| English | German | |
| feeble {adj} [action, measure] | 169 lasch | |
| emergency {adj} [attr.] [e.g. centre, drill, function, fund, measure, medicine] | 34 Notfall- [z. B. Zentrum, Übung, Funktion, Fonds, Maßnahme, Medizin] | |
Verbs |
| to gauge sth. [measure] | 747 etw. abmessen | |
| to gauge sth. [measure] | 292 etw. messen | |
| to size sth. [measure out] | 235 etw.Akk. ausmessen | |
| to gauge sth. [measure] | 140 etw. vermessen | |
| to walk [examine, measure by walking] | 12 abschreiten | |
| to pace sth. [measure by walking] | etw. mit Schritten ausmessen | |
Nouns |
| bump [traffic calming measure] | 293 Bodenwelle {f} [Verkehrsberuhigungsmaßnahme] | |
| pol. sanction [enforcing measure] | 88 Sanktion {f} | |
| action [step, measure] | 81 Maßnahme {f} | |
| math. degree [angular measure] | 41 Bogengrad {m} [Winkelmaß] | |
| gastr. tools unit jigger [Am.] [measure used in mixing drinks that usually holds 1 to 2 ounces (30 to 60 milliliters)] | 41 Messbecher {m} [für Alkohol] | |
| brew gastr. unit Mass [measure] [one litre / liter of beer in Bavaria] | 27 Maß {f} [bayer.] [österr.] [ein Liter Bier] | |
| lockdown [as security measure] | 16 Sperre {f} [Schließung als Sicherheitsmaßnahme] | |
| unit radian <rad> [standard unit of angular measure] | 15 Radiant {m} <rad> | |
| unit carat <C, ct> [measure of the purity of gold] | 14 Karat {n} <C, kt> [Maßeinheit für den Goldgehalt einer Legierung] | |
| lockdown [as security measure] | 14 Sperrung {f} [Schließung als Sicherheitsmaßnahme] | |
| agr. unit [an ancient square measure, 2500 - 3600 m²] | 12 Tagwerk {n} [südd.] | |
| agr. unit [an ancient square measure, 2500 - 3600 m²] | 6 Tagewerk {n} <Tw.,Tagw.> | |
| pony [esp. Am.] [coll.] [small glass or measure of alcohol] | 6 Gläschen {n} | |
| unit tun [imperial measure of liquid capacity, equal to 4 hogsheads] | 6 [Hohlmaß, ca. 950 l] | |
| sports [ban on exercising a function; disciplinary measure, e.g. in sports] | Funktionssperre {f} [Disziplinarmaßnahme, bes. im Sport] | |
| unit [dry measure of varying size for grain or fruit] | Simmer {m} {f} {n} [veraltet] | |
| unit [dry measure, esp. for grain] | Metze {f} [altertümlich] | |
| textil. unit [former Austrian yarn measure; one Wiedel is 240 threads] | Wiedel {n} [auch Wiel; in Wien: Windel] [ehemaliges österreichisches Garnmaß] | |
| mining unit [measure of length, ca. 1.8 m] | Berglachter {n} | |
| mining unit [measure of length, ca. 1.8 m] | Lachter {n} | |
| unit [old Austrian measure of capacity, ca. 550 litres] | Startin {m} | |
| mus. beat [number of counts per measure] | Zählzeit {f} | |
| MedTech. dermometer [an instrument used to measure the electrical resistance of the skin] | Dermometer {n} [Gerät zur Dermometrie] | |
| fin. duration [measure of sensitivity] | Duration {f} [Sensitivitätskennzahl] | |
| tech. etalon [material measure] | Etalon {m} [Maßverkörperung] | |
| gastr. unit finger [measure of liquid ingredients in alcoholic drinks, e.g. 2 fingers of brandy] | Fingerbreit {m} [auch: Finger breit] | |
| sports forfeit [disciplinary measure] | Forfait-Erklärung {f} [Forfait] | |
| unit karat <K, kt> [Am.] [measure of the purity of gold] | Karat {n} <C, kt> [Maßeinheit für den Goldgehalt einer Legierung] | |
| minimum [measure, dimension] | Geringstmaß {n} | |
| unit smoot [measure of length: 1.70 m] | Smoot {m} [Längenmaß: 1,70 m] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to call for sth. [e.g. a measure] | etw.Akk. bedingen [z. B. eine Maßnahme] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| med. unit Bethesda unit <BU> [measure of blood coagulation inhibitor activity] | Bethesda-Einheit {f} <BE, B.E.> | |
| biochem. unit Bodansky unit [an obsolete measure of alkaline phosphatase concentration in blood] | Bodansky-Einheit {f} [nicht mehr zugelassene Einheit] | |
| foot shake [protective measure during the coronavirus pandemic] | Fußgruß {m} [Schutzmaßnahme während der Coronavirus-Pandemie] | |
| sports ghost game [coll.] [without supporters, i.e. in a completely empty stadium; as a sanction measure by the FIFA] | Geisterspiel {n} [ugs.] [Fußballspiel mit Ausschluss von Zuschauern; FIFA-Strafmaßnahme] | |
| math. null set [measure theory] | Nullmenge {f} [Maßraum] | |
| med. performance status <PS> [measure of a patient's well-being] | Performance-Status {m} <PS> [Patientenstatus] | |
| Procrustean bed [fig.] [measure having the effect of enforcing conformity] | Prokrustesbett {n} [fig.] [geh.] [Schema, in das etwas gezwängt wird] | |
| electr. sheet resistance [measure of resistance of thin films] | Schichtwiderstand {m} | |
| tech. standardization measure [rare] [standard measure] | Kalibriermaß {n} | |
| cloth. Unverified taking measurements [with body tape measure] | Maßnehmen {n} [mit Körpermaßband] | |
3 Words: Others |
| rough-and-ready {adj} [measure, attitude] | grob | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| to be equal to sb./sth. [measure up] | jdm./etw. gewachsen sein [Redewendung] | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| to pace across a field [to measure the field] | ein Feld durchschreiten [bemessen] | |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
| lit. theatre F Measure for Measure [William Shakespeare] | Maß für Maß | |
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