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| |
| jumpy {adj} [motion] | 591 ruckartig | |
| tech. smooth {adj} [e.g. movement, motion] | 27 ruckfrei [z. B. Bewegung,, Lauf] | |
| med. terminal {adj} [end of the range of movement / motion] | 14 endgradig [z. B. Endgelenk, Biegung / Streckung] | |
| astron. phys. orbital {adj} [e.g. inclination, momentum, motion, velocity] | 5 Bahn- [Orbital-, Umlauf-] [z. B. Neigung, Impuls, Bewegung, Geschwindigkeit] | |
| rotary {adj} [e.g. brush, compressor, head, microtome, motion, nozzle] | Rotations- [z. B. Bürste, Kompressor, Kopf, Mikrotom, Bewegung, Düse] | |
| snaplike {adj} [motion] | blitzartig | |
Verbs |
| to advance sth. [with sliding motion, usually slowly] | 465 etw. vorschieben | |
| pol. to defeat sth. [a bill, a motion] | 136 etw. ablehnen [einen Gesetzentwurf, einen Antrag] | |
| phys. tech. to trip [move to act, put in motion] | 51 schalten [auslösen] | |
| to move [set in motion] | in Bewegung setzen | |
Nouns |
| rigmarole [coll.] [fuss, ado, needless motion] | 415 Brimborium {n} [ugs.] | |
| creep [act of creeping; creeping motion] | 242 Kriechen {n} [langsame oder kriechende Bewegung] | |
| film the movies {pl} [esp. Am.] [showing of a motion picture] | 78 Kino {n} [Filmvorführung] | |
| law nonsuit [Am.] [motion of dismissal] | 18 Klageabweisung {f} | |
| film flicker [sl.] [motion picture] | 14 Film {m} | |
| med. restraint [for wrist, foot, etc. to prevent motion, used only nights] | 9 Nachtschiene {f} | |
2 Words: Others |
| tech. in slowmo {adv} [coll.] [in slow motion] | in Slomo [ugs.] [in Slow Motion (Zeitlupe)] | |
| under way {adv} [in motion] [esp. of a ship] | unterwegs [bes. Schiff] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to be carried [bill, motion etc.] | durchgehen [Gesetz, Antrag etc.] | |
| to be passed [bill, motion etc.] | durchgehen [Gesetz, Antrag etc.] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| tech. detection field [e.g. of a motion detector] | Erfassungsfeld {n} [z. B. eines Bewegungsmelders] | |
| astron. direct motion [prograde motion] | prograde Bewegung {f} [rechtläufige Bewegung] | |
| film hist. Hays Code [Motion Picture Production Code] | Hays Code {m} | |
| MedTech. oscillating grid [moves in circular motion] | oszillierendes Raster {n} [Schwingraster] | |
| progressive motion [forward or continuing motion] | Fortbewegung {f} | |
| astron. engin. slewing motion [esp. in motion control] | Drehbewegung {f} | |
| acad. ecol. snow gliding [downhill motion of snow on the ground] | Schneegleiten {n} [Abgleiten einer Schneedecke am Hang] | |
| phys. tech. stick-slip [jerking motion when two objects are sliding over each other] | Ruckgleiten {n} [von gegeneinander bewegten Festkörpern] | |
| MedTech. TM-mode [time motion] | TM-Mode {m} [Sonographie] | |
| rail track pan [Am.] [reservoir for steam locomotives in motion] | Trog {m} [Wasservorratsbecken für Dampflokomotiven in Fahrt] | |
| rail water trough [Br.] [reservoir for steam locomotives in motion] | Trog {m} [Wasservorratsbecken für Dampflokomotiven in Fahrt] | |
| math. Wiener process [Brownian motion] | Wiener-Prozess {m} | |
3 Words: Others |
| in slo-mo {adv} [coll.] [short for: in slow motion] | in Zeitlupe | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| to start a machine [set in motion] | eine Maschine anlassen | |
| engin. ind. to start a machine [set in motion] | eine Maschine anlaufen lassen | |
| to start a machine [set in motion] | eine Maschine in Gang setzen [anlaufen lassen] | |
| to swipe at sb./sth. with sth. [to hit with a sweeping motion] | mit etw.Dat. nach jdm./etw. schlagen [mit einer geschwungenen Armbewegung] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| tech. field of detection [e.g. of a motion detector] | Erfassungsfeld {n} [z. B. eines Bewegungsmelders] | |
| electr. tech. sneak-by guard [on a motion detector] | Unterkriechschutz {m} [am Bewegungsmelder] | |
5+ Words: Others |
| admin. law of / on one's own motion {adv} [of the authority's motion] | von Amts wegen | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| med. motion of the heart muscle [myocardial motion] | Myokardbewegung {f} | |
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