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|  |
 | pol. ousted {adj} {past-p} [removed from office] | 823 abgesetzt [Präsident etc.] |  |
 | discharged {adj} {past-p} [removed from office] | 326 abgesetzt [aus Amt, Stellung] |  |
 | clerical {adj} [relating to office work] | 169 Büro- |  |
 | designated {adj} {past-p} [for an office or a function, as a leader, etc.] | 102 ausersehen [geh.] [für ein Amt, als Leiter etc.] |  |
 | degraded {adj} {past-p} [removed from office] | 78 abgesetzt [Amtsträger] |  |
 | dismissed {adj} {past-p} [from office etc.] | 43 abgesetzt [aus Amt, Stellung] |  |
 | archi. architectural {adj} [e.g. award, model, office, history] | 25 Architektur- [z. B. Preis, Modell, Büro, Geschichte] |  |
 | dent. dental {adj} [e.g. appointment, bill, office, assistent] | 14 Zahnarzt- [z. B. Termin, Rechnung, Praxis, Helferin] |  |
 | med. medical {adj} [e.g. bill, fees, office, profession] | 12 Arzt- [z. B. Rechnung, Gebühren, Praxis, Beruf] |  |
 | elective {adj} [e.g. subject, course, office, monarchy] | 8 Wahl- [z. B. Fach, Amt, Monarchie] |  |
 | archaeo. archaeological {adj} [e.g. award, office, museum, park] | Archäologie- [z. B. Preis, Büro, Museum, Park] |  |
 | external {adj} [out of office] | außer Haus [nachgestellt] |  |
 | RealEst. housing {adj} [attr.] [e.g. agency, allocation, demand, office, shortage] | Wohnungs- [z. B. Vermittlung, Zuteilung, Nachfrage, Amt, Not] |  |
Verbs |
 | to assume sth. [responsibility, liability, office etc.] | 3286 etw.Akk. übernehmen [Verantwortung, Haftung, Amt etc.] |  |
 | to abdicate [to renounce a throne, high office, function] | 523 abdanken [von Amt zurücktreten] |  |
 | to remove sb. [from office] | 396 jdn. entlassen [aus Amt] |  |
 | to induct [in an office, in knowledge] | 260 einführen [in Amt, in Wissen, Lehre] |  |
 | pol. to install sb. [appoint to office etc.] | 140 jdn. einsetzen [in eine Position setzen] |  |
 | to unseat sb. [from office] | 124 jdn. absetzen [Amtsträger etc.] |  |
 | to contest [for an office] | 113 kandidieren |  |
 | to revamp sth. [esp. house, flat, office etc.] | 98 etw. aufmöbeln |  |
 | to vacate sth. [office, position] | 98 etw.Akk. niederlegen [Amt, Position] |  |
 | to displace sb. [remove sb. from his office / position] | 41 jdn. ausbooten [ugs.] [aus seiner Stellung entfernen / verdrängen] |  |
 | to recall sb. [Am.] [vote out of office] | 30 jdn. abwählen |  |
 | pol. to concede [resign, go out of office] | 15 abtreten [von Amt zurücktreten] |  |
 | to vacate sth. [office] | 15 etw.Akk. zurücklegen [österr.] [niederlegen] [Amt] |  |
 | to unhorse sb. [fig.; very rare: from a position or office] | 13 jdn. vertreiben [aus Position oder Amt] |  |
 | jobs to work [e.g. for the post office] | 12 hackeln [österr.] [ugs.] [z. B. bei der Post] |  |
 | pol. to return [elect to office] [Br.] | 5 wählen |  |
 | to constitute sb. sth. [Br.] [literary] [appoint to an office] | jdn. als etw.Akk. bestellen [ernennen, bestimmen] |  |
 | to mail sth. [bring to the post office] | etw.Akk. zur Post bringen |  |
 | to unhorse sb. [fig.; very rare: from a position or office] | jdn. aus dem Amt jagen |  |
 | to unhorse sb. [fig.; very rare: from a position or office] | jdn. aus dem Sattel heben [fig.] [aus Position oder Amt vertreiben] |  |
 | pol. to unseat sb. [also fig.] [to remove from office] | jdn. entthronen [auch fig.] [absetzen, aus dem Amt entfernen] |  |
 | to unseat sb. [fig.] [to remove from office] | jdn. aus dem Sattel heben [Redewendung] [absetzen, aus dem Amt entfernen] |  |
Nouns |
 | successor [esp. one who succeeds to a throne, title, estate, or office] | 5561 Nachfolger {m} <Nchf., Nachf., Nf.> [jd., der jemandes Nachfolge antritt] |  |
 | tenure [office period] | 3424 Amtszeit {f} |  |
 | dent. med. VetMed. surgery [Br.] [doctor's office] | 1138 Praxis {f} [Arztpraxis] |  |
 | stationery [office supplies] | 641 Bürobedarf {m} |  |
 | med. surgery [Br.] [doctor's office] | 357 Sprechzimmer {n} |  |
 | stationery [office supplies] | 329 Büromaterial {n} |  |
 | med. surgery [Br.] [doctor's office] | 268 Behandlungszimmer {n} [Arztpraxis] |  |
 | occupant [of an office, charge, appointment etc.] | 172 Inhaber {m} [eines Amts etc.] |  |
 | bullpen [esp. Am.] [coll.] [a business office that is not divided into individual compartments] | 165 Großraumbüro {n} |  |
 | agency [office] | 148 Vermittlung {f} [Agentur, Stelle] |  |
 | dismissal [from office] | 148 Amtsenthebung {f} |  |
 | dismissal [from office] | 122 Absetzung {f} [als Amtsträger] |  |
 | charge [office] | 100 Amt {n} [Aufgabe, Verantwortung] |  |
 | relig. papacy [office of the pope; system] | 88 Papsttum {n} |  |
 | mace [token of office] | 86 Zepter {n} {m} |  |
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