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English-German translation for: [normal]
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Dictionary English German: [normal]

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usual {adj}
gewöhnlich [üblich, normal]
inordinate {adj} [exceeding normal limits]
unverhältnismäßig [extrem]
common {adj} [normal, usual, without distinction] [also bot., zool.]
gemein [veraltend] [allgemein, gewöhnlich] [auch bot., zool.]
electr. tech. offset {adj} {past-p} [from a normal or reference position]
verschoben [räumlich]
normally {adv} [in a normal way]
med. normotensive {adj} [having normal blood pressure]normotensiv [mit normalem Blutdruck]
strange {adj} [not normal]nicht normal
supernormal {adj} [exceeding the normal or average]überdurchschnittlich
med. psych. to recover [return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength; also: economy etc.]
genesen [geh.] [gesund werden; auch: sich erholen (Wirtschaft etc.)]
to pressurise [Br.] [maintain normal air pressure in sth.]auf Normaldruck halten
to pressurize [maintain normal air pressure in sth.]auf Normaldruck halten
recovery [return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength, also: of economy, etc.]
Genesung {f} [geh.] [Gesundwerden; auch: der Wirtschaft etc.]
rule [normal case]
Normalfall {m}
tech. [keyboard with normal key layout and raised Braille letters on the keys]Schwarzschrifttastatur {f}
med. polydactylia [having more than the normal number of toes or fingers]Polydaktylie {f}
med. polymastia [the condition of having more than the normal number of breasts]Polymastie {f} [zusätzliche Anlage einer oder mehrerer Brustdrüsen (Mammae)]
med. VetMed. polythelia [the condition of having more than the normal number of nipples]Polythelie {f} [die zusätzliche Anlage einer oder mehrerer Brustwarzen]
recovery [return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength, also: of economy, etc.]Wiedergenesung {f}
2 Words
meteo. above-normal {adj}über normal [über Normal Null]
off-kilter {adj} [coll.] [strange, not right in some way]seltsam [nicht normal]
med. automatic rhythm [normal sinus rhythm]Sinusrhythmus {m} [normaler regelmäßiger Herzschlag]
computer malfunction [failure in the normal functioning of a computer]Computerstörung {f}
med. mute sole [normal foot sole reflex]stumme Sohle {f} [Ausbleiben der Zehenbeugung]
program jumpProgrammverzweigung {f} [Abweichung von der normal Befehlsfolge]
constr. queen closer [half brick of normal thickness, but half-normal width]Riemchen {n} [längsgespaltene Ziegelsteine]
math. stat. standard distribution [normal / Gauss / Gaussian distribution]Normalverteilung {f}
super-humanness [exceeding normal human ability or experience]Sondermenschentum {n} [selten für: Ausnahmemenschen]
3 Words
I'm not psychic! [coll.] [There's no normal way I could have known that]Ich bin doch kein Wahrsager! [ugs.] [Idiom] [Das weiß ich doch nicht!]
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