| English | German | |
| to fold [coll.] [enterprise: cease operating] | 21 schließen [Firma: den Betrieb einstellen] | |
Nouns |
| med. surgery [Am.] [Can.] [operating room, operating theatre] | 169 Operationssaal {m} | |
| aviat. mil. naut. pair [of planes or ships operating together] | 32 Rotte {f} [zwei gemeinsam operierende Flugzeuge oder Schiffe] | |
| archi. hist. med. theatre [Br.] [operating theatre] | 29 Operationstheater {n} | |
| comp. hist. eXPerience® <XP> [Windows XP: Microsoft's operating system in the early 2000s] | 25 [Windows XP: Microsoft-Betriebssystem aus den frühen 2000er-Jahren] | |
| med. theatre [Br.] [operating theatre] | 22 OP {m} [kurz für: Operationssaal] | |
| med. theatre [Br.] [operating theatre] | 19 Operationssaal {m} <OP> | |
| workings {pl} [the manner of functioning or operating; e.g. the inner workings of the government] | 18 Arbeitsweise {f} | |
| jobs med. [female operating room nurse, OR nurse, perioperative nurse, scrub nurse] | Fachgesundheits- und Krankenpflegerin {f} für den Operationsdienst | |
| jobs med. [male operating room nurse, OR nurse, perioperative nurse, scrub nurse] | Fachgesundheits- und Krankenpfleger {m} für den Operationsdienst | |
| comp. dotfile [syn. with hidden file in Unix-like operating systems] | Punktdatei {f} [versteckte Datei] | |
| mus. spec. theatre nut {sg} [operating expenses] | Betriebskosten {pl} | |
| operator [operating a particular machine] | Bedienungsperson {f} [z. B. einer Maschine] | |
| comp. Ubuntu [operating system] | Ubuntu {n} [Betriebssystem] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| idiom to keep sth. running [keep operating] | etw. am Laufen halten | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| electr. bias point [operating point of a device] | Betriebspunkt {m} | |
| electr. bias point [operating point of a device] | Betriebszustand {m} [Betriebspunkt, Arbeitspunkt] | |
| rail British Rail <BR> [now segmented into various train operating companies, and Network Rail (infrastructure)] | Britische Bahn {f} | |
| comp. dot directory [syn. with hidden directory, esp. in Unix-like operating systems] | Punktdatei {f} [versteckte Datei] | |
| comp. dot-file [syn. with hidden file, esp. in Unix-like operating systems] | Punktdatei {f} [versteckte Datei] | |
| electr. normally open <NO> [operating principle; relay, contactor] | Schließer {m} [Kontaktart; Relais, Schütz] | |
| office manual [Am.] [task, operating or operations manual] | Aufgabenkatalog {m} | |
| electr. Q-point [operating point of a device] | Arbeitspunkt {m} | |
| electr. Q-point [operating point of a device] | Betriebspunkt {m} | |
| electr. Q-point [operating point of a device] | Betriebszustand {m} [Arbeitspunkt, Betriebspunkt] | |
| tech. quick guide [e.g. quick operating guide, quick installation guide] | Schnelleinstieg {m} [bei einer Bedienungsanleitung, Installationsanleitung usw.] | |
| electr. quiescent point [operating point of a device] | Arbeitspunkt {m} | |
| jobs med. scrub nurse [operating room nurse] | operationstechnischer Assistent {m} | |
| electr. standby reserve [operating reserve] | Reserveleistung {f} [Regelleistung] [Energiewirtschaft] | |
| comp. symbolic link [esp. in UNIX-type operating systems] | symbolischer Verweis {m} | |
| RealEst. warm rent [net cold rent + advance payment of operating costs and heating costs] | Warmmiete {f} [Nettokaltmiete + Betriebskostenvorauszahlung + Heizkostenvorauszahlung] | |
3 Words: Others |
| tech. hold-to-run {adj} [operating mode] | Totmann- | |
| telecom. Lift the handset. [operating instruction] | Hörer abheben. [Bedienungsanleitung] | |
| telecom. Replace the handset. [operating instruction] | Hörer auflegen. [Bedienungsanleitung] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| med. minor surgery room [as opposed to an operating theatre] | kleine Chirurgie {f} [Raum] | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| to be about to fold [cease operating] | vor dem Aus stehen [ugs.] [vor dem Ende] | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| econ. fin. earnings {pl} before interest and taxes <EBIT> [operating result] | Gewinn {m} vor Zinsen / Zinsenaufwand und Steuern <GVZS> [operatives Ergebnis] | |
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