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| |
| econ. pol. internal {adj} [domestic, national] | 381 inländisch | |
| traditional {adj} [regional or national tradition] | 16 landestypisch | |
| hist. national {adj} | 10 völkisch [veraltet] [national] | |
| pol. brown {adj} [pej.] [as the colour of National Socialism or facism] | braun [pej.] [als Synonym für nationalsozialistisch o. faschistisch] | |
| denationalizing {adj} [divesting of national character] | denationalisierend | |
Verbs |
| fin. pol. to budget sth. [in the national budget] | etw. im Staatshaushalt ansetzen | |
Nouns |
| geogr. pol. state [national territory] | 22 Staatsgebiet {n} | |
| patriotism [local or national] | 12 Heimatliebe {f} | |
| naut. jack [a small version of a national flag flown at the bow of a vessel] | 9 Gösch {f} [Bugflagge von Schiffen] | |
| econ. med. lockdown [national quarantine] | 9 Lockdown {m} | |
| mil. guardsman [United States National Guard] | 6 Nationalgardist {m} [Nationalgarde der Vereinigten Staaten] | |
| [often pejorative nickname for exceedingly eager and convinced National Socialist young men] [Germany, after 1933] | 5 Quex {m} [ugs.] [oft pej.] | |
| sports [a sports match between the national teams of neighbouring countries] | Nachbarschaftsduell {n} [zwischen Nationalmannschaften] | |
| econ. ind. [contract manufacturing, also: national economies that rely on contract manufacturing] | verlängerte Werkbank {f} [fig.] [Fertigungsbetrieb, Volkswirtschaft, die keine eigene Forschung und Entwicklung betreibt] | |
| ling. [dictionary of national and regional variants] | Variantenwörterbuch {n} | |
| pol. [German national election campaign] | Bundestagswahlkampf {m} | |
| sports [German nickname for Argentina's national football team] | die Gauchos {pl} [ugs.] [auch pej.] [Spitzname für die Spieler der argentinischen Fußballnationalmannschaft] | |
| sports [German soccer national team] | DFB-Elf {f} | |
| [Germany's national accreditation body] | Deutsche Akkreditierungsstelle {f} <DAkkS> | |
| cloth. [knee-high stockings, worn with the national / traditional costume, e.g. in Bavaria, Austria, Switzerland] | Trachtenstrümpfe {pl} | |
| [National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Dentists] [Germany] | Kassenzahnärztliche Bundesvereinigung {f} <KZBV> | |
| [national insurance scheme] | Bürgerversicherung {f} | |
| film hist. name [nickname for the film actress Kristina Söderbaum, translated e.g. as: the water corpse of the Reich, most prominent water corpse in the Reich, the National Drowned Corpse] | Reichswasserleiche {f} [Spottname für die Filmschauspielerin Kristina Söderbaum] | |
| sports [nickname of the Swiss national soccer team] | Nati {f} [ugs.] [schweiz. für: Schweizer Fußballnationalmannschaft] | |
| pol. [political party comprising local or national dignitaries] | Honoratiorenpartei {f} | |
| [title awarded by municipal or national authorities to outstanding male singers] | Kammersänger {m} | |
| hist. sports [title of German national coach (several sports) from 1918 to 1945] | Reichstrainer {m} [Bezeichnung deutscher Nationaltrainer (verschiedene Sportarten) 1918 bis 1945] | |
| admin. rail AMTRAK® [National Railroad Passenger Corporation] [Am.] | Amtrak {f} [US-amerik. Eisenbahn-Unternehmen (National Railroad Passenger Corporation)] [AMTRAK®] | |
| herald. mil. Balkenkreuz [national identification cross on German military vehicles in different forms since 1918] | Balkenkreuz {n} [dt. Streitkräfte] | |
| ling. Bislama [English-based creole language used as the national language of Vanuatu] | Bislama {n} [Amtssprache der Republik Vanuatu und Lingua franca] | |
| Dannebrog [Danish national flag] | Dannebrog {m} [auch Danebrog] | |
| mus. pol. Unverified Hatikvah [national anthem of Israel] | haTikwa {f} [auch: Hatikva(h)] [Nationalhymne Israels] | |
| sports Matildas [Aus.] [nickname for the Australia women's national soccer team] | Matildas {pl} [Spitzname für die australische Fußballnationalmannschaft der Frauen] | |
| Nisshōki [also: Nisshoki] [national flag of Japan] | Nisshoki {f} [Nationalflagge von Japan] | |
| philos. pol. nuclearism [Am.] [advocacy of nuclear weapons and nuclear technology for the maintenance of peace and national security] | Nuklearismus {m} | |
| NUS [National Union of Students] [Br.] | nationaler Studentenbund {m} | |
| sports Oranje [nickname for the Netherlands national football team] | Oranje-Team {n} | |
| sports Socceroos {pl} [Aus.] [nickname for the Australia men's national soccer team] | Socceoss {pl} [Spitzname für die australische Fußballnationalmannschaft der Männer] | |
| pol. Storting [Norwegian national assembly] | Storting {n} | |
| sports the Matildas {pl} [Aus.] [coll.] [Australia women's national football team] | [Spitzname der australischen Frauenfußball-Nationalmannschaft] | |
| sports Tillies [Aus.] [shortened nickname for Matildas] [Australia women's national soccer team] | Tillies {pl} [kurz für den Spitznamen Matildas der australischen Fußballnationalmannschaft der Frauen] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| EU law to transpose sth. into sth. [esp. directives into national law] | etw.Akk. in etw.Akk. umsetzen [bes. Richtlinien in nationales Recht] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| Anzac Day [Aus.] [NZ] [Tonga] [national day of remembrance; 25 April] | ANZAC-Tag {m} [Akronym für Australian and New Zealand Army Corps; Feiertag in Aus., NZ, Tonga] | |
| law approval law [a federal law, with which national approval to an international treaty is given] | Zustimmungsgesetz {n} [Vertragsgesetz] | |
| hist. Balfour Declaration [1917, in support of "a national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine] | Balfour-Deklaration {f} [1917] | |
| civil flag [a national flag for use of non-governmental institutions] | Bürgerliche Flagge {f} [Nationalflagge für den zivilen Gebrauch] | |
| rail classification yard [Am., Can. (Canadian National Railway)] | Verschiebebahnhof {m} [österr.] [veraltet fachspr. bes. nordd.] [veraltend ugs.] | |
| federal flag [name of Germany's national flag] | Bundesflagge {f} | |
| hist. Final Solution [National Socialism] | Endlösung {f} | |
| hist. relig. spec. German Christianity [National Socialism] | Deutschchristentum {n} [Nationalsozialismus] | |
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