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| |
| comprehensive {adj} [network, gas supply] | 1322 flächendeckend | |
| comp. down {adj} {adv} [unavailable; server, network etc.] | 87 down [ugs.] [nicht erreichbar; Server, Netzwerk usw.] [präd.] | |
| telecom. wireless {adj} [e.g. message, mouse, network] | 83 Funk- [z. B. Spruch, Maus, Netzwerk] | |
| espionage {adj} [attr.] [e.g. activities, mission, network, novel] | 17 Spionage- [z. B. Aktivitäten, Mission, Netzwerk, Roman] | |
| city {adj} [attr.] [relating to more than one city, e.g. comparison, excursion, network, planning, tour, trip] | 7 Städte- [z. B. Vergleich, Trip, Netz, Bau, Tour, Reise] | |
| spy {adj} [attr.] [e.g. film, network, swap] | 5 Agenten- [z. B. Film, Netz, Austausch] | |
| anat. med. arterial {adj} [e.g. cannula, elasticity, ligation, network, plaque, wall] | Arterien- [z. B. Kanüle, Elastizität, Ligatur, Netz, Ablagerungen, Wand] | |
| comp. gnutella {adj} [peer-to-peer network] | Gnutella- / gnutella- | |
Verbs |
| telecom. to register [a mobile phone on a network] | 30 einbuchen [Mobiltelefon in ein Netz] | |
Nouns |
| comp. node [device in a computer network with several connections] | 351 Netzknoten {m} [in einem Computernetzwerk] | |
| electr. grid [electricity, gas network] | 125 Verteilernetz {n} | |
| market. recommendation | 90 Referenz {f} [z. B. beim Network-Marketing] | |
| market. prospect | 69 Kontakt {m} [z. B. beim Network-Marketing] | |
| comp. churn [participation in a peer-to-peer network] | 32 Fluktuation {f} [von Peers in einem Peer-to-Peer Netzwerk] | |
| comp. node [device in a computer network with several connections] | 25 Netzwerkknoten {m} | |
| network [e.g. old boys' network] | 24 Seilschaft {f} [Clique, informelle Interessensgruppe] | |
| comp. peer [part of a computer network] | 19 Peer {m} [Teil eines Computernetzwerks] | |
| comp. node [device in a computer network] | 16 Netzelement {n} <NE> | |
| rail trackage [network] | 11 Schienennetz {n} | |
| comp. node [computer network] | 9 Node {m} {f} | |
| law [(German) gas network access ordinance] | 8 Gasnetzzugangsverordnung {f} <GasNZV> | |
| comp. node [device in a computer network] | 8 Netzwerkelement {n} <NE> | |
| node [road network] | 6 Netzknoten {m} [Straßennetz] | |
| neol. unfriending [social network sites] | 5 Entfreundung {f} | |
| transp. [public transit network in Vienna] | Wiener Linien {pl} | |
| RadioTV traffic [traffic reporting network] | Servicewelle {f} [Rundfunksendung, bes. mit Verkehrsdurchsagen] | |
| acad. comp. telecom. BITNET [short for: Because It's There / Time NETwork] | BITNET {n} | |
| telecom. burstiness [network behaviour] | Burstartigkeit {f} [ruckartiges Netzwerkverhalten] | |
| telecom. burstiness [network behaviour] | Ruckartigkeit {f} [Netzwerkverhalten] | |
| med. QM DNQP [German network for quality development in care] | Deutsches Netzwerk {n} für Qualitätsentwicklung in der Pflege <DNQP> | |
| games hearts [treated as sg.] [card game] | Hearts {n} [Kartenspiel] [Microsoft Network-Hearts, Microsoft-Netzwerk mit Herz] | |
| comp. electr. telecom. mesh [short for: mesh network, meshnet] | vermaschtes Netz {n} | |
| comp. electr. telecom. meshnet [mesh network] | vermaschtes Netz {n} | |
| comp. neocognitron [hierarchical neural network] | Neocognitron {n} [ein hierarchisches künstliches neuronales Netz] | |
| RadioTV netlet [Am.] | [ein kleines Fernseh-Network (Senderkette) in den USA ohne Vollprogramm] | |
| market. prospect | potentieller Geschäftspartner {m} [Begriff des Network-Marketing] | |
| market. recruit | neuer Geschäftspartner {m} [Network-Marketing] | |
| spymaster [network director] | Chef {m} eines Spionagerings | |
| comp. switch [network switch] | Netzwerkweiche {f} | |
| comm. technostructure {sg} {pl} [network of skilled professionals who control a corporate system] | [Gruppe von Fachleuten mit maßgebender Kontrolle über ein wirtschaftliches Großunternehmen] | |
2 Words: Others |
| comp. fully meshed {adj} {past-p} [network] | vollvermascht [Netzwerk] | |
| Internet telecom. network-based {adj} [also: network based] | netzbasiert | |
| Internet telecom. network-based {adj} [also: network based] | netzgestützt | |
| comp. wide-area {adj} [network] | überregional | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| comp. to be up [to be live; websites, network nodes, etc.] | erreichbar sein [Webseiten, Netzwerk-Geräte usw.] | |
| market. to sponsor sb. under sb. [network marketing; esp. in (illegal) pyramid schemes] | jdn. unter jdm. einschreiben [Network-Marketing; bes. in (illegalen) Schneeballsystemen] | |
| market. to sponsor under sb. [network marketing; esp. in (illegal) pyramid schemes] | sichAkk. unter jdm. einschreiben [Network-Marketing; bes. in (illegalen) Schneeballsystemen] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| comp. (physical) node [device in a computer network] | Netzwerkgerät {n} [Gerät in einem Netzwerk] | |
| market. address list | Kontaktliste {f} [z. B. beim Network-Marketing] | |
| RadioTV average rating [of a TV network, radio station] | Senderschnitt {m} | |
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