| English | German | |
| veggy {adj} [coll.] [mostly attr.] [vegetarian] | 305 vegetarisch | |
| usually {adv} [mostly] | 265 meistens | |
| crooked {adj} [mostly trees] | 36 verwachsen | |
| hoydenish {adj} [mostly dated for: boisterous] | 11 ungestüm | |
| remote {adj} [mostly via video] [e.g. classes, meeting] | 10 kontaktfrei [meist per Video] [z. B. Unterricht, Konferenz] | |
| snowcapped {adj} [mostly attr.] | 8 schneebedeckt [Bergspitze] | |
| cosmet. oenol. citrus {adj} [mostly attr.] | citrisch | |
| relig. spec. impetratory {adj} [mostly obs., except theology] | impetratorisch | |
| ope {adj} [archaic or literary] [mostly pred.] [open] | offen | |
| quizzacious {adj} [mostly obs.] | höhnisch | |
| quizzacious {adj} [mostly obs.] | mokant [geh.] | |
| quizzacious {adj} [mostly obs.] | spöttisch | |
| quizzaciously {adv} [mostly obs.] | höhnisch | |
| quizzaciously {adv} [mostly obs.] | mokant [geh.] | |
| quizzaciously {adv} [mostly obs.] | spöttisch | |
| FoodInd. gastr. vanilla {adj} [mostly attr.] [vanilla-flavored] | mit Vanillegeschmack [nachgestellt] | |
Verbs |
| to overstep sth. [mostly fig.] [limits etc.] | 429 etw.Akk. überschreiten [Grenzen etc.] | |
| to oppugn sth. [mostly archaic] | 67 etw.Dat. widersprechen | |
| to pepper sb./sth. [fig.] [shoot at, extensively, mostly with small caliber arms] | 38 jdn./etw. beschießen | |
| to instal sth. [spv.] [mostly Br.] | 28 etw. anbringen | |
| to press sth. [mostly weights, above one's head] | 13 etw. hochstemmen | |
| to oppugn sth. [mostly archaic] | 11 etw. anfechten | |
| to uglify sb./sth. [mostly humorous] | jdn./etw. verhässlichen [selten] | |
Nouns |
| suds [mostly foam] | 179 Schaum {m} [Seifenschaum, Waschlauge] | |
| raving [mostly pl.] | 75 Raserei {f} | |
| squirter [coll.] [mostly vulg.] [woman who is gushing fluid during orgasm] | 47 Spritzerin {f} [ugs.] [selten, wenn nicht vulg.] [noch seltener auch Abspritzerin] | |
| math. addend [nowadays mostly: any of the summands] | 33 Summand {m} | |
| bibl. tare [usually plural] [mostly fig.] | 29 Unkraut {n} [meist fig.] | |
| furn. chiffarobe [mostly Southern USA] | 22 Garderobenschrank {m} [m. Tür u. Schubladen] | |
| legwork [mostly fig.] | 17 Laufarbeit {f} [auch fig.] | |
| furn. chifforobe [mostly Southern USA] | 16 Garderobenschrank {m} [m. Tür u. Schubladen] | |
| biol. predator [here: mostly eating from plants, less often killing animals] | 11 Fraßfeind {m} [meist an Pflanzen fressend, seltener Tiere tötend] | |
| bordel [mostly historical] | 8 Bordell {n} | |
| skidmark [Br.] [coll.] [(mostly) hum.] | 8 Bremsstreifen {m} [ugs.] [hum.] [Kotfleck in der Unterwäsche] | |
| relig. churchyness [mostly pejorative] | 6 Frömmelei {f} [pej.] | |
| law agnate [mostly obs.] [male relative on the father's side] | 5 Agnat {m} [männlicher Blutsverwandter der männlichen Linie] | |
| skerrick [coll.] [mostly Aus., NZ] | 5 Fitzelchen {n} [ugs.] | |
| mus. [abbreviation for so-called "Ernste Musik" (mostly classical music) in Germany] | E-Musik {f} [kurz für: sogenannte "Ernste Musik" im deutschsprachigen Raum] | |
| furn. chifferobe [mostly Southern USA] | Garderobenschrank {m} [m. Tür u. Schubladen] | |
| relig. Christophany [mostly capitalised] | Christophanie {f} | |
| fursuit [animal costume mostly worn by cosplayers] | Fursuit {m} [meist von Cosplayern getragenes Tierkostüm] | |
| hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia [mostly hum.] [fear of long words] | Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobie {f} [meist hum.] [Angst vor langen Wörtern] | |
| unit kantar [unit of weight] [mostly archaic] | Kantar {m} {n} [Gewichtsmaß] [vornehmlich veraltet] | |
| lit. kinslayer [rare, mostly in fantasy fiction] | Mörder {m} eines Elternteils | |
| lit. kinslayer [rare, mostly in fantasy fiction] | Mörder {m} eines Verwandten | |
| letter [mostly official] | Schreibebrief {m} [veraltet bzw. regional, bes. berlinerisch] | |
| pollard [layer of a grain beneath the bran, mostly used as animal feed] | Schrot-Kleie-Mischung {f} | |
| unit qantar [unit of weight] [mostly archaic] | Qantar {m} [Gewichtsmaß im Mittelmeerraum] [vornehmlich veraltet] | |
| recolonization [mostly Am.] | Rekolonisierung {f} | |
| shop [German term refers nowadays mostly to the toy version.] | Kaufladen {m} [Wird heutzutage meist auf die Spielzeugausgabe bezogen.] | |
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