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| emergency {adj} [attr.] [e.g. exit, operation, landing] | 958 Not- [z. B. Ausgang, Operation, Landung] | |
| med. bowel {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cancer, evacuation, surgery] | 324 Darm- [z. B. Krebs, Entleerung, Operation] | |
| rescue {adj} [attr.] [e.g. attempt, operation, helicopter, excavation] | 154 Rettungs- [z. B. Versuch, Aktion, Hubschrauber, Grabung] | |
| anat. med. ocular {adj} [e.g. movement, muscles, surgery] | 48 Augen- [z. B. Bewegung, Muskeln, Operation] | |
| vacuum {adj} [attr.] [e.g. operation, filter, chamber, etc.] | 29 Vakuum- [Betrieb, Filter, Kammer etc.] | |
| comp. math. computing {adj} [attr.] [e.g. capacity, error, method, operation, power, time] | 19 Rechen- [z. B. Kapazität, Fehler, Methode, Operation, Leistung, Zeit] | |
| comp. math. nullary {adj} <0-ary> [operation, function, etc.] | 7 nullstellig <0-stellig> [Operation, Funktion usw.] | |
| active {adj} [in operation] | in Betrieb [nachgestellt] | |
| comp. computer {adj} [attr.] [e.g. centre, operation, speed, technology, unit] | Rechen- [z. B. Zentrum, Operation, Geschwindigkeit, Technik, Werk] | |
| dead {adj} [no longer in use or operation] | außer Betrieb [nachgestellt] | |
| faulty {adj} [e.g. circuit, design, exposure, information, operation] | Fehl- [z. B. Schaltung, Konstruktion, Belichtung, Information, Bedienung] | |
| idle {adj} [not in operation] | nicht in Betrieb | |
Verbs |
| to upscale sth. [military operation] [Am.] | 27 etw. ausweiten | |
| math. to commute [to engage in a commutative operation] | 9 kommutieren | |
| to activate sth. [put into operation, start] | etw. in Betrieb setzen | |
| math. to commute [to engage in a commutative operation] | vertauschbar sein | |
| med. to fast | nüchtern bleiben [z. B. vor einer Operation] | |
| to operate [be in operation] | in Betrieb sein | |
| to undergo sth. | sich etw.Dat. unterziehen [z. B. einer Operation oder einem Test] | |
Nouns |
| med. surgery [surgical operation] <Sx> | 2528 Operation {f} <Op., OP> | |
| med. surgery [operation, esp. on inner organs] | 259 Eingriff {m} [Operation, bes. an inneren Organen] | |
| med. surgery [surgical operation] | 132 OP {f} [kurz für: Operation] | |
| med. tracheostomy [operation] | 66 Luftröhrenschnitt {m} [ugs.] [Tracheotomie] | |
| VetMed. vivisection [the cutting of or operation on a living animal usually for physiological or pathological investigation] | 65 Tierversuch {m} [Eingriff am lebenden Tier zu wissenschaftl. Versuchszwecken] | |
| agency [operation, activity] | 63 Tätigkeit {f} | |
| med. transplant [operation] | 48 Transplantation {f} | |
| automot. engin. running [operation] | 36 Gang {m} [Lauf] [kein {pl}] | |
| med. incision [in an operation] | 15 Schnittführung {f} [bei einer Operation] | |
| operation [mode of operation] | 10 Wirkungsweise {f} | |
| med. lumpectomy | 7 Lumpektomie {f} [brusterhaltende Operation bei Mammakarzinom] | |
| tech. lancing [shearing operation] | 6 Einschneiden {n} [Werkstück, Scherschneiden] | |
| med. [early discharge from hospital after an operation] | blutige Entlassung {f} [ugs.] [aus dem Krankenhaus] | |
| pol. [institutionalized co-operation between the representations of employers and labour in Austria] | Sozialpartnerschaft {f} [österr.] | |
| coagency [also: co-agency] [joint operation, activity] | Mittätigkeit {f} | |
| coagency [also: co-agency] [joint operation, activity] | Mittätigsein {n} | |
| coagency [also: co-agency] [joint operation, activity] | Mitwirkung {f} | |
| med. couching [primitive opthalmic-cataract removal operation] | Starstich {m} | |
| med. craniotomy [operation of crushing the fetal head to facilitate delivery] | Kopfzertrümmerung {f} [veraltet] | |
| comp. join [database table operation] | relationaler Verbund {m} [in einer Datenbank] | |
| med. lumpectomy | Thylektomie {f} [auch Tylektomie] [brusterhaltende Operation bei Mammakarzinom] | |
| tech. notching [shearing operation] | Ausklinken {n} [Werkstück, Scherschneiden] | |
| med. mil. Unverified op [coll.] [operation] | Operation {f} | |
| comp. opcode [short for: operation code] | Opcode {m} [kurz für: Operationscode] | |
| dent. orthodonture | Kieferorthopädie {f} [Operation] | |
| med. surgery [surgical operation] | chirurgischer Eingriff {m} | |
| med. urostomy | künstliche Harnableitung {f} [Urostomie-Operation] | |
2 Words: Others |
| electr. free-run {adj} [operation] | ungetaktet | |
| law Unverified ipso jure {adv} [by (the operation of) the law itself] | ipso jure [durch das Recht selbst] | |
| med. organ-preserving {adj} [e.g. therapy, surgery] | organerhaltend [z. B. Therapie, Operation] | |
| med. organ-sparing {adj} [e.g. therapy, surgery] | organerhaltend [z. B. Therapie, Operation] | |
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