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English-German translation for: [origin]
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Dictionary English German: [origin]

Translation 1 - 35 of 35

English German
sourced {adj} [have origin stated]mit Quellen belegt
to date sth. [to mark e.g. a check with a date] [also: to determine the time of origin; e.g. to date a fossil]
etw. datieren [etw. mit einem Datum versehen] [auch: die Entstehungszeit von etwas bestimmen]
cloth. muumuu [loose dress of Hawaiian origin]
Muumuu {n}
extraction [origin, lineage]
Abstammung {f}
homeland [country of origin]
Herkunftsland {n}
gastr. kielbasa [smoked sausage of Polish origin] [Am.]
Krakauer {f} [Wurst]
roots {pl} [fig.] [origin]
Abstammung {f}
beaner [Am.] [coll.] [pej.] [person of Mexican origin]
[abwertende Bezeichnung von US-Amerikanern für Mexikaner; wörtlich: "Bohnenfresser"]
making [formation, origin]
Entstehung {f}
[pej. term of unclear origin and meaning]
Pissnelke {f} [vulg.] [Schimpfwort ohne besondere Bedeutung]
roots {pl} [origin or source]
Ursprung {m}
[an ethnic slur or hate word referring to a person of Middle Eastern, esp. Turkish, origin]Kümmeltürke {m} [pej.] [Hasswort]
[German citizen of non-German origin]Passdeutscher {m} [pej.]
[German citizen of Turkish origin]Deutschtürke {m}
[German citizens of Turkish origin]Bundestürken {pl} [ugs.]
hist. atabeg [also atabek] [hereditary title of nobility of Turkic origin]Atabeg {m}
hist. atabey [atabeg] [hereditary title of nobility of Turkic origin]Atabey {m}
VetMed. lameness {sg} [e.g. of unknown origin]Lahmheiten {pl} [z. B. unbekannten Ursprungs]
sociol. returnees [returning to their country of origin, esp. after expulsion, emigration etc.]Rücksiedler {pl}
2 Words: Others
non-noble {adj} [person, family, origin]nichtadelig
2 Words: Verbs
to be obscure [be unknown, e.g. origin, truth]im Dunkeln liegen [fig.] [z. B. Ursprung, Wahrheit]
2 Words: Nouns
law civil status [regional] [detailed personal information including origin, citizenship, marriage, and family]Zivilstand {m} [schweiz.] [Personenstand]
psych. habit tic [any tic that is psychogenic in origin][Angewohnheit, die psychisch bedingt bzw. verursacht ist; ein Tick]
geol. igneous rocks [of volcanic origin]Erstarrungsgesteine {pl}
hist. pol. Jewish Bolshevism [anti-Semitic belief that Bolshevism was of Jewish origin]jüdischer Bolschewismus {m} [antisemitischer Begriff, dem zufolge der Bolschewismus eine jüdische Erfindung ist]
market. nationality bias [country-of-origin effect]Heimatlandeffekt {m} [Nutzung des Heimatlandes, z. B. Swiss Made; Imagetransfer]
astron. nebular hypothesis [of the origin of the solar system]Nebulartheorie {f}
astron. nebular theory [of the origin of the solar system]Nebulartheorie {f}
math. original plane [rare] [plane through the origin]Ursprungsebene {f}
3 Words: Others
with Turkish roots [of Turkish origin]mit türkischen Wurzeln
3 Words: Nouns
agr. EU holding of birth [farm of origin]Geburtsbetrieb {m}
4 Words: Others
out of every place {adv} [origin]überallher
4 Words: Nouns
med. carcinoma of unknown primary <CUP> [short] [carcinoma of unknown primary origin]Karzinom {n} unbekannter Primärlokalisation
EU law country of origin principle <CoOP> [also: country-of-origin principle]Ursprungslandprinzip {n}
5+ Words: Others
Many are called, but few are chosen. [idiom of biblical origin]Viele sind berufen, aber (nur) wenige sind auserwählt. [Aus der Bibel übernommene Redewendung, vgl. Mt 22,14 ]
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