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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: [persons]
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Dictionary English German: [persons]

Translation 1 - 50 of 116  >>

English German
incorporated {adj} [fig. for persons, ideas; not used for units, systems etc.]
expelled {adj} {past-p} [of persons: removed from a group, university, etc.]
ausgeschlossen [aus Schule, Verein etc.]
concerned {adj} [postpos.] [e.g. the persons concerned]
betreffend [z. B. die betreffenden Personen]
exalted {adj} [of persons, at a high or powerful level]
shrimpy {adj} [of persons]
mickrig [ugs.] [mager, kümmerlich]
built {adj} [said of persons, e.g. sturdily built]
gebaut [von Personen gesagt, z. B. kräftig gebaut]
[irrespective of a person or the persons involved] {adj}personenunabhängig
[late (deceased)] {adj} [attr.] [may in German be used colloquially hum. for things that do not exist any longer, besides the standard meaning for persons which is becoming old-fashioned]seligen Angedenkens [nachgestellt] [ugs. hum.] [einstig, früher] [nicht Personen betreffend]
bantam {adj} [said of persons]klein und kämpferisch
bantam {adj} [used for diminutive persons and animals with a spirited temperament]klein und aufbrausend
bantam {adj} [used for diminutive persons and animals with a spirited temperament]klein und temperamentvoll
to massacre sb./sth. [to murder or kill persons or animals, esp. with violence or cruelty]
jdn./etw. massakrieren [Personen oder Tiere in grausamer, brutaler Weise umbringen]
to diminish [physically, mentally] [esp. old persons]
abbauen [ugs.] [körperlich, geistig] [bes. alte Menschen]
to abound [persons]sehr zahlreich sein
to intermarry [between related persons]Verwandtenehen schließen
to spoon [of two persons; to lie close to each other, like spoons in a drawer; also: to have sex in that position]Löffelchen machen
figures [persons]
Personen {pl}
busybodies [meddling / officious persons]
Wichtigtuer {pl} [ugs.] [pej.]
tenant [female; also as a company, or several persons]
Mieterin {f}
youth [persons]
Jugendliche {pl}
deliberation [discussion and consideration by a group of persons]
Beratschlagung {f}
population [number of persons inhabiting a place]
Bevölkerungszahl {f}
circle [of persons]
Gesellschaft {f} [Kreis, Freundeskreis etc.]
riffraff {sg} [disreputable persons]
Penner {pl} [salopp pej.]
labour {sg} [Br.] [persons]
Arbeiter {pl} [Arbeitskräfte]
art hist. [perspective (in pre-renaissance painting) that sizes persons and objects according to importance]
Bedeutungsperspektive {f}
art carvers [persons]
Bildhauer {pl}
prodigies [persons of marvellous talents]
Wunder {pl} [an Genie, Talent] [Personen]
downtime [of persons]
Arbeitspause {f}
art carvers [persons] [female]
Bildhauerinnen {pl}
law minors [underage persons]
Unmündige {pl} [minderjährige Personen]
[persons or animals of the same sex]
Geschlechtsgenossen {pl}
geogr. hist. pol. [collection of persons with citizenship linked to a particular community in Switzerland]Bürgergemeinde {f} [schweiz.]
sociol. [German abbreviation for female, lesbian, intersex, non-binary, transgender, and agender persons]FLINTA* {pl} [Frauen, Lesben, intergeschlechtliche, nichtbinäre, transgender und agender Personen]
hist. [persons involved in the killings at the inter-German border]Mauermörder {pl} [ugs.]
[persons with eclectic reading habits]Querbeetleser {pl} [ugs.]
hist. [persons with partial Jewish ancestry considered Jews by the Nuremberg Laws]Geltungsjuden {pl} [inoffizieller Naziausdruck]
jobs [social worker specialized in helping disabled persons live rich and fulfilling lives]Heilerziehungspfleger {m}
jobs [social worker specialized in helping disabled persons live rich and fulfilling lives] [female]Heilerziehungspflegerin {f}
fin. pol. Unverified [Swiss proposal to tax married persons separately]Individualbesteuerung {f} [Schweiz]
[the coincidence of two objects or persons having the same name]Namensgleichheit {f}
furn. causeuse [archaic] [a small sofa for two persons]Causeuse {f} [veraltet] [kleines Sofa für zwei Personen]
cheeseheads [coll.] [also pej.] [also hum.] [referring to persons of Wisconsin, Holland]Käseköpfe {pl} [ugs.] [auch pej.] [auch hum.] [Leute aus Wisconsin, Holländer]
mil. detail [selection of a group of persons for a particular task]Trupp {m} [von ausgewählten Personen für eine besondere Aufgabe]
hundredths [persons, items]Hundertste {pl}
hysterics [female persons]Hysterikerinnen {pl}
hysterics [persons]Hysteriker {pl}
med. immunosuppressed [the immunosuppressed, e.g. immunosuppressed patients, persons, etc.]Immunsupprimierte {pl}
intermarriage [between related persons]Verwandtenehe {f}
games Kalah [board game of the mancala family for two persons]Kalaha {n} [auch: Steinchenspiel] [Brettspiel der Mancala-Familie für zwei Personen]
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