| English  | German |  |
 | therefor {adv} [Am. esp. legal usage] [often pronounced "thereFOR"] | 1234 dafür |  |
 | incurred {adj} {past-p} [losses etc.; more often in postpos. than not] | 918 erlitten [Verluste etc.] |  |
 | notwithstanding {prep} [often postpos.] | 794 ungeachtet [+Gen.] [geh.] |  |
 | relig. infidel {adj} [archaic] [often pej.] [unbelieving, godless, also: heretical] | 775 ungläubig [gottlos, auch: irrgläubig] |  |
 | notwithstanding {prep} [often postpos.] | 428 trotz [+Gen., auch +Dat.] |  |
 | snappy {adj} [coll.] [snappish] [often fig.] | 403 bissig [auch fig.: gehässig, scharfzüngig] |  |
 | dusky {adj} [person] [often pej.] [dated] | 263 dunkelhäutig [Person] |  |
 | therefor {adv} [Am., esp. legal usage] [often pronounced "thereFOR"] | 160 hierfür |  |
 | theatre thespian {adj} [often: Thespian] | 128 Theater- |  |
 | regularly {adv} [often] | 121 oft |  |
 | donnish {adj} [Br.] [often pej.] | 101 professoral [auch pej.] |  |
 | nappy {adj} [Am.] [sl.] [often pej.] | 92 kraus [Haar] |  |
 | menial {adj} [often pej.] | 82 einfach [nieder; schlicht] [Arbeit betreffend] [oft pej.] |  |
 | notwithstanding {prep} [often postpos.] | 77 unbeschadet [+Gen.] [geh.] |  |
 | touristy {adj} [coll., often derog.] | 77 touristisch |  |
 | predominate {adj} [Am.] [var. of predominant; often considered wrong] | 76 überwiegend |  |
 | inclined {adj} [often with preceding adv.] | 65 veranlagt [oft mit vorangestelltem Adv.] |  |
 | modern {adj} [up-to-date; often pej.: newfangled] | 60 neumodisch [oft pej.] |  |
 | terrific {adj} [coll.] [extremely good or intense, often used in a sarcastic sense] | 54 doll [ugs.] [großartig oder sehr ausgeprägt, oft im ironischen Sinn gebraucht] [vgl. toll] |  |
 | frequently {adv} [quite often] | 49 öfters [österr.] [schweiz.] [sonst regional] |  |
 | needed {adj} [necessary] [often postpositive] | 25 nötig |  |
 | facile {adj} [often derog.] | 19 leicht [Sieg, Arbeit, Aufgabe] |  |
 | circa {adv} {prep} <ca., c.> [abbreviation "c." often with dates, e.g. born c. 1701] | 16 circa <ca.> |  |
 | sociol. black {adj} [often cap.] [people, community, literature, etc.] | 10 farbig [„schwarz“ (in Bezug auf die Hautfarbe)] [pej.] [veraltend] |  |
 | chez {prep} [Am.] [often hum.] [at, at the home of, at the business place of] | 9 bei |  |
 | esot. hermetic {adj} [often: Hermetic] [characteristic of occultism] | 9 okkultistisch |  |
 | tonsorial {adj} [often hum.] [rare] | 9 Haar- |  |
 | esot. hermetic {adj} [often: Hermetic] [alchemical, alchemistic] | 5 alchimistisch [alchemistisch] |  |
 | cloth. beskirted {adj} {past-p} [often used when the skirt is part of a uniform] | im Rock [nachgestellt] |  |
 | zool. cirrous {adj} [having tentacles or thread-like protuberances, often in tuft- or fringe-like arrays] | cirrusartig [mit Tentakeln, Borsten, Wimpern oder dgl., oft in polster- oder fransenartigen Ansammlungen] |  |
 | ling. Denglish {adj} [often pej.] | denglisch [meist pej.] |  |
 | diehard {adj} [often pej.] [supporter, admirer] | eingefleischt [Unterstützer, Bewunderer] |  |
 | grandiloquent {adj} [often pej.] | großsprecherisch [pej.] |  |
 | relig. halachic {adj} [less often for: halakhic] | halachisch |  |
 | relig. halakic {adj} [less often for: halakhic] | halachisch |  |
 | relig. spec. incarnate {adj} [often postpos.] | Fleisch geworden [geh.] |  |
 | insufficient {adj} [deficient, half-hearted, often also dishonest] | halbbatzig [schweiz.] [ungenügend, unzulänglich, oft auch unehrlich, halbherzig] |  |
 | insufficient {adj} [deficient, half-hearted, often also dishonest] | halbpatzig [schweiz.] [Rsv.] [ungenügend, unzulänglich, oft auch unehrlich, halbherzig] |  |
 | juridified {adj} {past-p} [often pej.] | verrechtlicht [oft pej.] |  |
 | masonically {adv} [often capitalized] | freimaurerisch |  |
 | archi. art furn. moderne {adj} [esp. Am.] [often: Moderne] [art deco] | Art-déco- |  |
 | ethn. negroid {adj} [dated; often considered pej.] | negrid [veraltet] [oft als pej. angesehen] |  |
 | mus. obbligato {adj} [often postpos.] | obligat |  |
 | overrefined {adj} [often pej.] | überfeinert [oft pej.] |  |
 | scraggy {adj} [often pej.] | extrem dünn [Person, Tier, Hals etc.] |  |
 | See? [coll.] [often meant with an air of triumph or satisfaction] | Na bitte! [ugs.] [triumphierend] |  |
 | stodging {adj} {pres-p} [Br.] [coll.] [often pej.] | sich vollfressend [ugs.] [pej.] |  |
 | ethn. hist. Tarascan {adj} [often pej.] | taraskanisch |  |
 | theatre theatric {adj} [here: often pej., sometimes positive: in a typical manner of theatre] | theatrig [Theaterjargon; oft pej., manchmal auch positiv gemeint: in typischer Theatermanier] |  |
 | comp. wontfix {adj} [often capitalized] [a tag in bug-tracking systems stating that a bug will not be fixed] | [Ein Tag in Bugtrackern, der besagt, dass ein Fehler nicht behoben wird.] |  |
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