| English | German | |
| tech. ductless {adj} [without a duct / tube / pipe] | 7 rohrlos | |
| mus. spec. overblown {adj} [organ pipe, flute, any wind instrument] | 6 überblasend [Orgelpfeife, Flöte, andere Blasinstrumente] | |
| pipy {adj} [sounding like a pipe; shrill] | schrill [Stimme, Pfeifton etc.] | |
Verbs |
| tech. to insulate (sth.) [e.g. roof, wall, pipe] | 108 (etw.Akk.) dämmen [isolieren, z. B. Dach, Wand, Rohr] | |
| to tamp [pipe] | 58 stopfen | |
| tech. to sweat [pipe solder joint] | 22 löten | |
| tech. to splay [pipe, hole] | 20 weiten [Rohr, Bohrung] | |
| tech. to flare [pipe end] | 11 aufdornen [Rohrende] | |
| to inhale [cigarette, cigar, or pipe smoke] | auf Lunge rauchen | |
Nouns |
| automot. exhaust [exhaust pipe] | 2006 Auspuff {m} | |
| sewer [pipe] | 69 Abflussrohr {n} [unterirdisch] | |
| mouthpiece [e.g. on a wind instrument, a bridle, or a tobacco pipe] | 46 Mundstück {n} | |
| orifice [tube, pipe] | 43 Ausguss {m} [Öffnung] | |
| main [principle pipe; principle cable] | 39 Hauptleitung {f} [für Strom, Wasser, Gas, etc.] | |
| drain [pipe] | 31 Abflussrohr {n} | |
| bit [end of pipe mouthpiece held between teeth] | 18 Biss {m} | |
| mus. reed [in an instrument or organ pipe] | 17 Zunge {f} [in einem Musikinstrument oder einer Orgelpfeife] | |
| tech. branch [e.g. pipe] | 13 Abzweig {m} [z. B. Rohr] | |
| hookah [water pipe] | 12 Schischa {f} [Wasserpfeife] | |
| gastr. [traditional German sweet pastry similar to a gingerbread man, often with a clay pipe, baked for St. Nicholas' Day or St. Martin's Day; literally "bread roll man"] | 10 Weckmann {m} [bes. südd.] | |
| mus. languid [part of an organ pipe] | 9 Kern {m} [Teil einer Orgelpfeife] | |
| stem [tobacco pipe] | 7 Holm {m} [Tabakpfeife] | |
| mus. [obsolete organ pipe] | Bauerflöte {f} | |
| mus. [obsolete organ pipe] | Bauernflöte {f} | |
| mus. [obsolete organ pipe] | Bauernpfeife {f} | |
| mus. [obsolete organ pipe] | Bauerpfeife {f} | |
| gastr. [traditional German sweet pastry similar to a gingerbread man, often with a clay pipe, baked for St. Nicholas' Day or St. Martin's Day; literally "bread roll man"] | Stutenkerl {m} [Weckmann, Hefemann, Klausenmann, Grättimaa, Grittibänz, Dambedei, Weckbobbe, Krampus] | |
| airlock [in pipe] | Luftsack {m} | |
| mus. biphone [organ pipe register] | Biphon {n} [Orgelregister] | |
| calumet [ceremonial pipe] | Kalumet {n} [Friedenspfeife] | |
| mus. chiff [organ pipe] | klare Ansprache {f} [Orgelpfeife, bes. Prinzipal] | |
| churchwarden [Br.] [sl.] [long-stemmed clay pipe] | langstielige Tonpfeife {f} | |
| material ebauchon [block of briar from which a tobacco pipe is carved] | Ebauchon {n} [Block des Bruyère-Holzes, zum Tabakpfeifenbau verwendet] | |
| mus. mouth [of an organ pipe] | Aufschnitt {m} [einer Orgelpfeife] [auch: Mundloch] | |
| tech. offtake [pipe] | Abzugsrohr {n} [für Luft, Rauch etc.] | |
| archaeo. postpipe [also: post-pipe] | Pfostenstandspur {f} | |
