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| ordinary {adj} [of middle quality] | 360 durchwachsen [ugs.] [mittelmäßig] | |
| yond {pron} [obs., Middle English] [that one] | 8 jener | |
| econ. geogr. EMEA {adj} [Europe, the Middle East and Africa] | EMEA- [Europa, Naher Osten und Afrika] | |
| med. medial {adj} [situated in or forming the middle] | medial [in der Mitte liegend od. bildend] | |
Nouns |
| econ. geogr. EMEA [Europe, the Middle East and Africa] | 66 EMEA {f} [Europa, Naher Osten und Afrika] | |
| gossamer [archaic] [from Middle English - goose summer] | 51 Altweibersommer {m} | |
| Karen [Am.] [sl.] [pej.] [ignorant snobbish middle-aged white woman] | 34 Meckerziege {f} [ugs.] [pej.] [fig.] [überhebliche weiße Frau in mittlerem Alter] | |
| sociol. [(traditionally educated) middle-class intellectual] | 27 Bildungsbürger {m} | |
| [middle of a period of time] | 15 Bergfest {n} [ugs. Begriff, der den Termin beschreibt, an dem die Hälfte einer festen Zeitspanne verstrichen ist] | |
| belle [Middle English: bell] | 9 Glocke {f} | |
| anat. biol. media [Tunica media] [middle coat] | 7 Media {f} [kurz für: Tunica media] | |
| gastr. croutons {pl} [sautéed cubed roll/bread (put in the middle of potato dumplings)] | 6 Klößbrot {n} [fränk.] [geröstete Brötchenwürfel / Weißbrotwürfel als Kloßfüllung] | |
| theatre [a theatre providing the middle class with education and refinement] | Bildungstheater {n} [meist pej.] | |
| [an ethnic slur or hate word referring to a person of Middle Eastern, esp. Turkish, origin] | Kümmeltürke {m} [pej.] [Hasswort] | |
| educ. [combination of middle and secondary school in Saarland] | Erweiterte Realschule {f} <ERS> [Saarland] | |
| hist. [illegal mint in former times, esp. during the Middle Ages] | Heckenmünze {f} [nicht legale Münzstätte, bes. im Mittelalter] | |
| hist. law [Middle Ages; given set of military equipment, bequeathed to the next male relative; cf. "heriot"] | Heergewäte {n} [veraltet] [auch: Hergewäte, Heergewette, Heergeräte, Heergewedde] [vererbte Ausrüstung eines Kriegers im Mittelalter] | |
| ling. [shortening in which the middle of the word is omitted] | Klammerwort {n} [Kirschblüte für Kirschbaumblüte] | |
| educ. [transfer from middle school to academic high school] | Gymnasiumsübertritt {m} [bes. schweiz.] [Übertritt auf / in das Gymnasium] | |
| geogr. [Upper Franconia and parts of Middle Franconia] | Bierfranken {n} [ugs.] [Oberfranken und mittelfränkische Regionen] | |
| ling. boerde [Middle Dutch narrative with humorous erotic contents] | Boerde {f} [mittelniederländische Erzählung mit komisch-erotischem Inhalt] | |
| hist. Friedelehe [postulated legally inferior form of marriage in the Germanic world, esp. in the early Middle Ages] | Friedelehe {f} [frühmittelalterliche Ehe, in der Regel zwischen Partnern aus unterschiedlichen Ständen] | |
| geogr. Fürth [Middle Franconia, Germany] | (die) Kleeblattstadt {f} [ugs.] [Fürth] | |
| gastr. zool. T | | |
| Oriental [from a Near or Middle Eastern country] | Orientale {m} | |
| hist. weapons spear [of the Germanic warriors during the Migration Period and the Early Middle Ages] | Ger {m} [germanischer Wurfspieß zur Zeit der Völkerwanderung und im Frühmittelater] | |
| geogr. the Sandbox [Am.] [military sl.] [the Middle East, esp. Iraq] | der Nahe Osten {m} [bes. Irak] | |
| FoodInd. gastr. Za'atar [traditional blend of the Middle East] [also romanized: zaatar, za'tar, zatar, zatr, zattr, zahatar, zaktar or satar] | Zatar {n} [auch {m}] [Gewürzkräutermischung] [auch: Za'tar, Zahtar oder Satar] | |
2 Words: Others |
| admin. mid-ranking {adj} [middle-ranking] | mittelrangig | |
| admin. mid-ranking {adj} [middle-ranking] | von mittlerem Rang [nachgestellt] | |
