| English | German | |
| monetary {adj} [e.g. assets, crisis, economy, payment] | 442 Geld- [z. B. Vermögen, Krise, Wirtschaft, Zahlung] | |
| adequate {adj} [reward, payment, translation, etc.] | 103 adäquat [geh.] [angemessen] | |
| mandatory {adj} [e.g. celibacy, details, insurance, item, payment] | 92 Pflicht- [z. B. Zölibat, Angaben, Versicherung, Feld, Zahlung] | |
| late {adj} {adv} [payment] | nicht fristgemäß [Zahlung] | |
| rateable {adj} [Br.] [liable to payment of rates] | zu besteuernd [attr.] | |
Verbs |
| to retain sb. [to secure the service of (a barrister / attorney / an expert) with a preliminary payment] | 141 jdn. beauftragen [(einen Anwalt / Sachverständigen) unter Zahlung eines Vorschusses in Dienst nehmen] | |
| to make sth. [a payment] | 119 etw.Akk. leisten [Zahlung] | |
| fin. to dun sb. [to importune for payment] | 86 jdn. mahnen [bei Schulden, offenen Rechnungen usw.] | |
| comm. to charge sb. sth. [demand payment] | 41 jdm. etw.Akk. abziehen [bes. fachsprachlich] [den Preis berechnen und kassieren] | |
| fin. to dun sb. [make (persistent) demands for payment] | jdn. (ständig) anmahnen | |
Nouns |
| deposit [first payment] | 2007 Anzahlung {f} | |
| fee [payment, esp. for the use of sth.] | 1447 Entgelt {n} | |
| consideration [reward, payment] | 514 Gegenleistung {f} | |
| fin. fee [payment to professional people, e.g. doctors] | 448 Honorar {n} | |
| fin. cashback [discount offered in return for immediate payment] | 169 Skonto {n} {m} | |
| fin. clearing [payment] | 130 Bezahlung {f} | |
| blackmail [payment] | 68 Erpressungsgeld {n} | |
| demand [payment of invoice, return of borrowed property, etc.] | 19 Einforderung {f} | |
| deposit [payment] | 11 Depotzahlung {f} | |
| fin. grace [respite: for payment] | 9 Zahlungsfrist {f} | |
| [overtime compensated by time or payment] | Mehrarbeitsausgleich {m} | |
| pol. [payment to encourage reverse migration] | Rückkehrprämie {f} | |
| backhander [Br.] [coll.] [secret payment] | heimliche Zahlung {f} | |
| journ. linage [payment based on number of lines of text submitted] | Zeilengeld {n} | |
| journ. lineage [Am.] [payment based on number of lines of text submitted] | Zeilengeld {n} | |
| hist. scot [one's share of a payment or charge] | (eigener) Anteil {n} [an einer zu entrichtenden Summe] | |
| truck [payment in kind] | Naturallohn {m} | |
2 Words: Others |
| fin. in arrears {adj} {adv} [payment] | nachschüssig [im Nachhinein zahlbar] | |
| fin. in arrears {adv} [payment] | im Nachhinein [Zahlung] | |
| fin. on account {adj} {adv} [payment] | a conto <a c.> | |
| one-off {adj} [Br.] [coll.] [chance, payment, etc.] | einmalig [Chance, Zahlung etc.] | |
| pro bono {adj} {adv} [relating to professional work: without asking for payment] | pro bono [professionelle Arbeit betreffend: ohne ein Honorar zu verlangen] | |
| up front {adv} [as down payment] | im Voraus | |
| up front {adv} [coll.] [in advance] [of a payment] | vorweg [im Voraus] [Zahlung] | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to be made [payment] | erfolgen [Zahlung] | |
| comm. to charge sb. for sth. [demand payment] | jdm. etw. abziehen [den Preis berechnen und kassieren] | |
| to give change [for a payment in excess of the charge] | herausgeben [Wechselgeld] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| convenience fee {sg} [fee for choosing a certain payment method] | Zahlungsgebühren {pl} | |
| comm. courtesy reminder [of late payment] | Zahlungserinnerung {f} | |
| fin. due date [for payment] | Abrechnungstermin {m} | |
| comm. traffic fare association [of providers who accept a single payment to access services at any member] | Tarifverbund {m} | |
| fin. law reverse charge [note on invoices where the customer is liable for the payment of the VAT] | Steuerschuldnerschaft {f} des Leistungsempfängers [Angabe auf Rechnungen, wenn der Kunde die USt. schuldet] | |
| squeegee man [coll.] [sb. who cleans the windscreen of a vehicle stopped in traffic and expects payment from the driver] | Scheibenputzer {m} [ugs.] [jd., der die Frontscheibe eines im Verkehr haltenden Fahrzeugs putzt und vom Fahrer Bezahlung erwartet] | |
| stimulus check [Am.] [here: one-off payment to Americans as part of the coronavirus stimulus package] | Stimulus-Scheck {m} [hier: einmalige Hilfszahlung an US-Bürger] | |
| sports transfer fee [compensation payment] [in team sports] | Transferentschädigung {f} [Ablösesumme] | |
| RealEst. warm rent [net cold rent + advance payment of operating costs and heating costs] | Warmmiete {f} [Nettokaltmiete + Betriebskostenvorauszahlung + Heizkostenvorauszahlung] | |
3 Words: Others |
| not yet due {adj} [postpos.] [debts, bill, payment, etc.] | noch nicht fällig [Schulden, Rechnung, Zahlung etc.] | |
3 Words: Verbs |
| to cancel a cheque [Br.] [stop payment] | einen Scheck stornieren | |
| to pay sth. over to sth. [payment to tax office etc.] | etw.Akk. an etw.Akk. abführen | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| doing a runner [Br.] [coll.] [avoiding payment of a bill in a restaurant] | Zechprellerei {f} | |
| comm. one-off payment [one-time payment] | einmalige Auszahlung {f} | |
| VAT advance payment [sales tax advance payment] | Umsatzsteuervorauszahlung {f} [auch: Umsatzsteuer-Vorauszahlung] | |
4 Words: Others |
| in case of default {adv} [on default of payment] | bei Nichtzahlung | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| comm. sales tax advance payment [monthly or quarterly VAT advance payment] [Germany] | Sondervorauszahlung {f} für Umsatzsteuer [Deutschland] [Umsatzsteuervorauszahlung] | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| fin. payment based on provisional assessment [down payment] | Akonto {f} <a/c> <a c.> [Akontozahlung] | |
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