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English-German translation for: [partner]
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Dictionary English German: [partner]

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comm. trading {adj} [attr.] [e.g. model, nation, partner, post]
Handels- [z. B. Modell, Nation, Partner, Posten]
conversational {adj} [e.g. partner, tone, topic, therapy]
Gesprächs- [z. B. Partner, Ton, Thema, Therapie]
games game {adj} [attr.] [e.g. console, culture, instructions, partner, result, theory]
Spiel- [z. B. Konsole, Kultur, Anleitung, Partner, Ergebnis, Theorie]
dance dancing {adj} [attr.] [e.g. classes, partner, shoes, bear]Tanz- [z. B. Unterricht, Partner, Schuhe, Bär]
retiring {adj} {pres-p} [partner]ausscheidend [Teilhaber]
unpartnered {adj}allein [nur präd.] [ohne Partner]
to pull sb. [coll.] [partner, spouse]
jdn. abkriegen [ugs.] [Partner, Ehepartner]
to hook sb. [coll.] [to find a love partner]sichDat. jdn. angeln [ugs.]
affiliate [business partner]
Geschäftspartner {m}
companion [partner in life]
Freund {m} [Lebensgefährte]
hist. theatre zany [partner of a clown]
Narr {m} [komische Figur]
cuckold [dated] [a man whose spouse or romantic partner is unfaithful]
Gehörnter {m} [fig.] [ugs.] [veraltend] [betrogener Ehemann od. Geliebter]
ex [coll.] [former wife, girlfriend, or other partner in a relationship]
Verflossene {f} [ugs.] [frühere Ehefrau, Freundin, Lebensgefährtin]
cheater [male person who cheats on his spouse or partner]
Fremdgänger {m} [ugs.]
ex [coll.] [former husband, boyfriend, or other partner in a relationship]
Verflossener {m} [ugs.] [früherer Ehemann, Freund, Lebensgefährte]
bedfellow [dated] [male sexual partner]
Beischläfer {m} [veraltend]
cheater [female person who cheats on her spouse or partner]
Fremdgängerin {f} [ugs.]
zool. [detection of the mating partner]Partnererkennung {f}
cheater [female person who cheats on her spouse or partner]Fremdgeherin {f} [ugs.]
cheater [male person who cheats on his spouse or partner]Fremdgeher {m} [ugs.]
partner [romantic/sexual relationship]Herzmensch {m} [nicht-binär statt Partnerin/Partner]
singleness [state of living without a spouse or partner]Single-Dasein {n}
singleness [state of living without a spouse or partner]Single-Existenz {f}
the one [coll.] [the right male partner to spend the rest of one's life with]der Richtige {m} [ugs.] [der richtige Mann / Partner fürs Leben]
2 Words: Others
plus one <+1> [on an invitaton]mit Begleitung [Partner oder Bekannte(r)]
plus one <+1> [on an invitaton]und Begleitung [Partner oder Bekannte(r)]
2 Words: Verbs
to pick up sb.jdn. abkriegen [ugs.] [einen Partner finden]
2 Words: Nouns
bummer (boy) [Br.] [sl.] [dated] [male homosexual, active partner in anal sex][altmodischer brit. Slang für einen Homosexuellen oder aktiven Partner bei Analsex]
econ. co-owner [joint partner, co-shareholder]Mitgesellschafter {m}
contracting partnervertragsschließender Partner {m} [seltener] [vertragschließender Partner]
bibl. relig. covenant partner [also: covenant-partner]Bundesgenosse {m}
Eskimo brother [coll.] [sb. who has the same female sexual partner as sb. else]Lochschwager {m} [vulg.] [hum.] [jd., der denselben weiblichen Geschlechtspartner hat wie ein anderer]
good catch [fig.] [coll.]gute Partie {f} [geeignet/begehrt als Partner/in]
ideal partner [dream partner]Traumpartner {m}
med. lark partner [partner who's a morning person]Lerchenpartner {m}
Mr. Right [Am.] [hum.] [destined husband]der Richtige {m} [ugs.] [der richtige Mann / Partner]
old man [coll.] [husband / partner]Alter {m} [ugs.] [Ehemann / Partner]
palate cleanser [fig.] [sl.] [rebound sex partner]Lückenbüßer {m}
partner organisation [Br.]Partnerorganisation {f} [auch: Partner-Organisation]
partner organizationPartnerorganisation {f} [auch: Partner-Organisation]
idiom plus one [partner or guest]Begleitung {f} [Partner oder Gast]
wiener cousin [coll.] [sb. who has the same female sexual partner as sb. else]Lochschwager {m} [vulg.] [hum.] [jd., der denselben weiblichen Geschlechtspartner hat wie ein anderer]
3 Words: Verbs
to hook up with sb. [coll.] [(of two people) meet, engage in casual sexual activity]jdn. aufreißen [salopp] [jdn. kennenlernen und als Partner / Partnerin zum Geschlechtsverkehr gewinnen]
3 Words: Nouns
law common-law husband [coll. for cohabiting partner]Lebensgefährte {m} [in einer eheähnlichen Gemeinschaft]
idiom honey-do list[Aufgabenliste für den Partner]
dance lead and follow [partner dancing]Führender {m} und Folgende [seltener: Führende und Folgender] [Paartanz]
my other half [coll., hum.] [partner]meine bessere Hälfte {f} [ugs., hum.: Partner]
4 Words: Verbs
to be on the pull [Br.] [coll.] [looking for a sexual partner]auf Aufriss aus sein
to give sb. the kiss-off [Am.] [coll.] [partner, boyfriend etc.]jdn. in die Wüste schicken [ugs.] [fig.] [abservieren]
to score with a girl [sl.] [succeed in finding a willing sexual partner]ein Mädchen ins Bett kriegen [ugs.]
5+ Words: Verbs
to go out to pick up sb. [Br.] [coll.] [a sexual partner]auf Aufrisstour gehen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
5+ Words: Nouns
idiom She-who-must-be-obeyed <SWMBO> [hum. for: wife or female partner]Oberste Heeresleitung {f} <OHL> [hum. für: die eigene Ehefrau oder Partnerin]
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