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|  |
 | journ. RadioTV media {adj} [attr.] [concerning the mass media] | 234 medial [geh.] [die Massenmedien betreffend] |  |
 | consolidated {adj} [mass] | 30 fest [Masse] |  |
 | astron. stellar {adj} [e.g. calendar, dust, mass] | 22 Sternen- [z. B. Kalender, Staub, Masse] |  |
 | consolidated {adj} {past-p} [forming a solid mass] [e.g. soil] | 10 verfestigt [z. B. Boden] |  |
 | muscular {adj} [e.g. activity, atrophy, mass, pain, strength] | Muskel- [z. B. Aktivität, Atrophie, Masse, Schmerz, Kraft] |  |
 | astron. automot. tech. planet {adj} [attr.] [e.g. formation, mass, system; gear] | Planeten- [z. B. Entstehung, Masse, System; Rad] |  |
 | astron. planet's {adj} [attr.] [e.g. atmosphere, mass] | Planeten- [z. B. Atmosphäre, Masse] |  |
 | rotational {adj} [attr.] [e.g. velocity, speed, axis, mass] | Rotations- [z. B. -geschwindigkeit, achse, -masse] |  |
 | Sunday {adj} [attr.] [e.g. best, dinner, driver, edition, Mass, paper] | Sonntags- [z. B. Kleidung, Essen, Fahrer, Ausgabe, Messe, Zeitung] |  |
Verbs |
 | to winnow sth. [fig.] [sort out, remove, from a group or mass] | 99 jdn./etw. aussortieren |  |
 | ind. to manufacture sth. [mass-produce] | 42 etw.Akk. fabrizieren [veraltend] [fabrikmäßig herstellen] |  |
 | to calibrate sth. | 6 etw.Akk. normieren [auf genaues Maß bringen, kalibrieren] |  |
 | tech. to graduate sth. [provide with graded measurements] | 5 etw. graduieren [mit einer Maß- oder Gewichtseinteilung versehen] |  |
 | ind. to manufacture sth. [mass-produce] | etw.Akk. fabrikmäßig herstellen |  |
Nouns |
 | bulk [large mass, quantity] | 1845 Masse {f} |  |
 | welter [a confused mass] | 216 Unzahl {f} [eine verwirrende Menge] |  |
 | foreshortening [time, scale...] | 23 Verkürzung {f} [Zeit, Maß...] |  |
 | journ. RadioTV exposure [in the mass media] | 22 Publicity {f} |  |
 | for. deadfall [Am.] [tangled mass of fallen trees and brush] | 21 Windbruch {m} |  |
 | snarl [tangled mass of thread, hair, etc ] | 17 Fitz {m} [regional] [unentwirrbares Knäuel aus Fäden, Haar usw.] |  |
 | law spamigation [pej.] [Am.] [mass sending of cease-and-desist letters] | 16 Abmahnunwesen {n} [pej.] |  |
 | Internet law spamigation [pej.] [Am.] [mass sending of cease-and-desist letters] | 16 Abmahnwahnsinn {m} [ugs.] [pej.] [Abmahnmissbrauch] |  |
 | gastr. patty [rounded mass of minced food] | 15 Laibchen {n} [österr.] |  |
 | constr. roofage | 13 Dachfläche {f} [als Maß] |  |
 | med. tumor [Am.] [mass] | 12 Raumforderung {f} <RF> |  |
 | med. compliance [esp. in cardiovascular physiology and respiratory physiology] | 11 Compliance {f} [Maß für die Dehnbarkeit von Körperstrukturen; der Kehrwert der Compliance ist die Elastance] |  |
 | celebration [mass, ritual] | 9 Zelebration {f} |  |
 | med. VetMed. scybalum [a hard round mass of inspissated feces] | 8 Skybalum {n} |  |
 | lump [amorphous mass of some substance, e.g. soil] | 7 Patzen {m} [österr.] [bayer.] [Klumpen] |  |
 | mus. relig. glory [in the Catholic Mass] | 6 Gloria {n} [in der katholischen Messe] |  |
 | unit tael [Chinese mass unit for noble metals] [archaic] | 6 Tael {n} [chinesische Masseneinheit für Edelmetall] [veraltet] |  |
 | modder [sl.] [modifier] [sb. who modifies a mass-manufactured object or software] | 5 [jd., der ein vorgefertigtes Produkt abwandelt, z. B. ein Computerspiel oder ein Auto] |  |
 | relig. prone [vernacular homily and devotions in the Mass] | 5 Pronaus {m} |  |
 | [catholic church wedding embodied into Holy Mass] | Brautmesse {f} |  |
 | relig. spec. [Mass celebrated sitting on the floor] | Fußbodenmesse {f} |  |
 | relig. Unverified [medieval term for a mass led by a bishop-appointed priest as opposed to a priest from an order] | Laiengottesdienst {m} [südd.] [schweiz.] [veraltet] |  |
 | hist. jobs relig. [priest responsible for celebrating early mass] | Frühmesser {m} [Primissarius] |  |
 | bogosity [coll.] [often hum.] [degree to which something is bogus; to be measured with a »bogometer«] | Schwindelhaftigkeit {f} [selten] [eher hum.] [Maß, wie sehr etwas geschwindelt ist; messbar mit einem »Dubiometer«] |  |
 | med. coagulum [coagulated mass or substance] | Blutkuchen {m} |  |
 | conglobation [formation into a ball, globe or rounded mass] | Kugelbildung {f} [Ballung, Zusammenballung] |  |
 | mus. relig. crucifixus [part of the credo of the Mass] | Crucifixus {n} |  |
 | med. elastance | Elastance {f} [Maß für die Steifigkeit des respiratorischen Systems; Kehrwert der Compliance] |  |
 | relig. elevation [in the Mass] | Elevation {f} [in der Messe] |  |
 | unit lux <lx> | Lux {n} <lx> [Maß für Beleuchtungsstärke] |  |
 | astron. mascons [mass concentrations] | Mascons {pl} [Massenkonzentrationen] |  |
 | relig. mass [sacrifice of the mass] | Sakrifizium {n} |  |
 | ind. pig [oblong mass of iron or lead from a smelting furnace] | Massel {f} [Hüttenwesen] |  |
 | unit pipe | Pipe {f} {n} [englisches und amerikanisches Maß für Wein und Spirituosen, 478 Liter] |  |
 | pol. remigration [euphem.] [mass deportation] | Remigration {f} [euphem.] [Deportation] |  |
 | relig. sacrifice [in mass] | Sakrifizium {n} |  |
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