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Partial Matches |
| business identifier code <BIC> [for financial and non-financial institutions and related entities] [ISO 9362:2009] | Business-Identifier-Code {m} <BIC> [ISO 9362:2009] | |
| comm. business entity identifier <BEI> [BIC code allocated to non-financial institutions] [ISO 9362] | Geschäftseinheitenkennung {f} [ein BIC, der einem Geschäftsbetrieb außerhalb des Finanzsektors zugeordnet ist] | |
| acc. cash flows [treated as sg.] [e.g. financial position, financial performance and cash flows] [IAS] | Finanzlage {f} [z. B. Vermögens-, Finanz- und Ertragslage] [IAS] | |
| comm. econ. deficit [financial] | Abmangel {m} | |
| relief [financial] | Vergünstigung {f} | |
| to aliment [financial] | unterhalten [finanziell] | |
| fin. to hedge [financial risks] | absichern | |
| fellowship [financial grant] | Stipendium {n} | |
| law fine [financial punishment] | Ordnungsstrafe {f} | |
| illiberality [financial] [archaic] | Geiz {m} | |
| fin. allowance [financial support] | finanzielle Unterstützung {f} | |
| fin. dues [financial contributions] | Beiträge {pl} [finanziell] | |
| fin. hedge [against financial loss] | Absicherung {f} | |
| support [esp. financial] | Versorgung {f} [Unterhalt] | |
| fin. budget plan [financial plan] | Finanzplan {m} | |
| law spouse support [financial maintenance] | Ehegattenunterhalt {m} | |
| fin. indexed {adj} {past-p} [financial bonds] | indexiert [bei Wertpapieren] | |
| Unverified society certificate [membership financial contribution] | Genossenschaftsschein {m} | |
| admin. transitional assistance [financial bridging aid] | Überbrückungshilfe {f} | |
| fin. haircut [sl.] [financial loss] | Abschlag {m} [zum Marktwert] | |
| insur. spec. annual losses [financial losses from damages] | Jahresschäden {pl} | |
| educ. educational aid [financial aid for education] | Ausbildungshilfe {f} | |
| acc. full audit [financial audit] | ordentliche Revision {f} [schweiz.] | |
| fin. impairment test [for financial stability] | Niederwerttest {m} [Werthaltigkeitstest] | |
| SIFI [systemically important financial institution] | [systemisch wichtiges Finanzinstitut] | |
| acc. fin. restatement [revision of previous financial statements] | Anpassung {f} [von Vorjahreswerten] | |
| stocks at a high rate {adv} [financial market price] | zu hohem Kurs | |
| firepower [fig.] [intellectual, financial, political, etc., resources to accomplish goals] | Schlagkraft {f} [Durchsetzungskraft] | |
| idiom at a loss {adv} [below cost, at a financial loss] | mit Verlust | |
| to compensate for sth. [provide financial compensation for a loss] | etw.Akk. abgelten [Verlust] | |
| coffers {pl} [funds or financial reserves of an organization] | Geldsäckel {m} [regional] [fig.] [Gelder oder Rücklagen] | |
| art promotion of the arts [not only by financial means] | Kunstförderung {f} [nicht nur durch Geldmittel] | |
| med. patient welfare [e.g. financial issues over patient welfare] | Patientenwohl {n} [z. B. Kostenüberlegungen gegenüber dem Patientenwohl] | |
| to pay one's dues [idiom] [meet one's (financial) obligations] | seinen Verpflichtungen nachkommen [bes. den finanziellen] | |
| law budget year <BY> [fiscal year, financial year] | Wirtschaftsjahr {n} <WJ> | |
| [relating to the technicalities of the financial markets] {adj} | finanzmarkttechnisch | |
| City {adj} [London financial district] | City- [Londoner Finanzdistrikt] | |
| fin. hist. Mississippi fever [financial bubble] | Mississippi-Fieber {n} | |
| fin. sukuk [treated as sg. or pl.] [Sharia-conforming Islamic financial certificate] | Sukuk {pl} [anleiheähnliche islamische Investmentzertifikate] | |
| hist. hort. tulip bubble [coll.] [the Dutch "financial bubble", the tulip mania] | Tulpenblase {f} [ugs.] [holländische Tulpenmanie] | |
| acc. fin. a true and fair view of the financial position, financial performance and cash flow | ein getreues Bild {n} der Vermögens-, Finanz- und Ertragslage | |
| acc. recognition and measurement [financial instruments] [IAS 39] | Erfassung und Bewertung [Finanzinstrumente] [IAS 39] | |
| fin. SWIFT code [Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication] | SWIFT-Code {m} [internationale Bankleitzahl] | |
| to avail oneself of sth. [of rights, freedoms, financial help, etc.] | etw.Akk. in Anspruch nehmen [Redewendung] [Rechte, Freiheiten, finanzielle Hilfe etc.] | |
| educ. hist. sizar [a student at Trinity College, Dublin, or Cambridge on financial assistance] | Stipendiat {m} [am Trinity College, Dublin] | |
| fin. law to swear an oath of disclosure [a debtor's sworn statement about his financial situation] [German Law] | sich manifestieren [veraltet] [eine eidesstattliche Versicherung der Vollständigkeit und Richtigkeit der im Vermögensverzeichnis gemachten Angaben abgeben] | |
| fin. law to swear an oath of manifestation [a debtor's sworn statement about his financial situation] [German Law] | sich manifestieren [veraltet] [eine eidesstattliche Versicherung der Vollständigkeit und Richtigkeit der im Vermögensverzeichnis gemachten Angaben abgeben] | |
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