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English-German translation for: [medieval]
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Dictionary English German: [medieval]

Translation 1 - 73 of 73

English German
castle {adj} [attr.] [referring to a fortified castle, typically of the medieval period]
hist. lit. Norse {adj} [relating to ancient and medieval Scandinavia]
acad. spec. to quote sth. [cite a passage, esp. from a medieval law or theology text]
etw.Akk. allegieren
archi. hist. castle [fortified, esp. of the medieval period]
Burg {f}
archi. hist. castles [fortified, esp. of the medieval period]
Burgen {pl}
cloth. hist. wimple [medieval headdress]
Gebände {n}
hist. law escheator [royal officer in medieval and early modern England and Wales] [archaic]
[Beamter, der die dem König heimgefallenen Lehen in einer Grafschaft beaufsichtigt und anzeigt]
hist. philos. phys. ether [substance in ancient and medieval science]
Äther {m} [Substanz in antiken und mittelalterlichen Wissenschaften]
hist. enthronement [medieval]
Thronsetzung {f}
hist. naut. hulk [medieval cargo ship]
Holk {m} {f}
geogr. Anglia [medieval Latin name for England]
England {n}
archi. hist. garderobe [medieval toilet]
Aborterker {m}
hist. law [medieval legal practice where citizens under a particular jurisdiction were required to gather with a state official, the latter who heard appeals and aided in local legal matters]Rügegericht {n}
hist. law [medieval legal practice where citizens under a particular jurisdiction were required to gather with a state official, the latter who heard appeals and aided in local legal matters]Ruggericht {n}
relig. Unverified [medieval term for a church with a priest appointed by the local bishop instead of a priest belonging to an order]Leutkirche {f} [südd.] [schweiz.] [veraltet]
relig. Unverified [medieval term for a mass led by a bishop-appointed priest as opposed to a priest from an order]Laiengottesdienst {m} [südd.] [schweiz.] [veraltet]
tools weapons bill [medieval polearm weapon]Hippe {f} [mittelalterliche Stangenwaffe]
hist. bretèche [brattice] [usually built over a gate in a medieval fortress]Pechnase {f} [kleiner nach unten offener Vorbau an einer mitteralterlichen Festung (Gusserker, Wehrerker)]
hist. pol. spec. constitution [of a free medieval city]Schwörbrief {m}
hist. count [in medieval Hungary] [ispán]Gespan {m} [Ungarn]
fibula [rare] [medieval brooch]Fürspan {m} {f} [Brosche aus dem Mittelalter]
fibula [rare] [medieval brooch]Fürspange {f} [Brosche aus dem Mittelalter]
fibula [rare] [medieval brooch]Fürspann {m} {f} [Fürspan]
hist. mil. galloglass [Irish] [also: gallowglass] [medieval Irish mercenary]Söldner {m}
archi. hist. garderobe [medieval toilet]Abtritterker {m}
archi. constr. jettying [building technique in medieval timber-frame buildings]Rähmbauweise {f}
archi. constr. jettying [building technique in medieval timber-frame buildings]Stockwerkbauweise {f} [Rähmbauweise]
hist. jongleurs [itinerant minstrels of medieval France]Spielleute {pl}
hist. relig. spec. Passagini [medieval sabbatarian sect]Passaginer {pl}
mus. rebeck [spv.] [rebec] [medieval stringed instrument]Rebec {m} {f} {n} [mittelalterliche Geige]
educ. hist. jobs schoolmaster [of a medieval cathedral or monastic school]Scholastikus {m}
hist. mus. shawm [a medieval and Renaissance wind instrument]Ciaramella {f} [Schalmei]
hist. mus. shawm [a medieval and Renaissance wind instrument]Kalamaia {f} [Schalmei]
hist. mus. shawm [a medieval and Renaissance wind instrument]Schalmay {f} [Rsv.]
hist. mus. shawm [a medieval and Renaissance wind instrument]Schalmey {f} [Rsv.]
hist. student [medieval]Scholast {m} [veraltet]
hist. Swabia [historic region of medieval Germany]Schwaben {n}
cloth. hist. tabard [medieval costume mostly worn by men]Daphart {m} [Tappert]
cloth. hist. tabard [medieval costume mostly worn by men]Tabard {m} [Tappert]
cloth. hist. tabard [medieval costume mostly worn by men]Tapphart {m} [auch: Taphart] [Tappert]
hist. tools tron [Br.] [public weighing device in medieval Scotland]Wiegebalken {m} [am Marktplatz im mittelalterlichen Schottland]
cloth. hist. wimple [medieval headdress]Gebende {n} [Rsv.]
2 Words: Others
hist. high medieval {adj} [also: High Medieval]hochmittelalterlich
2 Words: Nouns
hist. armed servants [medieval]Reisige {pl}
castle area [area of a fortified castle, typically of the medieval period]Burgareal {n}
castle area [area of a fortified castle, typically of the medieval period]Burggelände {n}
archi. relig. castle church [of a fortified castle, typically of the medieval period]Burgkirche {f}
archi. castle complex [of a fortified castle, typically of the medieval period]Burganlage {f}
archi. castle courtyard [of a fortified castle, typically of the medieval period]Burghof {m}
castle entrance [entrance of a fortified castle, typically of the medieval period]Burgeingang {m}
archi. hort. castle garden [garden of a fortified castle, typically of the medieval period]Burggarten {m}
archi. castle gate [of a fortified castle, typically of the medieval period]Burgtor {n}
archi. castle hall [hall of a fortified castle, typically of the medieval period]Burgsaal {m}
castle ruins [ruins of a fortified castle, esp. of the medieval period]Ruinen {pl} einer Burg
archi. castle ruins [ruins of fortified castles, esp. of the medieval period]Burgruinen {pl}
archi. castle ruins {pl} [ruins of a fortified castle, esp. of the medieval period]Burgruine {f}
hist. lit. chivalric romance [genre, medieval literature]Ritterdichtung {f} [höfischer Roman]
archi. curtain wall [medieval architecture]Umfassungsmauer {f}
hist. law doom seat [obs.] [place of judgement in medieval times] [rare]Richterstuhl {m}
hist. Jewish gate [town gate in many medieval towns]Judentor {n} [Stadttor in vielen mittelalterl. Städten]
spec. memorial drinking [German custom, medieval with late survivals]Minnetrinken {n} [veraltet]
hist. neck violin [shrew's fiddle] [medieval instrument of torture]Zankbrett {n} [mittelalterliche Halsgeige]
hist. neck violin [shrew's fiddle] [medieval instrument of torture]spanische Geige {f} [mittelalterliche Schandgeige, Halsgeige]
ling. Old Spanish [Medieval Spanish, Old Castilian language]Altspanisch {n}
games hist. tilt barrier [in medieval jousting]Beschrankung {f} [beim ritterlichen Reitwettstreit (Tjost)]
3 Words: Nouns
hist. flute of shame [medieval instrument of torture]Schandflöte {f}
hist. German eastward expansion [medieval](Deutsche) Ostsiedlung {f} [im Hochmittelalter]
lit. the faithful Eckart [mythical figure in medieval German literature]der getreue Eckart {m}
4 Words: Nouns
lord of a castle [lord of a fortified castle, esp. of the medieval period]Burgherr {m} [Herr einer Burg]
lord of the castle [lord of the fortified castle, esp. of the medieval period]Burgherr {m} [Herr der Burg]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F King Rother [medieval German romance]König Rother
lit. F The Rose Garden at Worms [medieval epic]Der Rosengarten zu Worms [mittelalterliches Versepos]
lit. F Romance of the Rose [medieval poem]Rosenroman {m}
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