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English-German translation for: [owner]
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Dictionary English German: [owner]

Translation 1 - 37 of 37

English German
econ. law trademark {adj} [attr.] [e.g. infringement, protection, owner]
Marken- [z. B. Verletzung, Schutz, Inhaber]
pet {adj} [attr.] [e.g. allergy, insurance, owner]
Haustier- [z. B. Allergie, Versicherung, Besitzer]
brew brewery {adj} [attr.] [e.g. group, horse, museum, owner]
Brauerei- [z. B. Konzern, Gaul, Museum, Besitzer]
econ. firm {adj} [attr.] [company] [e.g. growth, owner, size, value]
Firmen- [z. B. Wachstum, Inhaber, Größe, Wert]
flat {adj} [attr.] [esp. Br.] [e.g. fire, hunt, owner]Wohnungs- [z. B. Brand, Suche, Eigentümer]
restored {adj} {past-p} [to former owner]restituiert
law to revest sth. [esp. to former owner]etw.Akk. zurückgeben [bes. dem früheren Besitzer]
master [male owner of a dog]
Herrchen {n} [Herr des Hundes, Hundebesitzer]
fin. sociol. capitalist [owner of capital]
Kapitalbesitzer {m}
publican [owner of a pub]
Beizer {m} [schweiz.] [Kneipenwirt]
agr. jobs stockman [livestock owner] [Am.]
Viehhalter {m}
agr. [cf. Almabtrieb; joint herds from multiple farmers are sorted in the Viehscheid, and each cow is returned to its owner]Viehscheid {m} [Allgäu, Deutschland]
[female owner of one or more heavy-industrial companies]Schwerindustrielle {f}
[owner of one or more heavy-industrial companies]Schwerindustrieller {m}
for. law [the rights and privileges of the owner of a forest]Waldrecht {n} [veraltet] [subjektives Recht]
agr. hist. jobs farmer [owner of a full farm, up to 100 morgens]Hufner {m} [Besitzer einer Hufe] [veraltet]
miller [owner of a windmill]Windmüller {m}
yachtsman [owner]Jachtbesitzer {m}
yachtsman [owner]Yachtbesitzer {m}
yachtswoman [owner]Yachtbesitzerin {f}
2 Words: Nouns
hort. allotment gardener [owner or tenant of an arbour] [Br.]Laubenpieper {m} [nordd., bes. Berlin]
RealEst. land owner [also: landowner, land-owner]Landeigentümer {m}
RealEst. land owner [female] [also: landowner, land-owner]Grundbesitzerin {f}
RealEst. land owner [female] [also: landowner, land-owner]Grundeigentümerin {f}
RealEst. land owner [female] [also: landowner, land-owner]Landbesitzerin {f}
RealEst. land owner [female] [also: landowner, land-owner]Landeigentümerin {f}
art law lit. orphan work [work whose copyright owner is difficult to trace or cannot be found]verwaistes Werk {n}
property owner [female] [real estate owner]Immobilienbesitzerin {f}
RealEst. property owner [real estate owner]Immobilienbesitzer {m}
3 Words: Nouns
ecol. abandoned hazardous site [hazardous site left by the owner or other responsible party in unmanaged condition] [ISO 11074:2015]Altlast {f} [ISO 11074:2015]
4 Words: Nouns
holder of a patent [effective owner]Patentinhaber {m} [Inhaber eines Patents]
holder of the patent [effective owner]Patentinhaber {m} [Inhaber des Patents]
owner of a castle [female] [owner of a palace]Schlossbesitzerin {f} [Besitzerin eines Schlosses]
owner of a castle [owner of a palace]Schlossbesitzer {m} [Besitzer eines Schlosses]
owner of the castle [female] [owner of the palace]Schlossbesitzerin {f} [Besitzerin des Schlosses]
owner of the castle [owner of the palace]Schlossbesitzer {m} [Besitzer des Schlosses]
5+ Words: Nouns
constr. (to be) provided by customer [owner, etc.]bauseitige Leistung {f}
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