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English-German translation for: [mixture]
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Dictionary English German: [mixture]

Translation 1 - 33 of 33

English German
varied {adj} [e.g. programme, mixture]
bunt [abwechslungsreich, z. B. Programm, Mischung]
compound [mixture]
Mischung {f}
hotchpotch [Br.] [confused mixture]
Mischmasch {m} [ugs.] [oft pej.]
chem. emulsion [mixture of liquids]
Emulsion {f} [Stoffgemisch]
galimatias [confused mixture of unlike things, nonsense]
Galimathias {m} {n} [veraltend] [Ungereimtes, Unsinn]
gastr. mincemeat [finely chopped mixture (as of raisins, apples, and spices) sometimes with meat that is used as pie filling]
[kleingehacktes Fruchtfleisch mit Gewürzen und manchmal Fleisch als Pastetenfüllung]
ling. [mixture of High and Low German]Missingsch {n}
gastr. [mixture of potatoes and pasta and sometimes meat scraps]Grenadiermarsch {m} [österr.] [Kartoffeln und Nudeln, ev. plus Fleisch- oder Wurstreste]
gastr. [one liter of wheat beer and lemonade; 50/50 mixture]Russenmaß {f} [1 ltr. Weizenradler] [österr.] [südd.]
mineral. andrewsite [mixture of hentschelite, chalcosiderite, rockbridgeite, barbosalite and possibly goethite, cuprite]Andrewsit {m}
mineral. animikite [mixture of galena (PbS), nickeline (NiAs), and silver (Ag)]Animikit {m} [Gemisch aus Galenit, Nickelin, und Silber]
relig. chrism [mixture of oil and balm used for sacramental purposes]Chrisam {m} {n} [geweihtes Öl]
mineral. hydrohausmannite [mixture of Mn-oxides / -hydroxides]Manganomelan {m} [Gemenge von Mn-Oxiden u. Mn-Hydroxiden]
mineral. karelinite [mixture of bismuthinite (Bi2S3), bismuthite (Bi2(CO3)O2), bismite (Bi2O3)]Karelinit {m} [Gemisch aus Bismuthinite Bismuthit, Bismit]
mineral. ledouxite [mixture of algodonite, copper, domeykite]Ledouxit {m} [Gemisch von Algodonit, Kupfer, Domeykit]
mineral. leucoxene [alteration product and mixture of Fe- and Ti-minerals, esp. titanite]Leukoxen {m} [Umwandlungsprodukt u. Mixtur von Fe- u. Ti-Mineralen, bes. Titanit]
constr. material mix [material mixture esp. in construction, road works]Mischgut {n} [Bau, Straßenbau]
richness [of mixture]Fettheit {f} [eines Gemisches]
salad [fig.] [mixture]Mischung {f} [von Menschen, Ideen etc.]
shade [a mixture of a color with black]Mischung {f} einer Farbe mit Schwarz
mineral. tapalpite [mixture of 3Ag2S : Bi2(S,Te)3]Tapalpit {m} [Gemenge]
tint [a mixture of a color with white]Mischung {f} einer Farbe mit Weiß [Tönung]
mineral. wad [earthy mixture of Mn-oxides / -hydroxides]Wad {n} [erdiges Gemenge von Mn-Oxiden u. Mn-Hydroxiden]
2 Words: Verbs
gastr. to whisk sth. up [eggs, mixture etc.]etw. schaumig schlagen
2 Words: Nouns
sports best mix [best air-gas mixture in diving with EAN]Best Mix / Best-Mix {m} [optimales Gasgemisch beim Tauchen mit EAN]
hort. oenol. Bordo mix [coll.] [Bordeaux mixture]Bordeauxbrühe {f} [Bordelaiser Brühe]
gastr. egg milk [mixture of egg(s) and milk]Eiermilch {f}
agr. pharm. hay flowers [mixture of seeds, flowers, and grasses, sieved from hay and used for medical purposes]Heublumen {pl}
chem. material initial concentration [of a solution, mixture]Ausgangskonzentration {f} [einer Lösung, Mischung]
hort. oenol. Millardet's mixture [rare] [Bordeaux mixture]Millardets Mittel {n} [selten bzw. veraltet] [Bordeauxbrühe]
chem. material starting concentration [of a solution, mixture]Ausgangskonzentration {f} [einer Lösung, Mischung]
3 Words: Nouns
gastr. half-and-half [milk and cream mixture][Sahne-Milch-Gemisch - halb/halb]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
agr. bot. T
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