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English-German translation for: [once]
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Dictionary English German: [once]

Translation 1 - 32 of 32

English German
outright {adv} [at once]
gleich [sofort]
onetime {adj} [attr.] [occurring or done only once]
einmalig [nur ein einziges Mal vorkommend oder getätigt]
onct {adv} [Am. regional: once]
monthly {adv} [once a month]einmal im Monat
monthly {adv} [once a month]einmal pro Monat
once {adv} [once upon a time, formerly]dermaleinst [veraltet] [früher, vor langer Zeit]
quadranscentennial {adj} [occurring once every 25 years]vierteljahrhundertlich [alle 25 Jahre einmal stattfindend]
biol. semelparous {adj} [reproducing or breeding only once in a lifetime]sich im Laufe des Lebens nur einmal fortpflanzend
comp. tech. nonce [number used once]
Nonce {f}
bubbler [Am.] [Can.] [Aus.] [once a trademark]
Trinkbrunnen {m}
hist. [informal form of justice once practised in Bavaria and Tyrol]Haberfeldtreiben {n}
sneeze [only once]Nieser {m} [ugs.] [einmaliges Niesen]
2 Words: Others
every month {adv} [once a month]monatlich
holus-bolus {adv} [coll.] [all at once, unmodified]ganz und gar [im Ganzen und unverändert, so wie etw. ist]
one time {adv} [once]ein einzigesmal [alt]
this minute {adv} [coll.] [immediately, at once]augenblicklich [sofort, unverzüglich]
very occasionally {adv} [once in a while]gelegentlich einmal
2 Words: Verbs
pol. to stand again [Br.] [be a candidate in an election once more, e.g. as mayor]wieder antreten [z. B. als Bürgermeister]
2 Words: Nouns
law double jeopardy [situation in which a person cannot be tried more than once for the same offence / offense]Strafklageverbrauch {m}
one-off [Br.] [coll.] [an event happening only once](bloß) einmaliges Ereignis {n}
one-off [Br.] [coll.] [something done or happening only once]einmalige Angelegenheit {f}
3 Words: Others
at a time {adv} [at once]auf einmal [ugs.] [gleichzeitig, zugleich]
at a time {adv} [at once]aufs Mal [schweiz. und altertümlich: auf einmal, gleichzeitig]
idiom in one whack {adv} [Am.] [all at once]auf einen Schlag
4 Words: Verbs
gastr. to cook up a storm [coll.] [esp. Am.] [idiom] [to do a large amount of cooking at once]eine große Menge Essen auf einmal kochen
to spread oneself too thin [idiom] [to do too many things at once]sich selbst überfordern [zu viele Dinge gleichzeitig tun]
5+ Words: Nouns
mus. first / second single re-release [single was released at least once before]erste / zweite Singleauskopplung {f} [z. B. aus einem Album]
comp. Once and Only Once principle <OAOO principle> [in software development][Einmal-und-nur-einmal-Prinzip; in der Software-Entwicklung]
once-in-a-lifetime experience [also: once in a lifetime experience]einmaliges Erlebnis {n}
sports once-in-a-lifetime game [also: once in a lifetime game]Jahrhundertspiel {n}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
RadioTV F Once Upon a Time... Man / [Ireland: Once Upon a Time]Es war einmal... der Mensch
film lit. F We Were Soldiers [Randall Wallace] [based on the book We Were Soldiers Once ... And Young by Lieutenant General (Ret.) Hal Moore and reporter Joseph L. Galloway]Wir waren Helden
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