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English-German translation for: [nuclear]
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Dictionary English German: [nuclear]

Translation 1 - 45 of 45

English German
to vaporize [with nuclear fallout]
nucl. to decommission sth. [a reactor, a nuclear power station]etw.Akk. vom Netz nehmen [einen Reaktor, ein Kernkraftwerk]
tech. decommissioning [esp. of nuclear power plants]
Außerbetriebnahme {f} [Stilllegung, bes. von Atomkraftwerken]
electr. nucl. pile [dated] [nuclear reactor]
Atommeiler {m}
phys. moderator [in nuclear reactors]
Moderator {m} [in Atomreaktoren]
nucl. nuke [esp. Am.] [coll.] [nuclear power plant]
Atomkraftwerk {n}
electr. nucl. pile [dated] [nuclear reactor]
Atomreaktor {m}
nucl. SCRAM [emergency shutdown of a nuclear reactor] [acronym for safety control rod axe man, safety cut rope axe man]
Reaktorschnellabschaltung {f} <RESA>
mil. nucl. nuke [coll.] [nuclear weapon]
Atomwaffe {f}
nuke [coll.] [nuclear weapon]
Kernwaffe {f}
mil. nucl. nuke [coll.] [nuclear weapon]
Nuklearwaffe {f}
transp. CASTOR® [cask for storage and transport of radioactive material; tradename of the Gesellschaft für Nuklear-Service (company for nuclear services)]
CASTOR® {m} [»Fass zur Lagerung und zum Transport radioaktiven Materials«; Markenname der GNS]
nucl. [failure-ridden nuclear power station]Pannenmeiler {m} [ugs.]
mil. boomer [Am.] [coll.] [nuclear submarine]Atom-U-Boot {n}
philos. pol. nuclearism [Am.] [advocacy of nuclear weapons and nuclear technology for the maintenance of peace and national security]Nuklearismus {m}
2 Words: Verbs
mil. to go nuclear [develop nuclear weapons]Atomwaffen entwickeln
to go nuclear [use nuclear energy]zur Atomenergie übergehen
2 Words: Nouns
electr. nucl. atomic pile [dated] [nuclear reactor]Atommeiler {m}
electr. nucl. atomic pile [dated] [nuclear reactor]Atomreaktor {m}
nucl. atomic power [nuclear energy]Atomkraft {f}
nucl. tech. auxiliary brake [lifting equipment in nuclear power plants; acc. to KTA 3902]Zusatzbremse {f} [nach KTA 3902]
burial ground [for nuclear waste]Entsorgungsplatz {m}
hist. mil. Dead Hand [also: perimeter; a Cold-War-era nuclear-control system used by the Soviet Union]Tote Hand {f} [Nuklearwaffenpolitik]
ecol. econ. nucl. final deposition [of nuclear waste]Endlagerung {f} [atomarer Abfälle]
phys. fission neutrons [nuclear physics]Spaltneutronen {pl} [Kernphysik]
weapons gun method [nuclear bombs]Kanonenprinzip {n} [Nuklearbomben]
ind. nucl. lifetime extension [of nuclear power plant etc.]Laufzeitverlängerung {f} [von Atomkraftwerk etc.]
phys. nuclear density [also: density of nuclear matter]Materiedichte {f} im Atomkern
ecol. nucl. nuclear disaster [nuclear accident]Atomunglück {n}
nuclear town [town near a nuclear power plant]Atomstadt {f} [Stadt in der Nähe eines Atomkraftwerks]
nucl. tech. operational brake [lifting equipment in nuclear power plants; acc. to KTA 3902]Betriebsbremse {f} [nach KTA 3902]
permanent disposal [of nuclear waste]Endlagerung {f}
ecol. permanent repository [for nuclear waste]Endlager {n}
nucl. reactor life [operational life of an nuclear reactor]Reaktorlaufzeit {f}
ecol. material spent fuel [nuclear]abgebrannter Brennstoff {m} [nuklearer] [DIN 25401]
material sticking probability [in nuclear collision theory]Haftwahrscheinlichkeit {f}
3 Words: Nouns
sociol. cereal-packet family [coined by Edmund Leach] [nuclear family]Kernfamilie {f}
pol. Force de frappe [pre 1961 term for French nuclear deterrence force]Force de frappe {f} [ehem. Bezeichnung für die franz. Atom-Streitmacht]
biochem. heterogeneous nuclear RNA <hnRNA> [also: heterogenous nuclear RNA]heterogene Kern-RNA {f} <hnRNA>
pol. non-proliferation treaty [of nuclear weapons]Atomsperrvertrag {m}
biochem. nuclear deoxyribonucleic acid <nDNA, nuclear DNA>nucleäre DNA {f} <nDNA>
biochem. nuclear desoxyribonucleic acid [spv.] [rare] <nDNA, nuclear DNA>nucleäre DNA {f} <nDNA>
ecol. nucl. permanent repository site [for nuclear waste]Endlagerstätte {f}
nucl. pol. Unverified Test Ban Treaty [short for: Limited Test Ban Treaty (LTBT), Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (NTBT), Partial Test Ban Treaty (PTBT)] [1963]Moskauer Atomteststoppabkommen {n}
4 Words: Nouns
extension of operating times [i.e. nuclear power plants]Verlängerung {f} der Betriebszeit [z. B. Kernkraftwerke]
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