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|  |
 | compelling {adj} [film, performance] | 1890 fesselnd [Film, Vorstellung] |  |
 | epic {adj} [performance, match, struggle] | 1232 gewaltig |  |
 | poor {adj} [performance, attendance, demand, etc.] | 602 schwach [Leistung, Beteiligung, Nachfrage etc.] |  |
 | dismal {adj} [performance etc.] | 556 miserabel |  |
 | tech. powerful {adj} [high performance] | 400 leistungsstark |  |
 | camp {adj} [performance] | 320 manieriert |  |
 | energetic {adj} [performance] | 61 schwungvoll |  |
 | mus. concertante {adj} [opera, musical etc. performance without acting] | 28 konzertant |  |
 | erratic {adj} [performance] | 27 variabel |  |
 | uninspired {adj} [performance, rendition] | 19 brav [pej.] [langweilig] |  |
 | comp. computer {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cluster, family, installation, performance] | 15 Rechner- [Computer-] [z. B. Verbund, Familie, Installation, Leistung] |  |
 | theatre stage {adj} [attr.] [e.g. actor, debut, performance, production, properties] | 11 Theater- [z. B. Schauspieler, Debüt, Vorstellung, Inszenierung, Requisiten] |  |
 | lifeless {adj} [party, performance] | 10 lahm [ugs.] |  |
 | camp {adj} [performance, style, appearance] | (bewusst) übertrieben |  |
 | facile {adj} [style, performance] | mit leichter Hand |  |
Verbs |
 | to do sth. [performance, route, task, etc.] | 382 etw.Akk. absolvieren [erledigen] |  |
 | theatre to fluff [coll.] [entrance or line in a performance] | 351 vermasseln [ugs.] |  |
 | to slate [Br.] [coll.] [play, performance] | 93 verreißen |  |
 | to decline [performance, health] | sich verschlechtern |  |
 | mus. to encore [Br.] [call for repeated performance] [classical concert] | da capo rufen |  |
 | to underperform [compared to average performance] | unterdurchschnittlich abschneiden |  |
 | to upscale sth. [film, performance] [Am.] | etw.Akk. in großem Stil machen |  |
Nouns |
 | compliance [realization, performance, fulfilment] | 310 Erfüllung {f} [eines Vertrags, einer Aufgabe etc.] |  |
 | appraisal [of performance] | 254 Leistungsbeurteilung {f} |  |
 | busking [street performance] | 113 [Darbietungen von Straßenkünstlern im öffentlichen Raum; mit Hutgeld an Künstler] |  |
 | film mus. theatre premiere [first performance, showing ever] | 93 Uraufführung {f} <UA, U> |  |
 | mus. theatre presentation [performance] | 78 Darbietung {f} |  |
 | film theatre premiere [first performance of a production, film] | 63 Premiere {f} |  |
 | verve [of play, performance] | 53 Ausdruckskraft {f} |  |
 | educ. rubric [formal set of criteria for grading performance on a particular task] | 48 Bewertungsschema {n} |  |
 | stunt [performance] | 47 Einlage {f} [Showeinlage] |  |
 | mus. theatre venue [of a performance] | 42 Spielort {m} [Halle, Saal] |  |
 | theatre act [performance] | 33 Darbietung {f} |  |
 | mus. house [performance hall] [fig.] | 29 Haus {n} [Konzert-, Opernsaal] [fig.] |  |
 | film theatre premiere [first performance in a country or language] | 29 Erstaufführung {f} |  |
 | dance mus. theatre representation [performance] | 27 Darbietung {f} |  |
 | improvement [increase in quality or performance] | 26 Steigerung {f} [Verbesserung] |  |
 | theatre turn [performance] | 13 Nummer {f} [Auftritt] |  |
 | electr. addition [expansion, e.g. of capacity, performance] | 12 Zubau {m} [Kapazität, installierte Leistung] |  |
 | theatre cabaret [performance venue] | 11 Kleinkunstbühne {f} |  |
 | perf [short for performance] [coll.] | 9 Darbietung {f} |  |
 | art dance ethn. poi [refers to both a style of performance art and the equipment used for engaging in poi performance] | 6 Poi {f} |  |
 | theatre entr'acte [performance in interval] | 5 Entreakt {m} |  |
 | [price-performance ratio] | Preis-Leistungsverhältnis {n} [FALSCH für: Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis] |  |
 | mus. spec. alternatimpraxis [performance by different groups in sequence] | Alternatimpraxis {f} |  |
 | theatre entr'acte [performance in interval] | Entreacte {m} |  |
 | fieriness [speech, performance, etc.] | Feurigkeit {f} [Sprache, Aufführung etc.] |  |
 | theatre tragicomedian [actor whose performance contains tragic and comic elements] | Tragikomiker {m} [auch: Tragikkomiker] |  |
2 Words: Others |
 | beneath contempt {adj} [idiom] [performance, achievement etc.] | unter aller Kanone [ugs.] [Redewendung] |  |
 | booked up {adj} [performance] | ausverkauft |  |
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