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English-German translation for: [pitch]
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Dictionary English German: [pitch]

Translation 1 - 28 of 28

English German
grass {adj} [attr.] [e.g. field, pitch, paving, shears]
Rasen- [z. B. Fläche, Platz, Pflaster, Schere]
tech. payed {adj} {past-p} [sealed with pitch or tar to prevent leakage]verpicht [mit Pech ausgestrichen, verschlossen]
piceous {adj} [resembling pitch]pechähnlich
piceous {adj} [resembling pitch]pechartig
equest. to pitch [cause to pitch, e. g. horse]
abwerfen [Pferd]
audio mus. to depress sth. [lower in pitch]
etw.Akk. vertiefen [z. B. eine Musiknote]
constr. to caulk sth. [with pitch]
etw. verpichen [veraltet] [kalfatern, mit Pech abdichten]
naut. tech. to pay sth. [seal sth. with pitch or tar to prevent leakage]etw.Akk. verpechen [seltener für: verpichen]
naut. tech. to pay sth. [seal sth. with pitch or tar to prevent leakage]etw.Akk. verpichen [mit Pech ausstreichen, verschließen]
ling. mus. cadence [sequence of notes or chords; fall in pitch of the voice (at the end of a sentence phrase)]
Kadenz {f} [Harmonielehre: Akkordfolge, Schlussphrase; Linguistik: das Abfallen der Stimme (am Ende eines Satzes oder Satzglieds)]
inclination [pitch or angle]
Schräge {f} [Schräglage, Neigung]
constr. resin [viscoelastic, solid polymer] [pitch]
Pech {n} [österr.] [südd.] [teerartige, sehr zähe Substanz aus Baumharz]
sports mudbath [game on a very muddy pitch]
Schlammschlacht {f}
travel TrVocab. site [short for: campsite] [Am.] [camping pitch]
Stellplatz {m} [auf dem Campingplatz]
hist. link [torch of pitch and tow for lighting the way in dark streets]
Pechfackel {f}
constr. tech. pitch [e.g. the pitch of a screw]
Stichmaß {n} [Abstandsmaß]
mus. [in lute tuning, to lower the pitch of the lowest note by a tone]Abzug {m} [Laute]
mus. bending [altering ("bending") a note's pitch on a guitar by pulling a string]Ziehen {n} [Saitenziehen] [Änderung der Tonhöhe beim Gitarrespielen]
mus. bending [slightly changing a note's pitch on a guitar]Saitenziehen {n}
archi. boxroom [Br.] [esp. under the roof pitch]Schlupf {m} [ugs.] [südd.] [kleiner Stau- oder Schlafraum, bes. unter der Dachschräge]
sports slider [baseball pitch]Slider {m}
2 Words
audio absolute hearing [absolute pitch]absolutes Gehör {n}
mus. chorus tone [anglicism: choir pitch]Chorton {m}
low voice [low in pitch]tiefe Stimme {f}
sports missile-throwing [Br.] [projecting objects of any kind from the stands to the pitch by spectators]Werfen {n} von Gegenständen [auf das Fußballfeld]
for. hist. jobs pitch burner [also: pitch-burner]Pechbrenner {m}
mus. right pitch [correct pitch]richtige Tonhöhe {f}
3 Words
tech. tools feed per tooth <fz> [also: pitch] [milling cutter]Zahnvorschub {m} <fz> [Fräswerkzeug]
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