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| cervical {adj} [relating to the neck] | 104 Hals- | |
| sprained {adj} {past-p} [e.g. ankle, neck] | 47 verknackst [ugs.] [z. B. Fuß, Nacken] | |
| skinniest {adj} [e.g. arms, legs, neck] | dünnste [magerste, dürrste] [z. B. Arme, Beine, Hals] | |
Verbs |
| to wear sth. [e.g. ring, watch, necklace, neck pouch] | 447 etw. tragen [am Körper: z. B. Ring, Armbanduhr, Halskette, Brustbeutel] | |
| to expose sth. [e.g. tooth neck, artery, cable core] | 15 etw.Akk. freilegen [z. B. Zahnhals, Arterie, Kabelader] | |
| cosmet. to shave sth. [sb.'s neck, armpits, etc.] | 15 etw.Akk. ausrasieren [den Nacken, die Achselhöhlen etc.] | |
| to necklace sb. [S.Afr.] [to kill sb. by placing a burning tyre round neck and arms; necklacing] | 8 [jdn. durch einen brennenden Autoreifen um Hals und Arme töten; Necklacing] | |
| to neck [twist or pull the neck] [fowl] | den Hals umdrehen [Geflügel] | |
Nouns |
| cloth. kerchief [round the neck] | 208 Halstuch {n} | |
| zool. hackles {pl} [erectile hairs along the neck and back of an animal] | 110 Nackenfell {n} [mit aufgestellten Haaren] | |
| cloth. handkerchief [around the neck] | 59 Halstuch {n} | |
| filler [e.g. fuel filler neck] | 12 Einfüllstutzen {m} | |
| anat. base [of the nose, neck, etc.] | 6 Ansatz {m} [der Nase, des Halses usw.] | |
| [tied neck of a / the balloon] | Luftballonknoten {m} | |
| med. anterocollis [head drop] [anterior flexion of the neck] | Anterocollis {m} [Flexion der Halswirbelsäule, nach vorne] | |
| med. cervicalgia {sg} [neck pain] | chronische Nackenschmerzen {pl} [Zervikalgie] | |
| armour criniere [set of segmented plates protecting the horse's neck] | Kanz {m} [Panzer aus zahlreichen beweglichen Platten zum Schutz des Pferdehalses] | |
| drag [millstone around one's neck] | Klotz {m} am Bein [Redewendung] | |
| facing [sewn on the inside of a garment (at the neck)] | Kragenspiegel {m} | |
| cloth. hist. theatre fraise [a style of neck ruff] | Fraise {f} [im 15. und 16. Jhd. getragene Halskrause] | |
| gastr. orn. gooseneck [goose's neck] | Gänsekragen {m} [ugs.] [Gänsehals] | |
| tech. neck [filler neck] | Einfüllstutzen {m} | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to make out [Am.] [coll.] [to neck] | rummachen [ugs.] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| jobs med. sports acne mechanica [e.g. fiddler's neck] | Acne mechanica {f} [z. B. Stirnakne, Kinnakne; Akne, ausgelöst durch mechanischen Reiz] | |
| anat. orn. bull neck [a thick short powerful neck] | Hengstnacken {m} [seltener für: Stiernacken] [oft pej. für den starken Nacken eines Menschen od. auch bei Tauben] | |
| chicken's neck [also: chicken neck] | Kragen {m} [regional] [von Geflügel] | |
| med. fencing posture [(asymmetric) tonic neck reflex] | Fechterstellung {f} [(asymmetrisch) tonischer Nackenreflex] | |
| anat. first vertebra [of the neck] | Atlas {m} [-wirbel] [erster Halswirbel] | |
| anat. first vertebra [of the neck] | Atlaswirbel {m} [erster Halswirbel] | |
| anat. first vertebra [of the neck] | Träger {m} [erster Halswirbel] | |
| mining goose neck [also gooseneck, goose-neck] [drilling rig] | Schwanenhals {m} [Rohrkrümmer für den Spülschlauch] [Rotary-Bohrverfahren] | |
| med. neck dissection | Halspräparation {f} [selten] [Neck-Dissection] | |
| med. neck strain [neck sprain] | Halsverrenkung {f} [ugs.] | |
| rubber-necker [Am.] [coll.] [somebody craning their neck to see what's going on] | Gaffer {m} [ugs.] | |
| med. stork mark [Naevus flammeus nuchae] [stork bite on the back of the neck in newborns] | Storchenbiss {m} | |
| geol. volcanic plug [volcanic neck, lava neck, cryptodome] | Quellkuppe {f} [Kryptodom] | |
| tech. weld-neck [short for: weld neck flange] | Vorschweißflansch {m} | |
3 Words: Others |
| neck and neck {adv} | gleichauf | |
| neck and neck {adv} | nebeneinander [bei Rennen] | |
| neck and neck {adv} | Kopf an Kopf | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| to get on sb.'s nerves [coll.] [idiom] [be a pain in the neck] | jdm. auf die Nüsse gehen [vulg.] [Redewendung] [jdn. nerven, jdm. auf die Nerven gehen] | |
| to risk one's skin [idiom] [less frequently for: risk one's neck] | Kopf und Kragen riskieren [Redewendung] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| med. Brudzinski neck sign [also: Brudzinski's neck sign, Brudziński neck sign, Brudziński's neck sign] | Brudzinskis Nackenphänomen {n} | |
| med. Marion's / Marion disease [(congenital) bladder neck obstruction] | Marion-Krankheit {f} | |
| med. Marion's / Marion syndrome [(congenital) bladder neck obstruction] | Marion-Syndrom {n} | |
| med. swan-neck deformity <SND> [also: swan neck deformity] | Schwanenhalsdeformität {f} | |
| chem. tech. swan-neck flask [also: swan neck flask] <S-necked flask> | Schwanenhalskolben {m} | |
4 Words: Others |
| It's neck and neck. [idiom] | Es ist ein Kopf-an-Kopf-Rennen. [Redewendung] | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| med. head and neck oncology [also: head & neck oncology] | Kopf- und Hals-Onkologie {f} | |
| med. swan / swan's neck deformation [swan neck deformity] | Schwanenhalsdeformation {f} | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| areas of skin exposed to sunlight [such as the nose, bald head, neck] | Sonnenterrassen {pl} (des Körpers) [ugs.] [bes. der Sonne ausgesetzte Körperstellen (z. B. Nase, Glatze)] | |
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi) |
| bot. T | | |
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