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English-German translation for: [makes]
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Dictionary English German: [makes]

Translation 1 - 20 of 20

English German
sth. sophisticates [makes strange]
etw. verdreht
[Saffron makes the cake yellow.]Safran macht den Kuchen gel.
proverb [Sb. must do whatever makes sb. happy.]Des Menschen Wille ist sein Himmelreich.
sb. impregnates [makes pregnant]jd. befruchtet
sth. thickens [makes thick]etw. verdickt
sth. widens sb. [makes sb. look thicker or broader; e.g. perspective, garment]etw. macht jdn. breiter [lässt jdn. dicker oder breiter erscheinen; z. B. Blickwinkel, Kleidungsstück]
zany [often pej.] [one who makes a buffoon or laughingstock of himself to amuse others]
Hanswurst {m} [oft pej.]
putz [sl.] [esp. Am.] [Yidd.] [one who makes stupid remarks]
Komiker {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [Person, die dumme Bemerkungen macht]
pause [a speaker etc. makes]
Innehalten {n}
fixer [coll.] [person who makes arrangements for other people, esp. of an illicit or devious kind]
[Mittelsmann, der durch Schmiergeldzahlungen unlautere geschäftliche Transaktionen ermöglicht]
[the sound a European police/fire siren makes]
Tatütata {n}
jobs [cooper who makes large oaken barrels]Schwarzbinder {m} [veraltet]
hist. jobs [cooper who makes smaller barrels, esp. of beechwood]Rotbinder {m} [veraltet]
serviceman [one who makes repairs]Kundendienstmechaniker {m}
2 Words
games sports No fair! [said e.g. after sb. cheats or makes a wrong move in a game] [said often by children]Das gildet nicht! [ugs.] [in einem Spiel etc.] [Kindersprache]
sth. wears out [makes threadbare]etw. verschleißt
That figures. [coll.] [makes sense]Das hätte ich mir denken können.
jobs bottle-maker [also: bottlemaker] [person who makes bottles]Flaschenmacher {m} [veraltet]
cloth. film professional beauty [woman who makes a living out of her beauty]Berufsschönheit {f} [Frau, die ihren Lebensunterhalt mit ihrer Schönheit verdient]
4 Words
icing on the cake [idiom] [something extra that makes a good thing even better]Sahnehäubchen {n} [fig.]
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