] | schlotternde Hose {f} [Baggy Pants] | |
| cloth. baggy trousers [more than one pair] [loose, wide-legged trousers] | Schlotterhosen {pl} [ugs.] | |
| cloth. baggy trousers [more than one pair] [loose, wide-legged trousers] | schlotternde Hosen {pl} [Schlotterhosen] | |
| cloth. baggy trousers {pl} [one pair] [loose, wide-legged trousers] | Schlotterhose {f} [ugs.] | |
| cloth. baggy trousers {pl} [one pair] [loose, wide-legged trousers] | schlotternde Hose {f} [Baggy Pants] | |
| cloth. boxer shorts [one or more pairs] [men's loose underpants] | Boxershorts {pl} [eine oder mehrere] [Shorts als Unterbekleidung für Männer] | |
| light-skirts [treated as sg.] [archaic] [loose woman] | lockere Frauensperson {f} [veraltet] | |
| med. skin apron [panniculus as a result of loose tissues after pregnancy or massive weight loss] | Bauchschürze {f} [nach einer Schwangerschaft od. starker Gewichtsabnahme] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| cloth. loose (fit) boxers {pl} [one or more pairs] [men's loose underpants] | Boxershorts {pl} [auch: Boxer-Shorts] [eine oder mehrere] [Shorts als Unterbekleidung für Männer] | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| cloth. (a pair of) knickers {pl} [Am.] [short for: knickerbockers] [loose-fitting short pants gathered at the knee] | Kniebundhose {f} | |
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