| English | German | |
| pol. lawmakers [members of a legislative body] | 289 Abgeordnete {pl} | |
| fold [the members of a church, congregation] | 231 Herde {f} [geh.] [Gemeinde] | |
| zool. T | 224 | |
| boardroom [fig.] [members of the board] | 102 Vorstandsetage {f} [fig.] [Vorstände] | |
| race [fig.] [e. g. members of a profession, a nation etc.] | 31 Menschenschlag {m} | |
| pol. [German Social Democratic Party youth organisation members] | 10 Jusos {pl} [Jungsozialistinnen und Jungsozialisten der SPD] | |
| hist. law [Name for German clubs in the 1920's, usually with criminal orientation, whose members were identified by a characteristic signet ring] | 10 Ringverein {m} [kriminelle Organisation] | |
| membership {sg} [all members collectively] | 6 Mitglieder {pl} [Mitgliederschaft] | |
| zool. T | 5 | |
| mil. naut. snipe [Am.] [coll.] [U.S. Navy term for members of the engineer staff of a vessel] | 5 [US-Navy-Slang für ein Crewmitglied des Maschinenpersonals eines Schiffs] | |
| sports [fans, members or players of the German soccer club TSV 1860 München] | Sechziger {pl} [ugs.] [kurz für: Fans, Mitglieder oder Spieler des Fußballvereins TSV 1860 München] | |
| [male associated with a team or a students' fraternity bearing "Borussia" in its name; e.g. common for members of the football teams "Borussia Mönchengladbach" and "Borussia Dortmund"] | Borusse {m} | |
| [members of German intelligence services] | Schlapphüte {pl} [ugs.] [Mitglieder deutscher Geheimdienste] | |
| jobs [members of the civil assistance force which is an alternative to military service in Switzerland] | Zivilschützer {pl} [schweiz.] | |
| hist. pol. [members of the the Communist Party of Germany (Opposition), 1928 - 1939/40] | Brandlerianer {pl} [KPD-O] [auch: KPD (O)] | |
| pol. [members of the Union parties, CDU an CSU, in the German Bundestag] | Unionschristen {pl} | |
| pol. [members or followers of the SPD] | Rote {pl} [ugs.] [oft pej.] [Politiker der SPD od. Anhänger] | |
| sports [nickname for members of the sports club of Bayer Leverkusen] | Farbenstädter {pl} [ugs.] [Spitzname für Sportvereine/Sportler von Bayer Leverkusen] | |
| pol. [politicians, members or voters of the "Freedom Party of Austria"] | die Blauen {pl} [österr.] [FPÖ] | |
| pol. [support of more than 50 % of all Bundestag members for the chancellor] | Kanzlermehrheit {f} | |
| automot. [the members of the patrol force of the ADAC, Germany; equivalent to the AA and RAC in the UK or the AAA in the USA.] | die Gelben Engel {pl} | |
| admin. fin. [the splitting of combined income equally across members of a unit (couple, family, etc.) for purposes of income tax calculation] | Splitting {n} | |
| hist. mus. ABBA® [Swedish pop group] [ABBA is an acronym of the first letters of the band members' first names] | ABBA® {f} [schwedische Popgruppe] | |
| hist. pol. agrarians [members of an agrarian party or movement] | Agrarier {pl} [Vertreter wirtschaftspolitischer Interessen von Landwirten] | |
| zool. T | | |
| acad. bot. batology [study of members of the plant genus Rubus] | Batologie {f} [Wissenschaft von Brombeeren und Himbeeren] | |
| econ. pol. Bilderbergers [members of the Bilderberg Group, participants of Bilderberg meetings] | Bilderberger {pl} | |
| hist. pol. blueshirts [members of the Free German Youth organisation in former East Germany] | Blauhemden {pl} [Mitglieder der Freien Deutschen Jugend der DDR] | |
| hist. Bundists [female members of the General Jewish Labour Union of Lithuania, Poland and Russia (Bund)] | Bundistinnen {pl} [Mitglieder des Allgemeinen jüdischen Arbeiterbunds von Litauen, Polen und Russland (Bund)] | |
| hist. Bundists [members of the General Jewish Labour Union of Lithuania, Poland and Russia (Bund)] | Bundisten {pl} [Mitglieder des Allgemeinen jüdischen Arbeiterbunds von Litauen, Polen und Russland (Bund)] | |
| mus. chelys [greek lyra, later also used for members of the viol family] | Chelys {f} [griech. Schildkrötenleier, später auch Bezeichnung für Gamben] | |
| zool. T | | |
| pol. electors [members of the electoral college] [USA] | Wahlleute {pl} | |
| hist. Gepids {pl} [members of a east germanic gothic tribe] | Gepiden {pl} | |
| membership [all members collectively] | Mitgliedergemeinschaft {f} | |
