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| |
| pol. independent {adj} [not belonging to or supported by a political party] | 453 parteilos [Abgeordnete] | |
| dead {adj} [barren (planet, land, etc.); pej.: without vitality or spirit (city, party, etc.)] | 334 öde [ohne Leben (Planet, Gegend etc.); pej.: langweilig (Stadt, Party etc.)] | |
| pol. GOP {adj} [Am.] [abbr.: Grand Old Party] | 108 republikanisch [die Republikanische Partei der USA betreffend] | |
| rowdy {adj} [party etc.] | 34 ausufernd [Party etc.] | |
| beach {adj} [attr.] [e.g. dress, erosion, football, holidays, mat, party] | 26 Strand- [z. B. Kleid, Erosion, Fußball, Urlaub, Matte, Party] | |
| pol. Lab {adj} [short for: Labour Party] [attr.] [e.g. Lab MP] | 20 Labour- [z. B. Labour-Abgeordneter] | |
| pol. factional {adj} [within a party] | 18 parteiintern [Konflikt, Uneinigkeit, Streit] | |
| sedate {adj} [party] | 17 gesittet | |
| lifeless {adj} [party, performance] | 10 lahm [ugs.] | |
| opposite {adj} [attr.] [e.g. lane, party, side, direction] | 6 Gegen- [z. B. Fahrbahn, Seite, Richtung] | |
| assignable {adj} [to another party] | 5 übertragbar | |
| pol. Lab {noun} {adj} [short for: Labour Party] [esp. as noun modifier] | [kurz für: Labour-Partei] | |
| teetotal {adj} [party etc.] | ohne Alkohol | |
Verbs |
| to canvass [for a party, product, idea etc.] | 848 werben [Wahlwerbung, Kundenwerbung etc.] | |
| to defect [to another party, organization etc.] | 190 wechseln [zu anderer Partei, Organisation etc.] | |
| to circulate [at a party etc.] | 59 herumgehen [die Runde machen] | |
| to organise sth. [Br.] [a party or celebration, an event, etc.] | 8 etw.Akk. aufziehen [ugs.] [ein Fest, eine Veranstaltung etc. organisieren] | |
| pol. [to form a coalition between the CDU, FDP and Green Party] | schwampeln [ugs.] [eine Koalition aus CDU, FDP und den Grünen bilden] | |
| pol. [to vote for the German party CDU] | die Raute wählen [ugs.] [hum.] [CDU wählen] | |
| to orchestrate sth. [fig.] [class reunion, birthday party, etc.] | etw. (sorgfältig) organisieren [Klassentreffen, Geburtstagsfeier etc.] | |
| to perk [person, party etc.] | munter werden | |
| to tailgate [to have a tailgate party] | eine Parkplatz-Party feiern [Picknick auf der Heckklappe eines Autos] | |
Nouns |
| Hakenkreuz [a swastika, esp. that used as the emblem of the Nazi party and the Third Reich] | 552 Hakenkreuz {n} | |
| hist. pol. blackshirt [esp. a member of the Italian Fascist party] | 440 Faschist {m} [Schwarzhemd] [bes. Italien] | |
| party [social gathering] | 340 Feier {f} [Party, Fest] | |
| bash [coll.] [party] | 267 Fete {f} [ugs.] | |
| split [e.g. of a party] | 125 Spaltung {f} | |
| resignation [from party, firm, association etc.] | 113 Austritt {m} | |
| philos. philosophy [of a party, movement etc.] | 96 Gedankengut {n} | |
| posse [Am.] [search party] | 63 Suchtrupp {m} | |
| wingding [Am.] [coll.] [party etc.] | 33 Sause {f} [ugs.] | |
| preparty [coll.] | 29 Vorglühen {n} [ugs.] [der Vorgang, sich vor der Party mit Alkohol in Stimmung zu bringen] | |
| clambake [Am.] [beach party where seafood is cooked in the sand] | 27 [Muschelessen am Strand] | |
| pol. Green [female member of Green Party] [capitalization varies] | 18 Grüne {f} | |
| law pol. constitution [of a party] [Br.] | 16 Parteisatzung {f} | |
| pol. [faction of a parliamentary party in the German Bundestag] | 14 Bundestagsfraktion {f} [einer Partei im Bundestag] | |
| comp. colocation [provision of computing services in a third-party location] | 12 Colocation {f} [Server-Housing] | |
| beano [Br.] [coll.] [party] | 11 Sause {f} [ugs.] [Party] | |
| mus. rave [all-night dance party] | 11 Rave {m} {n} | |
| pol. [German Social Democratic Party youth organisation members] | 10 Jusos {pl} [Jungsozialistinnen und Jungsozialisten der SPD] | |
| partay [sl.] [party] | 9 Party {f} | |
| penetration [of party, group etc.] | 9 Infiltration {f} [Gruppe etc.] | |
| pol. branch [of a political party] | 7 Sektion {f} [österr.] | |
| pol. branch [of a political party] | 7 Unterbezirk {m} | |
| pol. Green [belonging to a Green Party] [capitalization varies] | 7 Grüner {m} | |
| pol. [list of party candidates for election at the level of a federal state] | 6 Landesliste {f} | |
| [resident party to whom communications can be directed] | 5 Zustellungsbevollmächtigter {m} | |
| party [private or small] | 5 Kränzchen {n} [veraltend] [Party] | |
| pol. ["The Dots Party"; nickname for the FDP, officially named "F.D.P." 1968-2001] | die Pünktchenpartei {f} [pej.] [Bezeichnung für die FDP, 1968-2001 offiziell "F.D.P."] | |
| pol. [a neo-Nazi party in Germany since 2012] | die Rechte {f} [auch: DIE RECHTE] | |
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