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English-German translation for: [loud]
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Dictionary English German: [loud]

Translation 1 - 26 of 26

English German
resounding {adj} [loud]
clarion {adj} [literary] [loud and clear]deutlich vernehmbar
sb. nags [scolds constantly (in a shrill and loud way)]jd. keift [pej.]
to bluster [wind; person: talk in a loud, aggressive, or indignant way]
toben [Wind; Person: mit Worten]
to scold [in a loud and shrill way (esp. women)]
keifen [pej.]
to slurp sth. [drink or eat sth. with a loud sucking noise]
etw. schlappern [ugs.] [regional] [etw. schlürfend trinken od. essen]
to bluster [utter loud, empty menaces](laut) drohen
to bluster [utter loud, empty menaces](leere) Drohungen ausstoßen
to lol [acronym for: laughing out loud]laut lachen
to varoom [spv.] [vroom] [loud roaring noise of an engine]röhren [fig.] [Motor, Motorrad, Auto, usw.]
row [noisy disturbance, continual loud noise]
Radau {m} [ugs.]
crash [loud bang]
Rums {m} [ugs.]
squall [loud cry]
Schrei {m}
nagging [loud and shrill scolding (esp. of women)]
Keifen {n} [pej.]
jobs barker [person who stands at a show entrance and solicits customers with a loud sales spiel]
Ausrufer {m}
squalls [loud cries]
Schreie {pl}
[sudden loud sounds]Lärmstöße {pl} [auch fig.]
Unverified crash [loud noise]Gepolter {n} [Lärm]
trumpet [loud sound]Trompeten {n}
2 Words
loud-mouthed {adj} [coll.] [having a loud voice]mit lauter Stimme [nachgestellt]
to crack sb. up [coll.] [idiom] [to cause sb. to laugh out loud]jdn. zum Lachen bringen
to let rip [vulg.] [to fart loud and long]ordentlich einen fahren lassen [ugs.]
Unverified to start nagging [pej.] [scold in a loud and shrill way]loskeifen [ugs.] [pej.] [veraltend]
engine noise [loud and roaring]Motorenlärm {m}
3 Words
to make a row [esp. Br.] [coll.] [make a loud, unpleasant noise]Krach schlagen [Redewendung]
to mouth off about sth. [talk in an unpleasantly loud and boastful or opinionated way]über / von etw. schwadronieren
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