| English | German | |
| cavernous {adj} [mouth] | 399 riesig | |
| pinched {adj} [mouth] | 233 verkniffen [Mund] | |
| pursed {adj} {past-p} [lips, mouth] | 164 gespitzt | |
| glacier {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cave, flea, guide, lift, mouth, snow, tour] | 32 Gletscher- [z. B. Höhle, Floh, Führer, Bahn, Tor, Schnee, Tour] | |
| art [painted with a brush in one's mouth or foot] {adj} | mund- oder fußgemalt | |
Verbs |
| to twist sth. [mouth] | 157 etw.Akk. verziehen [Mund] | |
| to dab sth. [ones's mouth, etc.] | 154 etw. abtupfen [tupfend säubern] | |
| to dribble [allow saliva to run from the mouth] | 13 seibern [regional] [sabbern (bes. kleine Kinder)] | |
| to collapse [gateway, glacier mouth, etc.] | zustürzen [selten] [einstürzen; Tor, Gletschertor etc.] | |
| to gape [open the mouth wide] | das Maul aufreißen [bei Tieren, sonst ugs. derb für: Mund aufreißen] | |
Nouns |
| zool. muzzle [mouth guard] | 767 Maulkorb {m} | |
| gag [mouth] | 267 Knebel {m} [Mundknebel] | |
| gob [Br.] [coll.] [mouth] | 223 Fresse {f} [derb] [Mund] | |
| trap [coll.] [mouth] | 173 Klappe {f} [ugs.] | |
| yap [coll.] [mouth] | 106 Maul {n} [ugs.] [derb] [Mund] | |
| kisser [sl.] [mouth] | 78 Fresse {f} [derb] [Mund] | |
| kisser [sl.] [mouth] | 50 Schnauze {f} [ugs.] [Mund] | |
| trap [coll.] [mouth] | 48 Fresse {f} [derb] | |
| trap [coll.] [mouth] | 41 Schnauze {f} [derb] | |
| zool. muzzle [mouth guard] | 40 Beißkorb {m} | |
| mus. harp [short for: mouth harp] [coll.] [harmonica] | 36 Mundharmonika {f} | |
| puss [Irish] [Scot.] [Am.] [sl.] [mouth] | 35 Fresse {f} [derb] [Mund] | |
| cakehole [Br.] [sl.] [mouth] | 20 Fresse {f} [derb] [Mund] | |
| trap [coll.] [mouth] | 13 Gosch {f} [regional] [pej.] [Mund] | |
| trap [coll.] [a person's mouth] | 11 Schnabel {m} [ugs.] [Mund] | |
| anat. trap [coll.] [mouth] | 11 Pappen {f} [österr.] [derb für: Mund] | |
| geogr. embouchure [archaic] [the mouth of a river or valley] | 9 Mündung {f} | |
| med. xerostomia [dry mouth] | 7 Xerostomie {f} [Mundtrockenheit] | |
| kisser [coll.] [mouth] | 6 Fotze {f} [bayer.] [ugs.] [Mund] | |
| anat. trap [coll.] [mouth] | 5 Gusche {f} [regional] [ugs.] [pej.] [Mund] | |
| meteo. [opening / mouth of the avalanche] | Lawinenmaul {n} | |
| bake [Br.] [Irish] [coll.] [mouth] | Klappe {f} [ugs.] [Mund] | |
| med. cacogeusia [bad taste in one's mouth] | Kakogeusie {f} [übler Geschmack im Mund] | |
| clacker [Br.] [regional] [mouth] | Mund {m} | |
| geogr. debouchure [opening, mouth] | Mündung {f} | |
| gob [Br.] [sl.] [mouth] | Bappn {f} [bayer.] [österr.] [ugs.] [Mund] | |
| mus. gora [also: goura] [mouth-resonated stringed bow of the Khoisan people] | Goura {f} [auch: Gom-Gom] [Musikbogen der Khoisan, baugleich der Lesiba] | |
| mus. lesiba [mouth-resonated stringed bow] | Lesiba {f} [Musikbogen, dessen Saiten mit dem Mund angeblasen werden] | |
| mus. sheng [Chin. mouth organ] | Scheng {n} [Mundorgel] | |
| mus. sheng [Chin. mouth-blown instrument] | Sheng {f} [Mundorgel] | |
| trap [coll.] [mouth] | Fotzen {f} [bayer.] [ugs.] [leicht derb] [Mund] | |
