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English-German translation for: [murder]
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Dictionary English German: [murder]

Translation 1 - 39 of 39

English German
gory {adj} [murder, detail, sight]
to stiff sb. [sl.] [murder]
jdn. kaltmachen [ugs.]
to whack sb. [Am.] [sl.] [kill, murder]
jdn. umlegen [ugs.] [salopp] [umbringen]
to whack sb. [sl.] [Am.] [to murder]
jdn. plattmachen [ugs.] [töten]
to massacre sb./sth. [to murder or kill persons or animals, esp. with violence or cruelty]
jdn./etw. massakrieren [Personen oder Tiere in grausamer, brutaler Weise umbringen]
to ice sb. [Am.] [coll.] [to murder]
jdn. kaltmachen [ugs.] [ermorden]
to butcher sb. [murder]
jdn. hinschlachten
to 86 sb. [Am.] [coll.] [murder]
jdn. kaltmachen [ugs.] [umbringen]
[to ice sb.] [Am.] [coll.] [to murder] jdn. kalt machen [FALSCH für: kaltmachen] [ugs.] [ermorden]
law homicide [Am.] [murder]
Mord {m}
law uxoricide [murder of one's wife]
Uxorizid {m} [Mord an der Ehefrau]
hit [esp. Am.] [coll.] [murder]
Hit {m} [ugs.] [Auftragsmord]
relig. deicide [murder]
Gottesmord {m}
femicide [murder]
Femizid {m} [auch {n}]
poisoning [resulting in murder]
Giftmord {m}
187 [esp. Am.] [sl.] [pronounced "one-eight-seven"] [murder]Mord {m}
relig. deicide [murder of a god]Deizid {m}
law familicide [murder]Familienmord {m}
garotte [spv.] [murder weapon]spanische Schlinge {f}
garrotte [Br.] [murder weapon]spanische Schlinge {f}
homicide [murder]Homozid {m} [geh.]
hist. Sonderbehandlung ['special treatment', the Nazi euphemism for bureaucratized, state-organized murder]Sonderbehandlung {f} <S.B.> [NS-Tarnbezeichnung für staatl. angeordneten Mord]
2 Words: Verbs
to bump sb. off [coll.] [kill, murder]jdn. umlegen [ugs.] [salopp] [umbringen]
law to charge sb. with sth. [e.g. a murder]jdn. wegen etw.Gen. anschuldigen [z. B. eines Mordes]
to eighty-six sb. [Am.] [coll.] [murder]jdn. kaltmachen [ugs.] [umbringen]
to rub sb. out [Am.] [coll.] [idiom] [murder, kill sb.]jdm. das Licht ausblasen [ugs.] [Redewendung] [jdn. töten]
2 Words: Nouns
knock-off [sl.] [murder]Mord {m} [in der Unterwelt]
archi. hist. murder hole [also: murder-hole] [here: embrasure]Schießscharte {f} [Befestigungsanlagen]
law murder one [Am.] [coll.] [first-degree murder][vorsätzlicher Mord oder zur Förderung eines anderen Verbrechens begangener Mord]
law murder two [coll.] [second-degree murder] [U.S. law]Totschlag {m} [hier: Strafrecht der USA]
3 Words: Others
We're talking ... (here). [coll.] [e.g. billions, mass murder, war]Wir reden (hier) von ...
3 Words: Nouns
hist. Unverified direct medical killing [systematic murder of ill persons, esp. in Nazi Germany]Euthanasierung {f} [systematische Ermordung von Kranken insb. in der NS-Zeit]
orn. flock of crows ["murder of crows" is the technical term]Schwarm {m} (von) Krähen
law second-degree murder [also: murder of the second degree] [U.S. law]Totschlag {m} [hier: Strafrecht der USA]
law Unverified third-degree murder [murder that does not meet the requirements of first or second degree murder]billigende Inkaufnahme einer Tötung {f}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Burglars [also: Murder For Sale]Einbrecher [Hanns Schwarz]
lit. F Hasty Death [An Edwardian Murder Mystery, #2] [Marion Chesney]Eine Leiche in bester Gesellschaft
lit. F Snobbery With Violence [An Edwardian Murder Mystery, #1] [Marion Chesney]Tod auf Telby Castle
lit. F You Shall Know Them [also: The Murder of the Missing Link, and Borderline] [Vercors (Jean Bruller)]Das Geheimnis der Tropis
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