| constr. rone [Scot.] [short for: rone pipe] | Fallrohr {n} [Regenwasserfallrohr] | |
| mus. shallot [part of an organ pipe] | Kehle {f} [Teil einer Orgelpfeife] | |
| automot. tech. wye [Y-pipe] | Hosenrohr {n} | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| to clog up [pipe, drain etc.] | verstopfen | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| (short) pipe [tobacco pipe] | Mutz {f} [auch: Mutze] [regional] [Tabakspfeife] | |
| angled flame [on a pipe lighter] | Schrägflamme {f} [auf einem Pfeifenfeuerzeug] | |
| mus. attack point [organ pipe] | Ansprache {f} [Orgelpfeife] | |
| tools baboon spanner [S.Afr.] [pipe wrench / Stillson wrench] | Rohrzange {f} | |
| tools bobbejaan spanner [S.Afr.] [pipe wrench / Stillson wrench] | Rohrzange {f} | |
| tools bobbiejohn spanner [colonial Zimbabwe] [dated] [pipe wrench] | Rohrzange {f} | |
| mus. border pipe [lowland pipe] | Border Pipe {f} [Dudelsack mit konischem Chanter] | |
| cork knocker [for knocking out a tobacco pipe] | Korkkissen {n} [zum Ausklopfen einer Tabakpfeife] | |
| cutty (pipe) [Scot.] [N. Eng.] [short tobacco pipe] | Stummelpfeife {f} | |
| sports half-pipe [also: half pipe] | Halfpipe {f} | |
| mus. key chamber [channel inside the wind chest of an organ which delivers wind to a pipe or pipes] | Tonkanzelle {f} [Orgel] | |
| mus. lower lip [organ flue pipe] | Underlabium {n} [Labiumpfeife der Orgel] | |
| Unverified nose warmer [short-stemmed tobacco pipe] [also: nosewarmer] | Stummelpfeife {f} | |
| constr. PE pipe [polyethylene pipe] | PE-Rohr {n} [Polyethylen-Rohr] | |
| sports quarter-pipe [also: quarter pipe] | Quarterpipe {f} | |
| Unverified reverse calabash [smoking pipe] | Reverse Calabash {f} [Rauchpfeife] | |
| ringpipe system [spv.] [ring-pipe system, ring pipe system] | Ringleitungssystem {n} | |
| tools Stillson wrench [pipe wrench] | Schwedenzange {f} [Rohrzange] | |
| mus. stopped pipe [organ pipe] | gedackte Pfeife {f} [Orgelpfeife] | |
| tobacco chamber [pipe] | Bohrung {f} [Rauchkammer einer Tabakpfeife] | |
| tech. Unverified trench conduit [a pipe set in a relatively narrow trench] | Grabenleitung {f} | |
| tech. U-bend [in pipe] | U-Bogen {m} | |
| tech. U-bend [pipe] | U-Rohr {n} | |
| mus. upper lip [organ flue pipe] | Oberlabium {n} [Labiumpfeife der Orgel] | |
| tech. vertical outlet [drain pipe] | senkrechter Abgang {m} [Wasserablaufrohr] | |
| hydro. water carrier [water pipe] | Wasserleitung {f} | |
3 Words: Others |
| constr. cut-to-length {adj} [pipe, bar stock, wood, etc.] | abgelängt [Rohr, Vollmaterial, Holz, usw.] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| naut. boatswain's mate pipe [also: boatswain's mate's pipe or bosun's pipe] | Bootsmannspfeife {f} [auch: Bootsmannpfeife] | |
| naut. boatswain's mate pipe [also: boatswain's mate's pipe or bosun's pipe] | Maatenpfeife {f} | |
4 Words: Verbs |
| to puff (away) at / on sth. [cigarette, pipe, etc.] | etw.Akk. paffen [ugs.] [rauchen] | |
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