| trap [coll.] [mouth] | Gosche {f} [ugs.] [regional, bes. bayer., österr.] | |
| trap [coll.] [mouth] | Goschen {f} [ugs.] [regional, bes. bayer., österr.] | |
| trap [coll.] [mouth] | Lapp {f} [ugs.] [südd., regional] [pej.] [auch: Lappe] [Mund] [vgl. Klappe] | |
| trap [coll.] [mouth] | Schlabber {f} [regional] [ugs.] [Mund] | |
| trap [coll.] [mouth] | Schlapfen {m} [österr.] [regional] [Mund] | |
| hunting zool. tusks {pl} [upper and lower canine teeth that protrude from the mouth of adult male wild boar] | Gewaff {n} [Gruppe der aus dem Kiefer seitlich der Schnauze hervortretenden Eckzähne des Keilers] | |
| yap [coll.] [mouth] | Go {f} [wienerisch] [ugs.] [von Gosche(n)] | |
| yap [coll.] [mouth] | Schnörre {f} [ugs.] [alemannisch] [leicht derb] [auch: Schnorre] [Mund] | |
2 Words: Others |
| hard-mouthed {adj} [of horses, insensitive at the mouth] | hartmäulig [von Pferden, am Maul unempfindlich] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to open sth. wide [one's mouth, one's eyes] | etw.Akk. aufreißen [ugs.] [den Mund, die Augen] | |
| to play around sth. [smile plays around the corners of your mouth] | etw. umspielen [Lächeln] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| cake hole [Br.] [coll.] [mouth] | Futterluke {f} [ugs.] [hum.] [Mund] | |
| cake hole [sl.] [mouth] | Fresse {f} [derb] [Mund] | |
| face mask [cover of mouth and nose for disease protection] | Mund-Nasen-Bedeckung {f} | |
| armour jousting helm [archaic] [jousting helmet] [frog-mouth helm] | Stechhelm {m} | |
| moist snuff [dipping tobacco] [coll.: chew, snuff, chaw, daps, baccer, spit tobacco, mouth tobacco, etc.] | Dip-Kautabak {m} | |
| med. mouth breather [also: mouth-breather] | Mundatmer {m} | |
| mouth breather [Am.] [coll.] [pej.] [also: mouth-breather] [stupid person] | Dummkopf {m} [pej.] | |
| anat. mouth corner [rare for: corner of one's mouth] | Mundwinkel {m} | |
| med. perioral paleness [pale area around the mouth in scarlet fever] | Milchbart {m} [periorale Blässe] | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| to let saliva dribble [from the mouth] | Speichel ausfließen lassen | |
| to shut tight / tightly [eyes, mouth] | zukneifen | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| med. chronic mouth breather [also: chronic mouth-breather] | chronischer Mundatmer {m} | |
| armour frog-mouth helm [archaic] [frog-mouth helmet] | Krötenkopfhelm {m} [seltener für: Stechhelm] | |
| armour frog-mouth helm [archaic] [frog-mouth helmet] | Stechhelm {m} | |
| dent. MedTech. VetMed. full-mouth gag [McPherson mouth gag] | McPerson-Maulgatter {n} | |
| smell of booze [coll.] [from the mouth] | Fahne {f} [ugs.] [Alkoholgeruch] | |
| smell of wine [from the mouth] | Weinfahne {f} [ugs.] | |
5+ Words: Verbs |
| to be repeated from mouth to mouth | weitererzählt werden | |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
| mus. F Let our mouth be full of laughter [also: May our mouth be full of laughter] | Unser Mund sei voll Lachens [J. S. Bach, BWV 110] | |
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