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English-German translation for: [plate]
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Dictionary English German: [plate]

Translation 1 - 65 of 65

English German
completely {adv} [e.g. clean one's plate completely]
ratzeputz [ugs.] [restlos, z. B. seinen Teller ratzeputz leeressen]
pewter {adj} [attr.] [e.g. plate, tankard]
Zinn- [z. B. Teller, Krug]
covering {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cap, fixture, hood, material, plate, sheet]Abdeck- [z. B. Kappe, Vorrichtung, Haube, Material, Platte, Plane]
hot {adj} [e.g. cathode, plate, rollers]Heiz- [z. B. Kathode, Platte, Wickler]
paper {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cup, plate]Papp- [z. B. Becher, Teller]
to break sth. [smash] [e.g. a plate]
etw.Akk. zerschlagen [zerbrechen] [z. B. einen Teller]
tech. to seam [e.g. of a metal plate]
print to block sth. [e.g. printing plate]etw. aufklotzen [aufblocken; z. B. Druckplatte]
to finish sth. [food, plate, etc.]etw.Akk. ausessen
geol. to underthrust sth. [earth's plate]sichAkk. unter etw.Akk. schieben [Erdplatte etc.]
gastr. dish [large plate]
Platte {f} [großer Teller]
plate [e.g. number plate, name plate]
Schild {n}
gastr. trencher [plate]
Holzteller {m}
gastr. [dish served on a plate]
Tellergericht {n}
brass [plate]
Messingplatte {f}
china [Br.] [S.Afr.] [coll.] [from cockney rhyming slang: china plate "mate"]
Kumpel {m} [ugs.]
anat. physis [Lamina epiphysialis] [growth plate]
Wachstumsfuge {f}
dent. material tech. cast [e.g. blank, concrete, filling, iron, metal, part, plate]
Guss- [gegossen] [z. B. Rohling, Beton, Füllung, Eisen, Metall, Teil, Platte]
gastr. [an empty plate and cutlery at eateries offered to kids whose parents or other accompanying people share their food with]Räuberteller {m} [ugs.]
gastr. [assorted cold cuts, e.g. ham, cheese, salami served on a wooden plate]Brotzeitbrettl {n} [bayer.] [Brotzeit als Imbiss]
gastr. [bit of food left on a serving plate out of good manners]Anstandshappen {m}
[cutting board used mainly for breakfast as a plate substitute in Germany]Frühstücksbrettchen {n}
gastr. [German ice cream made to look like a plate of spaghetti]Spaghettieis {n}
gastr. [ham, cheese, salami, etc. served on a wooden plate]Brettljause {f} [österr.]
gastr. [smoked meat and pork sausage variety plate with sauerkraut]Bauernschmaus {m} [österr.] [eine Art Schlachtplatte]
MedTech. deleting [imaging plate system]Löschvorgang {m} [Speicherfoliensystem]
MedTech. exposure [imaging plate system]Belichtungsvorgang {m} [Speicherfoliensystem]
constr. fireback [a metal plate covering the back wall of a fireplace]Kaminplatte {f} [gusseiserne Platte vor der Rückwand eines offenen Kamins]
chem. transp. HazChem [hazardous chemical code system; warning plate system used in Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand and the UK for vehicles transporting hazardous substances, and on storage facilities]HazChem-Code {m} [gefährliche Chemikalien]
hotplate [plate warmer]Wärmeplatte {f}
hotplate [plate warmer]Warmhalteplatte {f}
spec. rail [horizontal wood plate]Querfries {n} [horizontal verlaufender Furnierabschnitt]
MedTech. reading [imaging plate system]Lesevorgang {m} [Speicherfoliensystem]
astron. tools rete [rotating plate of an astrolabe]Rete {f} [drehbare Scheibe eines Astrolabiums]
2 Words: Verbs
to have emptied sth. [e.g. plate, bottle]etw.Akk. aushaben [ugs.] [regional] [leer gegessen / getrunken haben, z. B. Teller, Flasche]
gastr. to serve sth. to sb. [put on the plate]jdm. etw.Akk. vorlegen [geh.]
2 Words: Nouns
geol. Amurian Plate [also: Amur Plate]Amurplatte {f}
tech. butt welds [in plate]Stumpfnähte {pl} [Blech]
automot. car tag [license plate]Nummernschild {n}
automot. dealer plate [Am.] [short for: dealer license plate]Händlerkennzeichen {n}
door sign [door plate]Türschild {n}
doubler plate [reinforcing plate]Verstärkungsblech {n}
gastr. eating surface [plate]Essfläche {f} [Teller]
tech. end plate [also: end-plate]Abschlussleiste {f}
tech. end plate [also: end-plate]Kopfplatte {f}
phys. etalon plate [reference plate]Etalonplatte {f} [Referenzplatte]
tech. fillet welds [in plate]Kehlnähte {pl} [Blech]
tech. guide plate [also: guiding plate]Führungsblech {n}
gastr. hot plate [plate warmer]Wärmeplatte {f}
art passe-partout [a piece or plate usually of cardboard or wood that has its central portion cut out to show the picture]Passepartout {n} {m} [Bildumrahmung, z. B. für Zeichnungen, Fotos]
geol. plate margin [tectonic plate]Plattenrand {m}
constr. safety shield [anti-drilling door safety plate]Schutzbeschlag {m} [einbruchhemmend]
MedTech. star pattern [EUR 17538] [circular plate with lead/air line pairs]Sterntest {m} [EUR 17538] [Scheibe mit Blei-/Luft-Linienpaaren]
tech. teflon plate [also: Teflon plate]Teflonplatte {f}
material tech. tinplate production [also: tin plate production]Weißblechproduktion {f} [auch: Weißblech-Produktion]
biotech. med. well plate [short for: microwell plate]Mikrotiterplatte {f}
3 Words: Verbs
to clean one's plate [eat everything on the plate]abessen [leer essen]
3 Words: Nouns
geol. conservative (plate) boundary [transform plate boundary]konservative Plattengrenze {f}
phys. half-wave plate [also: half wave plate]λ/2-Plättchen {n}
phys. quarter-wave plate [also: quarter wave plate]λ/4-Plättchen {n}
gastr. raw food platter [plate with various grated vegetables and pickles]Rohkostteller {m}
4 Words: Verbs
to sit on the table [of cup, glass, plate, etc.]auf dem Tisch stehen
5+ Words: Nouns
material tech. (aluminum / aluminium) sheet metal quintet [checker plate, chequer plate]Quintettblech {n} [Riffelblech]
FoodInd. med. replicate organism detection and counting plate [RODAC / Rodac™ plate]Rodac-Platte {f} [Rodac / RODAC™]
MedTech. with gold-plated mammo detail test objects [test plate]Mammo-Detail {n} mit Goldplättchen [Testeinsatz]
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