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English-German translation for: [matrix]
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Dictionary English German: [matrix]

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math. sparse {adj} [matrix]dünn besetzt [Matrix]
comp. electr. MedTech. row [matrix row or spreadsheet row, e.g. Excel]
Zeile {f} [Messmatrix, Excel]
master [matrix]
Vorlage {f} [Muster, Original]
anat. biol. onychostroma [nail matrix]Matrix {f} [Nagelmatrix]
2 Words: Others
math. sparsely populated {adj} [matrix]dünn besetzt [Matrix]
2 Words: Nouns
math. phys. 1k matrix1k-Matrix {f} [1000-er Matrix]
biol. BLOSUM matrix [Blocks substitution matrix]BLOSUM-Matrix {f}
biol. cell matrix [cytoplastic matrix]Zytomatrix {f}
math. degenerate eigenvalue [of a matrix]mehrfacher Eigenwert {m}
math. Gram matrix <GM> [also: Gram's matrix]Gram-Matrix {f} <GM>
anat. intercellular matrix <ICM> [extracellular matrix]Interzellularmatrix {f}
math. Jacobian matrixAbleitungsmatrix {f} [Jacobi-Matrix]
anat. keratogenous membrane [nail matrix]Nagelmatrix {f}
ecol. matrix modelMatrixmodell {n} [auch: Matrix-Modell]
math. primary diagonal [matrix]Hauptdiagonale {f}
math. principal diagonal [matrix]Hauptdiagonale {f} [Matrix]
math. transposed matrix [transpose of a matrix]gespiegelte Matrix {f}
math. transposed matrix [transpose of a matrix]gestürzte Matrix {f} [transponierte Matrix]
3 Words: Nouns
comp. math. co-occurrence matrixGrauwertematrix {f} [Cooccurrence-Matrix]
econ. ind. linear responsibility chart <LRC> [RACI matrix]RACI-Diagramm {n} [RACI-Matrix]
comp. electr. MedTech. rows and columns [e.g. measurement matrix, Excel]Zeilen und Spalten [z. B. Messmatrix, Excel]
4 Words: Nouns
math. functional matrix (of Jacobi) [also: Jacobian matrix, Jacobi matrix]Funktionalmatrix {f} [Jacobi-Matrix]
MedTech. total imaging matrix technology <TIM® technology>TIM®-Technologie {f} [Total-Imaging-Matrix-Technologie]
5+ Words: Others
quote Denial is the most predictable of all human responses. [Matrix Reloaded]Verleugnung ist die vorhersehbarste aller menschlichen Reaktionen.
quote Door on your left. Your other left. [The Matrix]Nächste Tür links! ... Nein, das andere Links!
quote Hope. It is the quintessential human delusion, simultaneously the source of your greatest strength and your greatest weakness. [Matrix Reloaded]Hoffnung. Sie ist die wesentlichste menschliche Illusion, die beides ist, sowohl Quelle eurer größten Stärken, als auch eurer größten Schwächen.
quote We can never see past the choices we don't understand. [Matrix Reloaded]Wir können niemals hinter die Entscheidungen blicken, die wir nicht verstehen.
quote We're all here to do what we're all here to do. [Matrix Reloaded]Wir alle sind hier, um genau das zu tun, was wir tun.
5+ Words: Nouns
comp. math. stat. spatial gray-level dependence matrix <SGLDM> [Am.]Grauwertübergangsmatrix {f} [Cooccurrence-Matrix]
comp. math. stat. spatial grey-level dependence matrix <SGLDM>Grauwertübergangsmatrix {f} [Cooccurrence-Matrix]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F (The) Keymaker [The Matrix Reloaded character](der) Schlüsselmacher {m}
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