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English-German translation for: [muscles]
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Dictionary English German: [muscles]

Translation 1 - 30 of 30

English German
muscular {adj} [having well-developed muscles]
pectoral {adj} [e.g. muscles, fin, cross, tea]
Brust- [z. B. Muskeln, Flosse, Kreuz, Tee]
neck {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cushion, support, pain, muscles]
Nacken- [z. B. Kissen, Stütze, Schmerzen, Muskeln]
anat. med. ocular {adj} [e.g. movement, muscles, surgery]
Augen- [z. B. Bewegung, Muskeln, Operation]
anat. biol. sports vascular {adj} [bulging veins on ribbed muscles]
aderig [bei Vaskularität]
face {adj} [attr.] [e.g. care, cream, guard, lotion, muscles, recognition]
Gesichts- [z. B. Pflege, Creme, Schutz, Wasser, Muskeln, Erkennung]
to tone [e.g. muscles]
tonen [z. B. Muskeln]
anat. to flex sth. [contract or move by muscular control] [muscles, brows, etc.]etw. spielen lassen [Muskeln, Augenbrauen usw.]
equest. to gymnasticate sth. [the muscles of the horse (and rider)]etw.Akk. gymnastizieren [die Muskeln des Pferdes (und Reiters) für höchste Anforderungen systematisch durchbilden]
to strengthen sth. [e.g. muscles]etw.Akk. tonisieren [z. B. Muskeln]
anat. abs [coll.] [short for: abdominal muscles]
Bauchmuskeln {pl}
anat. pecs [coll.] [short for: pectoral muscles]
Brustmuskeln {pl}
sixpack [coll.] [abdominal muscles, abs]
Waschbrettbauch {m} [ugs.]
beef {sg} [coll.] [muscles]
Muskeln {pl}
sixpack [coll.] [abdominal muscles, abs]
Waschbrett {n} [ugs:. gestählte Bauchmuskulatur]
med. fibrillation [of the muscles]Fibrillieren {n} [der Muskeln]
flexer [person who shows off their muscles][Person, die ihre Muskeln spielen lässt]
anat. glutes {pl} [coll.] [gluteal muscles]Gesäßmuskulatur {f}
anat. sports hamstrings [ischiocrural muscles]Hüftgelenksextensoren {pl}
anat. sports hamstrings {pl} [in human anatomy: the three posterior thigh muscles (semitendinosus, semimembranosus and biceps femoris)]hintere Oberschenkelmuskulatur {f}
anat. sports hamstrings {pl} [in human anatomy: the three posterior thigh muscles (semitendinosus, semimembranosus and biceps femoris)]rückseitige Oberschenkelmuskulatur {f}
sixpack [coll.] [visible abdominal muscles]Sixpack {m} {n} [ugs.] [sichtbare abdominale Muskeln]
2 Words
to become taut [rope, muscles, etc.]sichAkk. spannen [sich straffen] [Seil, Muskeln etc.]
to clench (up) [hands, muscles]sich verkrampfen [Hände, Muskeln]
med. charley horse [Am.] [coll.] [cramp esp. in the leg muscles]Krampf {m} [bes. im Bein]
anat. sports core muscles {pl} [torso muscles]Rumpfmuskulatur {f}
biochem. metabolic factory [description for muscles]Stoffwechselfabrik {f} [Beschreibung für die Muskeln]
anat. muscle stiffness {sg} [of various muscles; various cases of muscle stiffness]Muskelverhärtungen {pl}
washboard abs {pl} [coll.] [visible abdominal muscles]Waschbrettbauch {m} [ugs.]
3 Words
med. pain relief cream [for aching joints and muscles]Sportsalbe {f}
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