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| tech. recordable {adj} [recording medium] | 31 beschreibbar [Aufnahmemedium] | |
| middling {adj} [of medium size] | (von) mittlerer Größe [nachgestellt] | |
Verbs |
| FoodInd. to enrobe sth. [coat a food item with a coating medium] | 16 etw.Akk. überziehen [z. B. mit Schokolade] | |
Nouns |
| coverage [area reached by radio station or advertising medium] | 297 Reichweite {f} [von Sender, Werbeträger] | |
| vehicle [medium] | 124 Mittel {n} [Hilfsmittel, Vehikel] | |
| esot. psychic [medium] | 77 Medium {n} [Parapsychologie] | |
| market. advertiser [medium] | 52 Werbeträger {m} | |
| esot. phys. ether [medium for the expansion of light] | 17 Äther {m} [Medium für die Ausbreitung des Lichts] | |
| vehicle [fig.] [medium, means] | 16 Instrument {n} [fig.] [Mittel, Medium] | |
| gastr. TrVocab. [medium strong coffee with hot milk, partly frothed] | 12 Melange {f} [österr.] [klassisch] | |
| [small to medium-sized container, esp. for water] | Schaffel {n} [österr.] [bayer.] [kleineres Schaff] | |
| cloth. [yellow hooded heavy-duty medium-length PVC rain coat] | Ostfriesennerz {m} [ugs.] [hum.] | |
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| FoodInd. ind. enrober [machine used to coat a food item with a coating medium, typically chocolate] | Überziehanlage {f} | |
| med. MedTech. opacification [contrast medium] | Anfärbung {f} [Kontrastmittel] | |
2 Words: Others |
| college ruled {adj} [medium ruled] | mittelbreit liniert | |
| spec. textil. Worsted weight [medium weight yarn with 16-20 stitches for 10 cm stockinette ] | [bestimmtes Garngewicht, das eine Maschenweite von 16-20 Maschen pro 10 cm glatt rechts gestrickt ergibt] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to pressure test [if pressure-test medium is unknown] | abdrücken [wenn Druckprüfmedium unbekannt] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| MedTech. barium meal [contrast medium] | Kontrastmittelbrei {m} [Bariumbrei] | |
| MedTech. barium meal [contrast medium] | Kontrastspeise {f} [Kontrastmittelbrei] | |
| equest. VetMed. coronary horn [Mesonychium; Stratum medium] | Kronhorn {n} | |
| RadioTV digital television [medium] | Digitalfernsehen {n} | |
| med. pharm. echo enhancer [ultrasound contrast medium] | Echo-Verstärker {m} [Ultraschallkontrastmittel] | |
| econ. exchange medium [medium of exchange] | Tauschmittel {n} | |
| film RadioTV figure shot [medium long shot] | Halbtotale {f} | |
| MedTech. fill run [contrast medium] | Füllungslauf {m} [Kontrastmittel] | |
| first recording [any media, e.g. audio, video, graph, photo] | erste Aufnahme {f} [irgendein Medium, z. B. Audio, Video, graphische Darstellung, Foto] | |
| tech. longitudinal vibration [of an elastic medium] | Longitudinalschwingung {f} | |
| ling. middle form [middle voice of a verb] | Mittelform {f} [Medium eines Verbs] | |
| bot. MS-zero <MS0> [Murashige and Skoog medium] | MS-null {n} <MS0> [Murashige-Skoog-Medium] | |
| MedTech. opaque meal [contrast medium] | Kontrastspeise {f} [Kontrastmittelbrei] | |
| print print substrate [medium] | Druckträger {m} | |
| protected domain [of individual rights, on a storage medium, etc.] | geschützter Bereich {m} [persönlicher Rechte, eines Speichermediums etc.] | |
| med. pharm. signal enhancer [ultrasound contrast medium] | Signalverstärker {m} [Ultraschallkontrastmittel] | |
| test medium | Prüfmittel {n} [zu testendes Medium] | |
| film photo. waist shot [coll.] [medium shot] | Halbnahe {f} [ab der Hüfte aufwärts] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| med. pharm. echo-enhancing agent [ultrasound contrast medium] | Echosignalverstärker {m} | |
| RadioTV high definition television <HDTV> [medium] | hochauflösendes Fernsehen {n} | |
| tech. hydrogen storage system [facility, medium or material in which hydrogen is actually stored] | Wasserstoffspeicher {m} | |
| latent heat storage [system, medium etc.] | Latentwärmespeicherung {f} | |
| anat. middle cervical ganglion <MCG> [Ganglion cervicale medium] | mittleres Halsganglion {n} | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| biol. Murashige and Skoog medium <MSO, MS0> [Murashige & Skoog medium] | Murashige-Skoog-Medium {n} <MSO, MS0> | |
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi) |
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| zool. T precious wentletrap [Epitonium scalare, syn.: E. breve, E. gradatum, E. laevis, E. lineatum, E. medium, E. minor, E. pygmaeum, E. subtile, Scalaria pretiosa, S. scalaris] | | |
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English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others.
More informationContains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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