| geol. Middle Eocene {adj} [also: middle Eocene] | mitteleozän | |
| geol. Middle Miocene {adj} [also: middle Miocene] | mittelmiozän | |
| geol. Middle Permian {adj} [also: middle Permian] | mittelpermisch | |
| ethn. ling. Middle Slavic {adj} [also: Middle-Slavic] | mittelslawisch | |
| ling. middle-voice {adj} [attr.] [concerning middle-voice verbs] | medial [die Mittelform zwischen Aktiv und Passiv betreffend] | |
| non-U {adj} [Br.] [coll.] [dated] [middle-class and below] | nicht zur Oberschicht gehörig [auch: untypisch für die britische Oberschicht und nicht ihren Normen entsprechend] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| audio med. adhesive process [e.g. in the middle ear] | Verwachsung {f} [z. B. im Mittelohr] | |
| sociol. bourgeois family [solid middle-class] | gutbürgerliche Familie {f} | |
| bumfuck nowhere [vulg.] [sl.] [the middle of nowhere] | Walachei {f} [fig.] [ugs.] | |
| camel jockey [vulg.] [sl.] [Racist term for Middle Easterner] | Kameltreiber {m} [pej.] [rassistisch] | |
| admin. pol. district government [of Upper Bavaria, Lower Bavaria, Middle Franconia, etc.] | Regierung {f} [von Oberbayern, Niederbayern, Mittelfranken usw.] | |
| hist. spec. eastward movement [esp. Germany since the Middle Ages] | Ostbewegung {f} [bes. Deutschland seit dem Mittelalter] | |
| mus. filling out [middle voices] | Ausfüllung {f} [Mittelstimmen] | |
| holed coin [coin with a hole in the middle] | Lochmünze {f} | |
| holey coin [coin with a hole in the middle] | Lochmünze {f} | |
| anat. intermediate phalanx [Phalanx media] [middle phalanx] | mittleres Fingerglied {n} | |
| anat. long finger [Digitus medius] [middle finger] | Mittelfinger {m} | |
| anat. M-line [middle disc] | Mittelscheibe {f} [Sarkomer, Muskulatur] | |
| anat. M-line [middle disc] | M-Scheibe {f} [Sarkomer, Muskulatur] | |
| anat. M-line [middle disc] | M-Streifen {m} [Sarkomer, Muskulatur] | |
| management levels [top / middle / lower management] | Führungsebenen {pl} [oberes / mittleres / unteres Management] | |
| econ. geogr. mil. MENA region [Middle East and North Africa] | MENA-Region {f} | |
| ling. middle form [middle voice of a verb] | Mittelform {f} [Medium eines Verbs] | |
| mus. middle voice [middle register] | mittlere Stimmlage {f} | |
| educ. sixth-grader [Am.] [middle school] | Sextaner {m} [veraltet] | |
| archaeo. Szeletian (culture) [late Middle Palaeolithic culture] | Szeletien {n} [spätmittelpaläolithische Kultur] | |
| anat. tall finger [Digitus medius] [middle finger] | Mittelfinger {m} | |
| via media [middle way, compromise] | Mittelweg {m} [Möglichkeit zwischen Extremen] | |
3 Words: Others |
| betwixt and between {adv} [in a middle or unresolved position] | zwischen den Stühlen [fig.] | |
| sociol. solid middle class {adj} [also: solid middle-class] | gutbürgerlich | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| archaeo. hist. Late Stone Age <LSA> | [Zeitraum der afrikanischen Vorgeschichte nach dem Middle Stone Age] | |
| hist. Low Middle Ages {pl} [Late Middle Ages] | Spätmittelalter {n} | |
| sociol. middle-class parents [also: middle class parents] | Mittelschichteltern {pl} | |
| hist. the Dark Ages {pl} [Middle Ages] | das finstere Mittelalter {n} | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| med. patients of middle life [dated for: patients in middle age] | Patienten {pl} im mittleren Lebensalter | |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
| film F Zootropolis [renamed title, used in the UK, some other European countries and the Middle East, original title: Zootopia] [Byron Howard, Rich Moore] | Zoomania | |
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