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Dictionary English German: [meaning]

Translation 1 - 59 of 59

English German
core {adj} [attr.] [e.g. competence, group, issue, meaning; damage, drill]
Kern- [z. B. Kompetenz, Gruppe, Frage, Bedeutung; Schäden, Bohrer]
pellucid {adj} [liquid, meaning]
klar [durchsichtig, glasklar, gut verständlich]
figurative {adj} [meaning]
übertragen [Bedeutung]
pregnant {adj} [full of meaning, highly significant]
pregnant {adj} [fraught with meaning, momentous]
meaningless {adj} [bereft of meaning]
sinnentleert [geh.]
empty {adj} [of meaning]
proverb [German hum. proverb, meaning "One has to be brave." or "One mustn't be oversensitive to pain.", literally: "An Indian knows no pain."]Ein Indianer kennt keinen Schmerz. [hum.]
[late (deceased)] {adj} [attr.] [may in German be used colloquially hum. for things that do not exist any longer, besides the standard meaning for persons which is becoming old-fashioned]seligen Angedenkens [nachgestellt] [ugs. hum.] [einstig, früher] [nicht Personen betreffend]
[literally, sb. swallowed a clown for breakfast, meaning sb. is too funny]jd. hat einen Clown verschluckt / gefrühstückt [ugs.] [Redewendung] [Jemand ist übermäßig zum Spaßen aufgelegt]
fish ichthyo- {prefix} [meaning "fish"]Ichthyo- [Bedeutung "Fisch"]
mediterranean {adj} [original meaning]von Land umgeben
med. py- {prefix} [meaning pus]Pyo- [auch: pyo-] [Wortelement mit der Bedeutung Eiter]
med. pyo- {prefix} [meaning pus]Pyo- [auch: pyo-] [Wortelement mit der Bedeutung Eiter]
to convey [meaning etc.]
to deduce [meaning, wording]
erschließen [ermitteln]
[to press one's thumbs / thumb (for sb.)] [literally] [hand gesture in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, etc., meaning to keep one's fingers crossed (for sb.)](jdm.) die / den Daumen halten [ugs.] [Redensart]
to stretch sth. [meaning, word]etw. (äußerst) weit fassen [Begriff etc.]
to whitewash sth. [to paint an object white; NOT the figurative meaning: to gloss over sth."]etw. weißtünchen
sense [meaning]
Bedeutung {f} [Sinn]
mil. trooper [coll.] [generally in the meaning of grunt, doughboy, GI or squaddie]
Soldat {m} [allgemein im Sinne von Landser oder Muschkote]
layer [e.g. of meaning]
Ebene {f} [fig.]
import [meaning, importance]
Bedeutung {f} [Wichtigkeit]
spirit [meaning, sense]
Sinn {m} [im Sinn von etw.]
purport [the meaning or sense of a speech, remark, letter, etc.]
Tenor {m} [Sinn od. grundlegender Gehalt einer Äußerung etc.]
import [meaning]
Sinn {m}
nuance [a subtle difference in or shade of meaning, expression, or sound]
Nuance {f} [kleiner Unterschied, Abschattung]
shade [of colour, music, meaning]
Zwischenton {m}
[pej. term of unclear origin and meaning]
Pissnelke {f} [vulg.] [Schimpfwort ohne besondere Bedeutung]
barebacking [sex] [sl.] [original meaning]
[Geschlechtsverkehr ohne Kondom]
phonet. overstress [of a consideration, meaning, etc.]
Überbetonung {f}
sense [meaning]
Sinngehalt {m}
ling. acceptation [meaning of a word]Wortbedeutung {f}
drift [meaning]Bedeutung {f}
law intendment [meaning or purpose of a law]Ratio {f} [ratio legis]
ethn. Sandgroper [coll.] [capital letter in this meaning]Westaustralier {m}
2 Words: Verbs
to belong to sth. [significance, meaning]etw.Dat. zukommen [beizumessen sein]
to cast ballots [in plural meaning; many persons]ihre Stimme abgeben [in Mehrzahl; mehrere Personen]
admin. law to present at ... [a public office or court; meaning a person]vorstellig werden bei ... [Behörde, Gericht etc.]
to wring sth. from sth. [meaning etc.]etw.Dat. etw. abringen [Sinn, Bedeutung]
2 Words: Nouns
bachelor days {pl} ['days' meaning an extended period]Junggesellenzeit {f}
ling. common acceptation [meaning of a word, phrase, etc.]übliche Bedeutung {f} [eines Worts, Ausdrucks usw.]
psych. monkey mind [also: mind monkey] [Buddhist term meaning "unsettled; restless; capricious; whimsical; fanciful; inconstant; confused; indecisive; uncontrollable"]Gedankenkarussell {n} [ugs.]
running around [can also be pej., then meaning uncoordinated activity leading nowhere]Rennerei {f} [ugs.] [oft pej.]
true acceptation [meaning]wahre Bedeutung {f}
3 Words: Others
according to sb.'s calendar {adv} ['calendar' meaning any form of time reckoning]nach jds. Zeitrechnung
3 Words: Verbs
to make sense of sth. [idiom] [find meaning or coherence in sth.]etw.Akk. auseinanderdröseln [regional] [entwirren]
to make sense of sth. [idiom] [find meaning or coherence in sth.]den Sinn von etw.Dat. verstehen
to make sense of sth. [idiom] [find meaning or coherence in sth.]die Bedeutung von etw.Dat. herausfinden
to make sense of sth. [idiom] [find meaning or coherence in sth.]sichDat. einen Reim auf etw.Akk. machen [Redewendung]
3 Words: Nouns
more general sense [meaning, attribution]allgemeinerer Sinn {m}
automot. rail tech. set of wheels [technical meaning only]Radsatz {m}
4 Words: Others
as all get-out {adv} [coll.] [here for negative meaning only]zum Davonlaufen [ugs.] [unerträglich, sehr schlecht]
I don't know that ... [coll.] ["that" meaning "if"]Ich weiß nicht, ob ...
What are you thinking? [meaning: that's absurd / you're on the wrong track thinking that]Wo denkst du hin? [Redewendung]
5+ Words: Others
Are you on the telephone? [dated usage, meaning "Do you have a telephone?"]Hast du ein Telephon? [alt]
law Words importing the singular meaning where the context so admits include the plural meaning and vice versa.Wörter im Singular schließen, soweit es der Kontext erlaubt, den Plural mit ein und umgekehrt.
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
zool. T
zool. T
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