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English-German translation for: [mobile]
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Dictionary English German: [mobile]

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telecom. to register [a mobile phone on a network]
einbuchen [Mobiltelefon in ein Netz]
to trill [mobile phone]
klingeln [Handy]
telecom. mobile [Br.] [coll.] [mobile phone]
Handy {n}
telecom. mobile [Br.] [coll.] [mobile phone]
Mobiltelefon {n}
telecom. clamshell [e.g. of a mobile phone / cell phone]
Klappgehäuse {n} [z. B. eines Handys]
neol. psych. nomophobia [no-mobile-phone phobia]
Nomophobie {f} [Angst, ohne Handy isoliert zu sein]
telecom. voicemail [mobile phone]
Combox {f} [schweiz.] [Mailbox, Sprachbox]
['mobile ethnic minority', politically correct police term for Romani people]mobile ethnische Minderheit {f} <MEM> [polizeidienstl. für: Sinti und Roma]
med. [mobile breast x-ray unit]Mammobil {n} [ugs.] [mobile Screening-Einheit für Bruströntgen]
[mobile indoor air quality monitor with traffic light option]Miefampel {f} [ugs.] [Luftgüteampel]
telecom. [mobile phones, cell / cellular phones] Handies {pl} [FALSCH für: Handys]
TrVocab. CouchSurfing® [global homestay and social networking service accessible via a website and mobile app.]Couchsurfing® {n} [kostenloses Übernachten in Wohnungen anderer Mitglieder eines gleichnamigen Netzwerks im Internet]
traffic transp. multanova [esp. Aus.] [generic term for a mobile speed camera] [Multanova®]Radarkamera {f} [Multanova® Radarmessgerät]
PortaJane® [Am.] [pink portable restroom for women]Dixiklo {n} für Damen [ugs.] [Rsv.] [Dixi-Klo] [Dixi®] [auch Gattungsname für eine mobile Toilettenkabine]
2 Words: Others
psych. telecom. phone-addicted {adj} [attr.] [to one's mobile phone]handysüchtig
2 Words: Verbs
to flip sth. open [mobile / cell phone, book, etc.]etw. aufklappen [Handy, Buch etc.]
2 Words: Nouns
electr. (mobile) powerbank [for charging smartphones and mobile tablet devices](mobiles) Ladegerät {n} [Powerbank]
Unverified accompanying throng [e.g. audience at a mobile sporting event]Begleitpulk {m}
automot. libr. book truck [mobile library]Fahrbibliothek {f}
libr. book van [mobile library]fahrbare Bücherei {f}
archi. art toys Calder mobile [also: Calder's mobile]caldersches Mobile {n}
tech. cherry picker [mobile crane with elevated work platform]Hubsteiger {m}
tech. cherry picker [mobile crane with elevated work platform]Steiger {m} [Hubarbeitsbühne]
comp. clean screen [function for cleaning the touch screen on mobile panels]Putzbild {n} [Funktion]
telecom. crypto phone [mobile]Krypto-Handy {n}
elephant's foot [coll.] [mobile step stool (office)]Elefantenfuß {m} [ugs.] [Bürorollhocker, Aufstiegshilfe]
floor standStänder {m} [für mobile Scheinwerfer]
automot. comm. gastr. food truck [mobile cook-and-serve vendor]Imbisswagen {m}
honey bucket [esp. Am.] [S.Afr.] [coll.] [fig.] [hum.] [here: outdoor toilet]Dixiklo {n} [ugs.] [Rsv.] [Dixi®] [auch Gattungsname für eine mobile Toilettenkabine]
honey bucket [esp. Am.] [S.Afr.] [coll.] [fig.] [hum.] [here: outdoor toilet]Dixi-Klo {n} [ugs.] [Dixi®] [auch Gattungsname für eine mobile Toilettenkabine]
Internet mobile appmobile App {f} [mobile Anwendung]
comp. mobile malware [malware that targets mobile wireless devices]Handymalware {f}
comp. mobile malware [malware that targets mobile wireless devices]Handy-Schadprogramm {n} [Handymalware]
mobile phaseMobilphase {f} [mobile Phase]
electr. telecom. mobile reception [Br.] [mobile phones]Handyempfang {m}
constr. mobile roadworks [Br.] [also: mobile road works]Wanderbaustelle {f}
telecom. network choice [mobile phone]Netzwahl {f} [Handy]
telecom. not spot [coll.] [area without mobile phone reception]Funkloch {n}
outreach work [care]aufsuchende [mobile] Betreuung {f}
outreach work [social work]aufsuchende [mobile] Sozialarbeit {f}
psych. telecom. phantom vibration [mobile phone]Phantomvibration {f} [Handy]
pillar standStänder {m} [für mobile Scheinwerfer]
porta potty [Am.]Baustellenklo {n} [ugs.] [mobile Toilettenkabine]
porta potty [Am.]Dixiklo {n} [ugs.] [Rsv.] [Dixi®] [auch Gattungsname für eine mobile Toilettenkabine]
Porta-John® [Am.] [also: Porta John®] [folding portable toilet]Dixiklo {n} [ugs.] [Rsv.] [Dixi-Klo] [Dixi®] [auch Gattungsname für eine mobile Toilettenkabine]
portable toiletBaustellenklo {n} [ugs.] [mobile Toilettenkabine]
portable toiletDixi® {n} [mobile Toilettenkabine, Sanitärcontainer]
portable toiletDixiklo {n} [ugs.] [Rsv.] [Dixi®] [auch Gattungsname für eine mobile Toilettenkabine]
portable toiletDixi-Klo {n} [ugs.] [Dixi®] [auch Gattungsname für eine mobile Toilettenkabine]
nucl. telecom. radiation limits [radioactivity, mobile phone]Strahlengrenzwerte {pl} [ugs.] [Radioaktivität, Mobilfunk]
audio telecom. sound quality [on a mobile phone, telecommunications software, etc.]Verständigungsqualität {f} [auf einem Handy, auf Telekommunikationssoftware, etc.]
talk credit [on a mobile phone]Gesprächsguthaben {n}
telecom. total loss [mobile communications]Gesamtschwund {m} [Mobilfunk]
transport position [e.g. mobile crane]Transportstellung {f}
telecom. unlimited plan [mobile data, etc.]Flatrate {f}
med. vaccination busImpfbus {m} [mobile Impfstation]
hist. mil. wagon fort [mobile fortification made of wagons, earth work and palisades]Tabor {m} [Wagenburg]
3 Words: Others
telecom. on the phone {adv} [cell/mobile phone]am Handy
3 Words: Verbs
to have sth. on silent [mobile phone, loudspeaker etc.]etw. stumm geschaltet haben
3 Words: Nouns
(mobile) phone holder [also: mobile holder]Handyhalterung {f} [ugs.] [Mobiltelefonhalterung]
travel full hook-up <FHU> [Am.] [Can.][komplette Anschlussmöglichkeit (Wasser, Strom, Abwasser) für Wohnwagen/-mobile auf Campingplätzen]
comp. telecom. hands-free communication [telephone and mobile phone]Freisprechen {n} [Telefon und Handy]
med. mobile medical vanPraxis {f} auf Rädern [mobile medizinische Versorgung; „DocMobil“]
stand-by time [mobile phone etc.]Bereitschaftszeit {f}
stand-by time [mobile phone etc.]Stand-by-Zeit {f}
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