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| their {pron} [non-gender-specific] [after an indefinite singular antecedent in place of "his" or "her" or "his or her"] | [geschlechtsneutral, statt „sein“ oder „ihr“ oder „sein oder ihr“] | |
| them {pron} [non-gender-specific] [after an indefinite singular antecedent in place of "him" or "her" or "him or her"] | [geschlechtsneutral, statt „ihn“ oder „sie“ oder „ihn oder sie“] | |
| they {pron} [non-gender-specific] [after an indefinite singular antecedent in place of "he" or "she" or "he or she"] | [geschlechtsneutral, statt „er“ oder „sie“ oder „er oder sie“] | |
Partial Matches |
| med. hip fracture [non-specific] [coll.] | Oberschenkelhalsbruch {m} | |
| med. Muehrcke's lines [changes in the fingernail, non-specific appearance] | Muehrcke-Linien {pl} | |
| sociol. gender [gender identity] | soziales Geschlecht {n} [Gender, Geschlechterrolle] | |
| jobs [female / male / non-binary, used to express gender diversity in job listings] | weiblich / männlich / divers <w/m/d> [z. B. in Stellenanzeigen] | |
| biol. sex [gender; this usage sometimes seen as incorrect, esp. some academic disciplines] | Geschlecht {n} [Gender] | |
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| psych. nondeclarative memory [also: non-declarative memory] | nondeklaratives Gedächtnis {n} [auch: non-deklaratives Gedächtnis] | |
| law conditio sine qua non formula [archaic: condicio sine qua non formula] | Conditio-Formel {f} [Conditio-sine-qua-non-Formel, veraltet: Condicio-sine-qua-non-Formel] | |
| comp. jobs circuit rider [traveling IT consultant, esp. for non-profit/non-government organizations] | [reisender IT-Berater, bes. im gemeinnützigen Bereich] | |
| mil. [senior non-commissioned officer in German armed forces, literally "sword knot non-commissioned officer"] | Portepeeunteroffizier {m} | |
| acad. archaeo. sociol. gender archaeology | Genderarchäologie {f} [auch: Gender-Archäologie] | |
| sociol. gender theory | Gendertheorie {f} [auch: Gender-Theorie] | |
| [Soldiers' Non-Contributory Schemes Act (act relating to non-contributory schemes for the German armed forces and dependants)] | Gesetz {n} über die Versorgung für die ehemaligen Soldaten der Bundeswehr und ihre Hinterbliebenen [Soldatenversorgungsgesetz - SVG] [Deutschland] | |
| [to speak / write gender consciously] | gendern [ugs.] ["geschlechtern"] | |
| first [person with grammatically neuter gender] | Erstes {n} | |
| acad. archaeo. sociol. gender archeology [Am.] | Genderarchäologie {f} [auch: Gender-Archäologie] | |
| to unsex [deprive of sex or gender] | geschlechtslos machen | |
| sociol. gender-related bias effect [gender bias] | geschlechtsbezogener Verzerrungseffekt {m} | |
| jobs workperson [politcally correct gender free version of workman] | Arbeiter {m} | |
| relig. clergyperson [female] [gender-neutral term, considered by some faddish or offensive] | Pfarrerin {f} | |
| relig. clergyperson [male] [gender-neutral term, considered by some faddish or offensive] | Pfarrer {m} | |
| concrete {adj} [specific, definite] | konkret | |
| its {pron} [English neuter determiner used when German uses female gender of possessor] | ihr | |
| neol. nibling [gender-neutral term for nephew / niece] | [Kind eines Bruders oder einer Schwester] | |
| gastr. jobs waitron [Am.] [gender-neutral term for waiter or waitress] | Servicekraft {f} [Kellner od. Kellnerin] | |
| [one opposed to specific measures] | Maßnahmengegner {m} | |
| law petty crime [specific act] | Bagatelldelikt {n} | |
| gastr. jobs waitperson [esp. Am.] [gender-neutral term for waiter or waitress] | Servicekraft {f} [Kellner od. Kellnerin] | |
| appropriate {adj} [for a specific purpose] | zweckdienlich | |
| comm. vendor-specific {adj} [also: vendor specific] | händlerspezifisch | |
English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others.
More informationContains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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