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English-German translation for: [magazine]
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Dictionary English German: [magazine]

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bridal {adj} [e.g. bouquet, carriage, couple, gown, magazine, suite]
Hochzeits- [Braut-] [z. B. Strauß, Kutsche, Paar, Kleid, Magazin, Suite]
journ. to publish sth. [in a newspaper, magazine etc.]
etw. abdrucken [erscheinen lassen]
journ. RadioTV to carry sth. [e.g. a story in a magazine] [publish]
etw. bringen [z. B. einen Bericht in einer Zeitung] [publizieren]
weapons to empty sth. [magazine, gun etc.]etw.Akk. leerballern [ugs.]
journ. piece [article in newspaper, magazine, etc.]
Beitrag {m}
journ. print cover [of a magazine]
Titel {m} [Titelseite]
RadioTV Tagesschau [German news magazine, Swiss news magazine]
Tagesschau {f}
journ. mag [coll.] [magazine]
Illustrierte {f}
journ. journal [magazine]
Magazin {n}
comm. [group of door-to-door sellers, typically selling magazine subscriptions with aggressive methods] [pej.]
Drückerkolonne {f}
journ. number [magazine etc.]
Heft {n} [bestimmte Ausgabe/Nummer einer Zeitschrift]
annual [magazine]
Jahresmagazin {n}
publ. contributor [of a magazine etc.]
Beiträger {m} [einer Zeitschrift etc.]
publ. monthly [magazine]
Monatszeitschrift {f}
publ. contributor [female] [of a magazine etc.]
Beiträgerin {f} [einer Zeitschrift etc.]
hist. publ. (the) pulps [coll.] [pulp magazines]Pulps {pl} [ugs.] [Pulp-Magazine]
educ. publ. [a kind of graduation magazine]Abiturzeitung {f}
sports [Bundesliga award handed out by the German Kicker magazine]Torjägerkanone {f}
weapons mag [coll.] [magazine (of ammunition)]Magazin {n} [Behälter an Schusswaffe]
journ. publ. Nebelspalter [Swiss satirical magazine]Nebelspalter {m} [Schweizer Satiremagazin]
journ. organ [newspaper, journal, magazine]Presseorgan {n}
periodical [magazine]Periodikum {n} [Fachsprache]
prozine [professional magazine / publication][Magazin / Veröffentlichung professioneller Art; das Gegenteil von Fanzine]
hist. journ. Simplicissimus [defunct satirical German magazine]Simplicissimus {m}
Vogue [magazine][führendes amerikanisches Frauenmagazin]
2 Words: Others
weapons double-column {adj} [attr.] [e.g. magazine]zweireihig [z. B. Stangenmagazin]
weapons double-stack {adj} [attr.] [e.g. magazine]zweireihig [z. B. Stangenmagazin]
sb. skimmed through [book, magazine etc.]jd. blätterte
sb. skims through [book, magazine etc.]jd. blättert
publ. top-shelf {adj} [magazine] [Br.]pornographisch [Zeitschrift]
2 Words: Verbs
journ. to carry sth. in sth. [e.g. a story in a magazine] [publish]etw. in etw.Dat. bringen [z. B. einen Bericht in einer Zeitung] [publizieren]
to dip into sth. [book, magazine etc.]einen Blick in etw.Akk. werfen [Buch, Magazin etc.]
mil. weapons to load ammo [in a gun magazine]etw. aufmunitionieren
mil. weapons to reload ammo [in a gun magazine]etw. wieder aufmunitionieren
to take sth. in [esp. Br.] [to subscribe to sth., a newspaper, magazine, etc.]etw. abonnieren [Zeitung, Zeitschrift usw.] [auch: auf etw. abonniert sein]
to thumb through sth. [a book, a magazine, etc.]etw.Akk. durchblättern [ein Buch, eine Zeitschrift etc.]
2 Words: Nouns
weapons box magazine [also: stick magazine]Stangenmagazin {n}
journ. children's page [in a newspaper or magazine]Kinderseite {f} [in einer Zeitung oder Zeitschrift]
publ. color supplement [Am.] [newspaper or magazine]farbige Beilage {f} [Zeitung oder Zeitschrift]
publ. colour supplement [newspaper or magazine] [Br.]farbige Beilage {f} [Zeitung oder Zeitschrift]
journ. publ. December issue [of a magazine or journal]Dezember-Ausgabe {f} [auch: Dezemberausgabe] [einer Zeitschrift]
Internet e-zine [electronic magazine]elektronische Zeitschrift {f}
cloth. journ. fashion bible [coll.] [fashion magazine]Fashionbibel {f} [ugs.] [Modemagazin]
journ. publ. January issue [of a magazine or journal]Januarausgabe {f} [oder: Januar-Ausgabe] [einer Zeitschrift]
journ. publ. January issue [of a magazine or journal]Januarheft {n} [auch: Januar-Heft] [einer Zeitschrift]
journ. publ. January issue [of a magazine or journal]Januarnummer {f} [oder: Januar-Nummer] [Januarausgabe einer Zeitschrift]
journ. publ. July issue [of a magazine or journal]Juliheft {n} [auch: Juli-Heft] [einer Zeitschrift]
journ. publ. July issue [of a magazine or journal]Juli-Ausgabe {f} [auch: Juliausgabe] [einer Zeitschrift]
magazine file [magazine holder]Zeitschriftensammler {m} [Stehsammler]
weapons pan magazine [often referred to as drum magazine]Tellermagazin {n}
journ. relig. parish review [church magazine]Gemeindezeitung {f}
journ. libr. publ. publication frequency [magazine]Erscheinungsweise {f} [Zeitschrift]
weapons staggered magazine [double-stack magazine]zweireihiges Stangenmagazin {n}
journ. subscription period [e.g. magazine]Bezugszeitraum {m}
publ. RadioTV TV guide [magazine]Fernsehzeitschrift {f}
journ. publ. RadioTV TV guide [magazine]TV-Zeitschrift {f}
3 Words: Others
on the cover {adv} [of a magazine]auf dem Titelblatt
on the cover [of a magazine]auf der Titelseite
3 Words: Verbs
to be due out [magazine, CD]herauskommen sollen
journ. to carry an article [newspaper, magazine]einen Artikel bringen
3 Words: Nouns
journ. spec. (journal) impact factor <IF, JIF> [measurement of magazine influence]Einflussfaktor {m} [Einfluss von Zeitschriften]
lit. publ. increase in circulation [book, magazine]Auflagensteigerung {f}
pull-out supplement [of a magazine]Beihefter {m}
5+ Words: Verbs
tech. to change the set-up / tooling [e.g. tool magazine, jigs, fixtures]umrichten [z. B. Kettenmagazin, Spannvorrichtungen]
tech. to change the set-up / tooling [e.g. tool magazine, jigs, fixtures]umrüsten [z. B. Kettenmagazin, Spannvorrichtungen]
to have a quick flip / flick through sth. [book, magazine etc.]etw. kurz überfliegen
Fiction (Literature and Film)
RadioTV F [consumer-magazine show on Swiss television]Kassensturz [Schweizer Fernsehen, SF]
publ. F Titanic [German satirical magazine]Titanic {f} [deutsches Satiremagazin]
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