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English-German translation for: [moving]
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Dictionary English German: [moving]

Translation 1 - 47 of 47

English German
prompting {adj} {pres-p} [inducing, moving]
inert {adj} [not moving]
pathetic {adj} [moving, touching]
ergreifend [bewegend, rührend]
inert {adj} [not moving]
about {adv} [in the vicinity; moving about in the vicinity]
rum [ugs.] [herum]
dallying {adj} {pres-p} [acting or moving slowly]
trödelnd [ugs.] [oft pej.] [beim Arbeiten oder Gehen]
rectilinear {adj} [moving in or forming a straight line]
blusterous {adj} [moving loudly or violently]
tobend [in lauter und wilder Bewegung]
astron. descensional {adj} [moving or directed downward]absteigend [abwärtsgehend, nach unten verlaufend]
slinky {adj} [moving in a sinuously graceful or provocative way]mit aufreizendem Gang [nachgestellt]
automot. transp. van [moving furniture]
Möbelwagen {m}
pushback [moving an airplane from a passenger terminal to a runway or taxiway]
Pushback {m} [Zurückschieben eines Flugzeugs vom Terminal auf das Rollfeld]
sports airflow [also airstream, flow of air around a moving person or vehicle]
Fahrtwind {m}
departure [moving to another place for good]
Wegzug {m}
transferral [the act of moving sb./sth. from one location to another]
Verlegung {f} [von jdm./etw. an einen anderen Ort, z. B. einen Patienten, Firmensitz]
action [manner of moving, e.g. of a machine, a horse]
Gang {m} [Gangart, z. B. einer Maschine, eines Pferds]
salmon [sl.] [person or vehicle that is moving against the flow]
[Person oder Fahrzeug, die/das sich zu einem Menschen- oder Fahrzeugstrom entgegengesetzt bewegt]
["light weaving", moving patterns of sunlight and shadows, esp. in misty air]Lichtweben {n} [poet.]
games black [chess player moving black pieces]Schwarzspieler {m} [Schach]
weapons deflection [leading the moving target when shooting]Vorhalt {m} [einer Waffe auf ein bewegtes Ziel]
med. MedTech. gurney [Am.] [a bed on wheels that is used in hospitals for moving sick people]fahrbares Krankenbett {n}
film pix [coll.] [(moving) pictures]Filme {pl}
med. MedTech. trolley [Br.] [a bed on wheels for moving patients in hospital]fahrbares Krankenbett {n}
automot. transp. vans [moving furniture]Möbelwagen {pl}
theatre wandeldekoration [moving scenery]Wandeldekoration {f}
games white [chess player moving white pieces]Weißspieler {m} [Schach]
2 Words: Others
free-running {adj} [moving smoothly and uninterruptedly]freischwingend
spine-tingling {adj} [moving]ergreifend
2 Words: Verbs
to budge over [Am.] [coll.] [make room for another person by moving]aufrücken [um für eine weitere Person Platz zu machen]
2 Words: Nouns
rail clearance gauge [between moving rail vehicles and fixed structures]Lichtraumprofil {n}
tech. creeper dolly [e.g. for moving heavy objects and wheeling them to the desired location]Rollbrett {n}
hunting drive hunt [with slow moving]Drückjagd {f} [langsames Scheuchen in Richtung Schussfeld der Schützen]
relig. house blessing [esp. when moving into a new home]Haussegnung {f}
hist. military road [for moving and supplying troops]Etappenstraße {f}
Internet news ticker [moving display of news text on lowest horizontal portion of screen]Nachrichtenticker {m}
packing case [for household moving]Umzugskarton {m}
3 Words: Verbs
idiom to bite the bullet [fig.] [to accept a negative aspect of a situation in order to continue moving forward]die Kröte schlucken [fig.] [eine unangenehme Konsequenz akzeptieren]
weapons to give lead to sth. [a moving target with a gun](etw.) vorhalten [eine Schusswaffe auf ein sich bewegendes Ziel]
3 Words: Nouns
automot. constr. tech. deflection-limiting volume <DLV> [earth-moving machinery]Verformungsgrenzbereich {m} ["Überlebensraum"; Schutzaufbauten bei Erdbaumaschinen]
hist. double summer time [moving clocks ahead by 2 hours during WWII]doppelte Sommerzeit {f} [Vorstellen der Uhren um 2 Stunden während des 2. Weltkriegs]
RealEst. move-in date [date of moving into a new place of residence]Einzugstermin {m} [Datum des Umzugs an einen neuen Wohnort]
audio tech. moving coil loudspeaker [also: moving-coil loudspeaker]Tauchspulenlautsprecher /Tauchspulen-Lautsprecher {m}
mus. tech. moving-coil pickup [also: moving coil pickup]elektrodynamischer Tonabnehmer {m}
4 Words: Others
in the slow lane {adv} [coll.] [moving ahead slowly]auf der Kriechspur [ugs. langsam vorankommend]
4 Words: Nouns
mus. tech. moving-coil pick-up [also: moving coil pick-up]elektrodynamischer Tonabnehmer {m}
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
bot. T
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