| relig. Moravians {pl} [members of the Moravian Church] | Herrnhuter {pl} [Mitglieder der Herrnhuter Brüdergemeine] | |
| relig. Oratorians <C.O.> [members of the Oratory congregation] | Oratorianer {pl} | |
| hist. relig. Philadelphians [members of a religious movement] | Philadelphier {pl} | |
| relig. Salvationists [members of the Salvation Army] | Salutisten {pl} [Anhänger der Heilsarmee] | |
| relig. templers [members of the Temple Society (German: Tempelgesellschaft)] | Templer {pl} | |
| relig. tertiaries [members of a religious Third Order] | Terziaren {pl} | |
| relig. Tertiaries [members of a religious Third Order] | Terziarer {pl} | |
| relig. Tertiaries [members of a religious Third Order] [also: tertiaries] | Tertiaren {pl} | |
| relig. the cloth [clergy, esp. "members of the cloth"] | die Geistlichkeit {f} | |
| relig. the Friends [the members of the Society of Friends] [Quakers] | die Quäker {pl} | |
| the untouchables [members of the lowest or no Indian caste] | die Unberührbaren {pl} | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| relig. stat. church membership [number of members] | Kirchenmitgliedschaft {f} | |
| EU Community standards [standards binding all EU members] | Gemeinschaftsnormen {pl} | |
| honorary title [for members of professions] | Berufstitel {m} [österr.] | |
| hist. ling. pol. Interpretatio graeca [Latin term for the common tendency of ancient Greek writers to equate foreign divinities to members of their own pantheon.] | Interpretatio Graeca {f} [Gleichsetzung nichtgriechischer mit griechischen Göttern in der Antike] | |
| econ. law management board {sg} [board members] | Vorstandsmitglieder {pl} | |
| metal workers [esp. union members] | Metaller {pl} [ugs.] | |
| mil. military status [classification grades of the service relationships of U.S. Armed Forces members; active, reserve, National Guard, separated, retired] | [Status-Klassifikation der Dienstverhältnisse Angehöriger der US-Streikräfte; aktiv, Reserve, Nationalgarde, ausgeschieden, im Ruhestand] | |
| relig. Original Christians [members of the Twelve Tribes Movement] | Urchristen {pl} [Mitglieder der Zwölf Stämme] | |
| relig. regular clergy [members of a religious order] | Regularkleriker {pl} | |
| relig. regular clergy [usually treated as pl.] [members of religious orders] | Ordensklerus {m} | |
| law pol. scientific service [supporting members of parliament] | wissenschaftlicher Dienst {m} [zur Unterstützung von Parlamentariern] | |
| society ladies [female members of a society] | Vereinsdamen {pl} | |
| young men [members of an organization] | Jungmänner {pl} [als Mitglieder einer Organisation] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| EU Citizens' Rights Directive [short title] [Directive on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States] | Freizügigkeitsrichtlinie {f} [Kurztitel] [Richtlinie 2004/38/EG] | |
| EU Citizens' Rights Directive [short title] [Directive on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States] | Unionsbürgerrichtlinie {f} [Kurztitel] [Freizügigkeitsrichtlinie, Richtlinie 2004/38/EG] | |
| EU Free Movement Directive [coll.] [Directive on the right of citizens of the Union and their family members to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States] | Freizügigkeitsrichtlinie {f} [Kurztitel] [Richtlinie 2004/38/EG] | |
| Unverified local leading families [families whose members sat on local councils] | Ratsgeschlechter {pl} [südd.] [schweiz.] [veraltet] | |
| law mil. military disciplinary court [court of administrative jurisdiction for disciplinary proceedings against members of the Bundeswehr] | Truppendienstgericht {n} | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| old family of merchants [hereditary members of the mercantile patriciate] | Kaufmannsgeschlecht {n} | |
5+ Words: Others |
| quote Don't get mad, get even. [attributed to members of the Kennedy family] | Nicht aufregen, heimzahlen. | |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
| comics F Junior Woodchucks [scouting club of which Disney's Huey, Dewey and Louie are members] [Disney] | Fähnlein Fieselschweif | |
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi) |
| mycol. T | | |
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