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English-German translation for: [playing]
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Dictionary English German: [playing]

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dallying {adj} {pres-p} [playing amorously, flirting]
dallying {adj} {pres-p} [playing amorously, flirting]scherzend [schäkernd]
RadioTV to play [e.g. radio, TV is playing]
laufen [z. B. Radio, Fernseher läuft]
games to resurrect sb. [online role playing game]
jdn. rezzen [ugs.] [auch: ressen] [wiederbeleben in einem Online-Rollenspiel]
sports pitch [Br.] [playing field]
Spielfeld {n}
card [greeting, playing, credit card]
Karte {f} [Postkarte, Spielkarte, Kreditkarte]
sports half [playing period]
Halbzeit {f} [Hälfte der Spielzeit]
sports field [playing field]
Spielfeld {n}
games pip [dice, playing card, domino tile]
Auge {n} [Würfel, Spielkarte, Dominostein]
games club [only as the symbol on playing cards]
Treff {n} [Spielkarte mit Kreuz als Farbe; französisches Blatt] [Kreuz]
sodcasting [coll.] [playing music loudly through a phone in public]
[lautes Musikhören über Handylautsprecher]
games cast [role-playing games]
Zauber {m} [Rollenspiele]
comp. games transmuter [e.g. role playing game]
Verwandler {m} [z. B. Rollenspiele]
four [number or symbol; also: playing card, at dice]
Vier {f} [Zahl oder Ziffer; auch: Spielkarte mit vier Zeichen, beim Würfeln]
games [group of three or four men / women playing cards regularly]Kartelrunde {f} [ugs.]
mus. [the art of playing the cithara]Kitharodik {f}
games bells {pl} [card suit in old Germanic playing cards]Schell {n} [meist ohne Artikel] [kurz für: Schellen] [Farbe im dt. Blatt]
eight [figure or symbol; also: playing card with eight pips]Acht {f} [Zahl oder Ziffer; auch: Spielkarte mit acht Zeichen]
face [of playing card]Bildseite {f}
sports half [one of the two playing periods]Spielhälfte {f} [eine der beiden Spielzeithälften]
games Unverified handplay [game of skat: playing without using the skat]Hand {f} [beim Skat: aus der Hand spielen] [bei Spielansage ohne Artikel]
games heart [playing card]Cœur {n} [Herz im französischen Blatt (Spielkarte)]
sports indiaca [hand shuttlecock used playing peteca]Indiaca® {f} [Handfederball]
games jacks [in playing cards]Buben {pl} [in Spielkarten]
sports Mespots [Br.] [short for: Mesopotamia] [an Eton playing field][ein berühmtes Spielfeld am Eton College]
mus. pianism [art of piano playing]Klavierkunst {f}
mus. Unverified pianism [art of piano playing]Klavierspiel {n} [Kunst des Klavierspielens]
mus. pianism [technique of piano playing]Klavierspieltechnik {f}
games sharper [professional gambler, esp. in playing cards]Berufsspieler {m} [Kartenspiele]
winnings [money won from gambling, playing sport etc.]erspieltes Geld {n}
mus. woodwind [section of an orchestra playing a woodwind instrument]Holz {n} [Gesamtheit der Holzbläser in einem Orchester]
2 Words: Nouns
sports Agar's Plough [Br.] [an Eton playing field][ein berühmtes Spielfeld am Eton College]
games bum-card [obs.] [also fig.] [marked playing card used for cheating]gezinkte Karte {f} [ugs.] [auch fig.] [zum Mogeln]
games character class [in role-playing games]Charakterklasse {f} [bei Rollenspielen]
mus. chicken picking [guitar playing technique]Chicken Picking {n}
mus. clarino playing [baroque trumpet: playing in the highest clarino register]Clarinblasen {n}
games German pack [playing cards]deutsches Blatt {n}
games health point <HP> [in computer games or role-playing games]Lebenspunkt {m} [in Computerspielen oder Rollenspielen]
games health point <HP> [in computer games or role-playing games]Trefferpunkt {m} [in Computerspielen oder Rollenspielen]
games hit point <HP> [in computer games or role-playing games]Lebenspunkt {m} [in Computerspielen oder Rollenspielen]
games hit point <HP> [in computer games or role-playing games]Trefferpunkt {m} [in Computerspielen oder Rollenspielen]
educ. mus. instrument tuition [esp. Br.] [also: instrumental tuition] [instruction in playing a musical instrument]Instrumentalunterricht {m}
mus. lute-playing [also: lute playing]Lautenspiel {n}
riffle shuffle [playing cards]Bogenmischen {n} [Spielkarten]
games saving throw [in role-playing games]Rettungswurf {m} [bei Rollenspielen]
sports sporting potential [ability for playing sports]sportliches Potenzial {n}
film RadioTV theatre supporting actor [playing slightly or strongly exaggerated figures]Charge {f} [Schauspieler, der Chargenrollen spielt] [auch: Chargenspieler]
time control [e.g. when playing chess]Zeitkontrolle {f} [z. B. beim Schach]
sports Upper Club [Br.] [an Eton playing field][ein berühmtes Spielfeld am Eton College]
games vault dweller [Fallout role-playing game]Bunkerbewohner {m}
sports wing play [playing wide]Flügelspiel {n} [Spiel über außen (Flügel)]
3 Words: Others
idiom I call shenanigans! [coll.] [You are not playing by the rules!]Du schummelst!
3 Words: Nouns
mus. combination tone / note [3rd resultant tone from playing 2 notes]Kombinationston {m}
mus. extended play record <EP>EP {f} [kurz für: Extended Playing Record, Extended Play Record]
hand-eye coordination [in playing ball games]Ballgefühl {n}
cloth. sports second-choice kit [Br.] [playing attire]Reserveausrüstung {f} [Spielkleidung]
games system reference document <SRD> [in role-playing games]Systemreferenzdokument {n} [bei Rollenspielen]
games system reference document <SRD> [in role-playing games]System-Referenz-Dokument {n} [bei Rollenspielen]
5+ Words: Others
mus. from a sheet of music {adv} [not playing or singing by heart]ab Blatt [schweiz.] [singen oder spielen]
He was having a laugh. [coll.] [playing a trick]Er hat sich einen abgelacht. [ugs.]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. theatre F Light-o'-Love [also: Playing with Love] [older translations]Liebelei [Arthur Schniztler]
games F The Dark Eye [role-playing game]Das Schwarze Auge <DSA> [Rollenspiel]
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